Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1428: Go to the Western Regions

Ye Tian stayed at Qingshanmen for one night, and left early the next morning, heading to the Medicine God Sect in the Western Regions.

Yao Shenzong is the largest sect in the Western Regions of Yinmen and one of the top ten sects in Kunxu, with nearly ten earth immortals.

In addition, Yao Shenzong is also the largest alchemy sect in Kunxu. Sovereign Qiu Xuanhe is the only alchemy sage in Kunxu, claiming to be able to refine the holy pill.

As a result, the entire Kunxu spiritual medicinal materials, especially the best spiritual medicinal materials, have more than half of them gathered in the God of Medicine Sect.

In addition to refining the pill by itself, Shenzong Yao also helps other sects to refine the pill for a certain fee. Its business covers the entire Kunxu, and many famous sects are its loyal customers.

If you can't find the elixir that Ye Tian needs in God of Medicine Sect, basically don't even think about finding it elsewhere in Kunxu.

This was the news that Ye Tian inquired from Qingshan Gate, so he was ready to try his luck.

The sky was blue, as if washed by water, crystal clear like a huge sapphire.

White clouds are long and long, big clouds moving with the wind, clean and flawless, just above the head, as if within reach.

The breeze came slowly, the fragrance of the earth, the fragrance of the grass and trees, bursts of scent, the world is full of vitality.

Here is a world completely different from the secular world, full of primitive and wild aura, towering ancient trees, towering mountains, but it also has the beauty of the heavens and the earth, the spiritual aura, poetic and picturesque, like a pure world. It can even be said that this is a small world outside the world, because it is much larger than Penglai Fairy Island and comparable to the size of a continent in the secular world.

From Qingshanmen to Medicine God Sect, there is a distance of thousands of kilometers, which is as far away as crossing the eastern big country.

Ye Tian was not in a hurry. He mounted a dragon-scale horse gifted by the Qingshan Gate and rode the horse all the way, just to get familiar with the environment of Kunxu.

The dragon scale horse is a **** horse, a lap bigger than a sweaty BMW in the secular world. It has dragon horns on its head and carries dragon scales on its back. The mane on the neck is like silk, smooth and shiny. It is about one foot long and has four legs. The four iron pillars are sturdy and powerful. They can travel thousands of miles a day. Their hoofs are bigger than the mouth of the sea bowl. Every time they fall, the sky trembles and the earth trembles and rumbling.

It's not so much a horse, it's a savage beast, majestic, majestic, and terrifying.

A sweaty BMW is a rare thing in the secular world. A horse is worth tens of millions of gold. The dragon scale horse is also the same in Kunxu. With the size of the Qingshan gate, it is only a dozen dragon scale horses.

The spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe, I can see the Changan flowers in one day.

Ye Tian mounted a dragon-scale horse, walking and watching all the way. This is a small world full of vigor and vitality, and everything is pleasing to the eye.

One day later, Ye Tian rode to the end of a road, and a big river blocked him in front.

The sunset is soft, the sunset is like water, and the wide river surface is red in the afterglow, giving people a sense of boundlessness.

This is the Chishui River, the most famous river in Kunxu. There is no afterglow and the river water is also red.

The Chishui River originates from the Southern Region, runs through the Central Region, and ends in the West Sea in the Western Region. The river is wide, with turbulent water, and stretches for thousands of kilometers.

This Chishui River is not the Bi Chishui River in the secular world. There is a record of Chishui in the description of Kunxu in the "Shan Hai Jing·Great Wild West Jing":

"South of the West Sea, on the shore of the quicksand, after Chishui, before Heishui, there are big mountains, called Kunlun Hill."

In just over 20 words, I wrote about three rivers, Chishui River, Heishui River, Liusha River, a sea, the West Sea, and a big mountain, Kunlun Mountain.

This is the account of the ancients, which is surprisingly consistent with the small world of Kunxu.

There are even many sacred beasts recorded in the "Shanhaijing" in the small world of Kunxu, and the dragon scale horse is one of them.

There was a ferry at the end of the road, where many people gathered.

If you want to cross the river to the middle area on the other side, you can take a boat from here.

Although Kunxu is a world of comprehension, ordinary people still account for the majority after all, and not everyone can walk with swords or walk in the air.

However, even ordinary people are much stronger than ordinary people in the secular world. Girls are more agile and boys are taller. Because one side of the water and soil nurtures one person, the aura here is countless times higher than that of the secular world.

Ye Tian did not take the ferry across the river, but released the dragon scale horse and boarded a passenger ship.

The final destination of this passenger ship is the Western Medicine Shenzong.

Moreover, Ye Tian inquired that when the passenger ship passed through the Middle Region, a certain section of the river could see the floating island of the Sun Moon Sword Palace.

Ye Tianben had the heart to visit the "remains" of the Sun Moon Sword Palace, and just did his wish.

The passenger ship is a high-rise ship with nine floors and a length of tens of feet. The bow is carved into the shape of a dragon's head and the stern is carved into a dragon's tail. The hull of the hull is also carefully carved with layers of lifelike dragon scales, painted in big red, wandering on the wide and red river, at first glance it looks like a crimson real dragon, walking out of the water.

The interior decoration of the boat is also extremely luxurious. The soft carpet floor, even the bathroom hot spring, can enjoy a variety of food, and even gamble, and the personal service of Miki gives people an excellent riding experience.

Obviously, this is the sightseeing cruise of the secular world!

For those who can afford to ride on this ship, UU Reading is nothing but wealth.

Ye Tian spent a thousand pieces of high-grade spirit stones and asked for a top-quality guest room, spacious and bright, with river views.

Ye Tian didn't come to enjoy life, and indulged himself. After refusing a Meiji's service, he shut himself in the room, set up a small barrier, and began to practice.

Bang bang bang!

Pieces of spiritual stones were crushed by Ye Tian and turned into surging spiritual energy.

While breathing, there was already a sea of ​​spiritual energy in the small enchantment, too thick to dissolve, almost condensed into spiritual drops.

"It's worthy of being a top-grade spiritual stone, with ample aura and higher spiritual power."

Ye Tian was bathed in the ocean of spiritual energy, and as the torrent of spiritual energy poured into his body, the breath of the whole body slowly became vigorous.

One spiritual stone, two spiritual stones, three spiritual stones,...

In just one night, he refined three thousand high-grade spirit stones.

This speed is simply amazing.

For the average god-level monk, one high-grade spirit stone is enough to refine one hour, and it can only refine twelve high-grade spirit stones one day and one night.

In his body, a wave of divine energy is surging, constantly impacting an invisible barrier, and can't wait to open up a secret human body.

"If it weren't for the divine soul's injury, I can break through the earth immortal now." Ye Tian said in a daze.

However, haste is not enough.

"It's also a good thing that the soul is hurt. Taking advantage of this period of time, I can make my foundation more solid."

The silk and bamboo are melodious, the piano is ding-dong, clear and smart, and there is a peaceful atmosphere on the boat upstairs, with endless laughter and joy.

This is the public space floor on the ship, where Miki plays musical instruments, and passengers listen carefully.

"Look, there is the Floating Mountain of Sun Moon Sword Palace, so magnificent."

Suddenly someone pointed out the window and said loudly.

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