Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1425: Vassal clothes

Genius remembers this site address in one second:

"What are you doing in a daze? Shot together and kill him!"

Amid the roar, an unhealed sword elder bravely took the lead, while controlling ninety-nine eighty-one flying swords, slashing away at the huge white tiger like a mountain.

This is the flying sword borrowed from the disciples under the sect to temporarily form a flying sword killing array, which can explode with the destructive power of Earth Immortal's blow.

Qiang Qiang!

Each flying sword is like a guided missile, dragging a long tail light, whizzing out, the speed is so fast, it penetrates the Baizhang Void in a negligible time, and slashes in front of the white tiger.

"It must be successful!" Gu Hanyu stood aside, praying in secret, sweating in the palm of his hand holding a big sword.

Everyone's eyes widened, and they looked nervously.

As a result, he saw an unbelievable scene. The white tiger didn’t move. He just opened his blood basin and inhaled fiercely. Then he swallowed all eighty-one flying swords and bit them. Finely chopped.

"Damn, what monster is this?"

"No matter what monster it is, kill it!"

"Okay, let's shoot together and kill!"


At this time, everyone finally reacted and launched a fierce attack on Bai Hu.

At this moment, all the top masters in the southern region of the Hidden Gate came to the field, and they all brought the secret treasures of each sect to attack together, and the destructive power would be amazing.

The first shot was an elder of the Yinshuang Sword Sect, holding a big silver sword, accompanied by a thunderous sound, chopped out a thick sword light hundreds of meters long, like a hanging sky. Empty and sharp.

This is the Zhenzong famous sword of the Yinshuang Sword Sect.

The next shot was an old ancestor of the Blazing Fire Sect. He shot a fiery ball of fire, as big as three houses, and rumbling across the sky like a round of the sun. It was several feet above the ground, and the ground was anxious. The rocks melted, and a lava trench appeared.

An elder from Ziwei Valley sat down on a horse, screamed, and blasted out a palm. The majestic palm Jin turned into a huge divine palm, with purple thunder surging in the palm of the palm, dragging the comet-like light tail, and hitting the white tiger directly.

The help masters of other sects also shot one after another, each showing their magical powers, hitting their own peak blows, and working together to kill the white tiger.

Although they still don't know that the white tiger is Ye Tian's Law Bodies, this thing is not good and has been regarded as a common enemy by them.

Moreover, it is not difficult for them to guess that this white tiger must have a close relationship with Ye Tian.

The Sky Profound Sword Sect’s shot was the most fierce. The elite disciples under his sect formed a 100-person crossbow arrow team, firing special effects crossbow arrows, just like the ballista on the flying boat. There are also 800 elite disciples forming a flying sword team.


For a time, thousands of attackers swarmed out, continuously attacking the white tiger.


The huge explosion sounded like thunder, and the world trembled.

Such a brutal intensive attack is absolutely comparable to the effect of a nuclear explosion.

A huge mushroom cloud rose up, drowning the huge white tiger like a hill.

There was chaos in the void, like a big porridge boiled in the same pot.

The void was shattered, and a series of dark cracks spread out, full of all kinds of destructive energy.

This situation seems to have returned to the legendary state of chaos before the beginning of the world.

After the attack ended, everyone caught their breath, clenched their fists, and looked at the center of the battlefield, waiting for the chaotic energy frenzy to subside.

"do you died?"

"Should be dead?"


Everyone is playing drums in their hearts, but they are not sure.

After a few breaths, the energy frenzy gradually dissipated, and the shattered space quickly recovered.

When the energy that obscured the field of vision dissipated, and the center of the battlefield was unobstructed, everyone in the field took a deep breath, eyes full of incredible expressions.

The huge white tiger is still standing proudly in the center of the battlefield, shrouded in a layer of splendid brilliance. Its pupils are as bright as stars, and its fur is as bright as the whole body. Turned out unscathed.

"It's impossible!" Someone retreated in fright.

"What the **** is it?"

"Where have people gone?"


A group of people was dumbfounded and filled with despair.

"He's the boy! This is the face of Fa."

Old Jian gritted his teeth angrily, grabbed a big sword from the elder next to him, and slashed directly at the white tiger.

With this blow, he burned his essence and blood, and wanted to catch up with his entire life.

Ye Tian destroyed the Sword Raising Pond, destroyed the Ten Thousand Sword Formation, and almost destroyed the foundation of the Sky Profound Sword Sect. The blood and blood had a deep vengeance, and the young man could only apologize with death.

"Kill! Come again, I don't believe you can't kill him!"

A group of people are also preparing to launch another attack.

At this moment, Bai Hu first took a deep breath, then opened his blood basin and let out a loud roar.


At the moment when the white tiger's **** mouth opened, sound waves, accompanied by sonorous sound effects, and sparks of sparks, like a heavy sword wave, whizzed out and spread out in the void.

Holding a big sword and slashing forward, Jian Lao, who was about to rush to the front, first turned his clothes into dust in this thunderous roar, and then the whole figure was hit by a cannonball and flew out.

Puff puff!

In the process of flying backwards, his body was soaring blood, as if he was being overwhelmed. Pieces of flesh and blood flew Sound waves are like swords, this is the real sound waves like swords!

With a bang, when Jian Lao fell to the ground, only a white skeleton was left, densely covered with sword marks, not even a trace of flesh and blood.

There are also a few strong men who were unfortunately swept by the sound wave and played various magic weapons, but they couldn't support it for a moment. They burst like a cannon, and eventually all vomited blood and flew upside down. , Appalling.

At this moment, the audience was dead silent!


The white tiger stepped out and made a big hole in the ground, shaking the mountain.

"Kneel down and surrender, or die!" Bai Hu said, making a human voice.

At the same time, the white tiger's body size also shrank sharply, and in the blink of an eye he transformed into a human, a handsome teenager.

"Let us kneel and surrender?" An elder of the Sky Profound Sword Sect gritted his teeth angrily.

"Why, are you not convinced?" Ye Tian asked coldly.

"Don't deceive people too much."

"What's wrong with me just deceiving people too much? When you attacked Qingshan Gate, did you ever think about deceiving people too much?"

"Hmph, don't think that it would be great to dominate the southern region of me. My five hidden domains have always been in the same spirit. Just wait for the other domains to take revenge."

"Are there other domains? If you dare to provoke me, I will step on my feet."


Ye Tianyi pointed and shattered the head of this elder Tianxuan. (Education 123 Literature Network https://) "Rebirth of the Peerless Abandoned Young Master" only represents the views of the author Bi Laoye. If you find that its content violates national laws and conflicts, please contact us for deletion, https:// The position is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. [Actively cooperate with the \"Special Action to Combat Internet Obscene and Pornographic Information\", please report it actively!] Thank you everyone!

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