Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1431: 1 foot into mud

Xiao Wenlong was furious, and the energy in his body burst out like a mountain whistling a tsunami, causing his physical body to swell up, and his whole body was full of long hair standing upright, looking like a statue. Devil.

The big halberd in his hand soared into the sky, gleaming coldly, filled with peerless murderous intent.

Boom boom boom!

Like a dragon, he soared up, full of blue light, and shot Ye Tian away, with afterimages behind him, and thunder-like sound bursts were heard.


The halberd smashed down, breaking through the mountains and rivers, and the oppression made the void distorted, and ocean-like waves surging out.

This is a **** from the gods, one shot is a full blow, really powerful and powerful, piercing the sky.

All the people in the audience changed their colors.

"Daoist, be careful!" A monk from the Southern Territory reminded loudly.

"That kid is dead, unless he is also a god." Someone shook his head and sighed.

"Divine Realm is impossible, at most it is a Peak Transformation Realm.


The people in the field talked.

Many of them were monks, and their eyes were so harsh, one could tell at a glance that Xiao Wenlong's attack was terrifying, and he rushed away for his life without leaving his hands at all.

Unless the opponent is also a divine realm, and must hold a sharp weapon of the divine weapon, otherwise it can't be stunned at all, it will definitely die.

In the hidden young **** realm, there are only a few people, all of whom have names and surnames, everyone is familiar with, and there is no such person as Ye Tian.

The hearts of all the Southerners in the field raised their throats and pinched a cold sweat for him.

After all, he is fighting for himself, and he is also fighting for the Southern Territory!


Ye Tian didn't say a word, only stretched out his jade-white palm, and slapped it down in the air.


Hearing a loud noise, the whole ship shook violently, and then a strange scene happened, and Xiao Wenlong disappeared.

On the hardwood floor strengthened by the rune array, only a large hole remained, vaguely showing the shape of a person.

This is the ninth-floor observation deck. Xiao Wenlong was shot into the ground by Ye Tian forcibly, breaking through eight consecutive partitions and falling to the first floor.

Fortunately, Ye Tian took a bit of effort, otherwise he would have to crash the bottom of the ship.

You know, the hardness of each layer of partitions is not inferior to the same thickness of steel plate.

The power of Ye Tian's palm is incredibly powerful.

At that moment, there was a dead silence in the audience. Everyone looked at Ye Tian and the big human-shaped holes on the floor as if they were watching aliens.

That was a god, and he was slapped to the ground by a slap. He lifted the weight lightly, and seemed effortless, so his cultivation...?

"It's because I'm so awkward, this is also a **** from heaven!" A monk said in shock, with a stormy sea rising in his heart.

"Could it be that Luo Feng, who disappeared from the Qingshan Gate in my southern region, is back?"

"I have met Luo Feng, he is older than him, and he is not the same person at all."

"No matter what, he took a sigh of anger for our Southern Territory! We must get acquainted later."


The people in Southern Territory were all excited.


At this moment, a terrifying breath suddenly spread from below the ship, like a volcanic eruption. Suddenly a figure rushed out in the big hole of the man.

"I'm going to kill you!" Xiao Wenlong was like a demon, angered to the extreme, following the big hole, from the first floor to the ninth floor.

However, his figure hadn't been realized yet, suddenly a big foot fell from the sky.

Xiao Wenlong only let out a scream, unable to avoid it, and was stepped on by Ye Tian.

Ye Tian didn't use the divine foot technique, it was just an ordinary foot that was stepped on by the power of the flesh, powerfully shaking the might of the mountains and rivers, but it was not something Xiao Wenlong could contend.

Everyone in the audience was moved again, and every one of them was shocked.

Stepping on the younger brother of Jiuli Shenjiao Shenzi, if the rumors go out, no one can believe it.

This is an enemy of the Son of God, and it can even be said that he is also an enemy of the Jiuli Sect. Because Xiao Wenlong himself is also a disciple of Jiuli Sect.

"Mad, I don't care who you are, you are dead! Quickly let me go, or I will even bloodbath the gate where you are. I, Xiao Wenlong, did what I said." Xiao Wenlong was almost roaring, biting his lips. It's blood.

At the same time, he was struggling violently, his robe bulged up, and blood rushed out.

This blood qi is his gang qi, refined into steel, each of which is as thick as the mouth of a bowl, can break mountains and rocks, and is comparable to pieces of metal swordsman.

However, a foot stepped on him, like an immortal mountain falling down, no matter how hard he struggled, it was useless.

The floor under him, the runes flickered, and a human-shaped pit was pressed out, and it felt like he was going to be penetrated.

Click, click!

Ye Tian crushed hard, and suddenly there was a burst of bone cracking, and Xiao Wenlong screamed in pain.

The more he cursed, the more ruthless Ye Tianxia's feet, UU reading www. seems to be crushing a bug, and doesn't care about his identity.

"Enough, let him go!" The blue-clothed woman suddenly screamed, her face pale, and said: "Do you know who he is? Do you know how much trouble you have caused for yourself, your relatives, and your sect? "

As he spoke, he waved something in his hand, a gauze that fell on Xiao Wenlong's body like moonlight.

Suddenly, this piece of tulle spread over Xiao Wenlong's body, like a liquid, and automatically put on him, forming a moon-like protective mask.

A thin layer of mask, but as hard as steel, immediately separated the big feet of Xiao Wenlong and Ye Tian.

"Shuiyue Sect's Yueyue Shayi." Someone exclaimed, recognizing this magic weapon.

"Disciples of the Shuiyue School, no wonder they are so beautiful."

The Shuiyue Sect is a rare female sect in Kunxu. All of the sects are female disciples, and they are all carefully selected. They are not good looking, and they are not talented.

"With you, want to save him?" Ye Tian glanced at the woman in blue slantingly.

At the moment when Xiao Wenlong was about to escape with the protection of Yueyue Shayi, a khaki thunder suddenly exploded on the soles of his feet, blasting Yueyue Shayi into dust all of a sudden.

The **** thunder of Wutu condenses the gravity of the earth, and the sound of thunder sounds like the top of Mount Tai.

Xiao Wenlong's body couldn't bear it at all, and he was trampled on and exploded with a bang.

Countless red blood and broken bones overflowed from Ye Tian's feet. When Ye Tian lifted his foot, a young Tianjiao had turned into a pool of blood, and even his soul was trampled to pieces.

Suddenly, the audience was silent.

Everyone was stunned, their eyes filled with disbelief.

Even the woman in blue was stunned, speechless for a while.

Xiao Wenlong died unexpectedly and was trampled to death by a strange boy. This is a big deal.

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