Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1434: Battle in battle

This is a misty world, with dense fog covering the sky, the wind roaring, there are many traps and vortexes that are invisible to the naked eye, from time to time a sound of clank and swords slashes past, bringing a terrible wave mark, exuding people trembling的气机.

This is the old place of the Sun Moon Sword Palace, a place covered by thick fog and a magic circle. There are many dangers. When idlers enter it, even if they are close to the outside area, there will be a catastrophe.

It's like a super big bowl upside down on the ground. The diameter of the mouth of the bowl is more than 100 kilometers. As for the thickness of the bowl, no one knows, but it is certainly not small, ranging from a few hundred meters to several kilometers. .

Passing through this layer of "bowl wall", you will also pass the dense fog covering the magic circle, and you will reach the real core old site of the Sun Moon Sword Palace, where the floating mountain exists.

Ye Tian followed the old man Jiujue and chased here. The thick fog covered the array, and the whole body was foggy. He couldn't see his fingers. There was a barren land under his feet. The river was dry, the big cracks lined up, and the trees were dead, but there was a richness. The aura rushes to your face, refreshing and refreshing, like a spring breeze.

It's not that the land here is not fertile and does not grow vegetation, but that the killing array pattern is engraved on the ground to isolate all vitality.

Here, even Ye Tian's spiritual thoughts were suppressed, and he could only release more than ten feet outside. In the outside world, his spiritual thoughts can be released for hundreds of miles.

He also couldn't show all his Taoism, his vigorous true essence was suppressed in his dantian, and the circulation speed of blood and true energy seemed to slow down.

Forbidden heaven and law, this is the big formation under Jin Dan cloth!

Fortunately, the physical power of his golden body is still alive. This is the most original power, which truly belongs to himself and will not be suppressed.

The rumors are not false, it must be the means of the hidden door, because only the hidden door has the golden core, and it is possible to set up this forbidden heaven and earth.

Ye Tian was not shocked and rejoiced, and confirmed the existence of the hidden gate, then he could be promoted to the Golden Core on Earth.

The resources of the Outer Hidden Gate should be able to boost him to the pinnacle of Earth Immortal.

And the resources of the hidden gate may be able to boost him to the peak of the golden core.

If he doesn't have high requirements for Jin Dan's grade, it is not impossible to prove Dao Yuan Ying on earth.

Of course, it is impossible for Ye Tian to have no requirements for himself, the gold core is 9th rank, and Ye Tian's requirements for himself are at least a holy rank.

Because in the real cultivating star field, the galaxy world, the golden core is only equivalent to building the foundation, which is the beginning of the true immortal road. The higher the level of the golden core, the more stable the foundation, and the road to the future will be possible. The farther.

"It is said that the boundary passage leading to the inner hidden gate is in the old core of the Sun Moon Sword Palace. To find the boundary passage, I must first pass through this mist to kill the formation!"

"Huh, is that?"

Suddenly, a life fluctuation ten feet away was felt by Ye Tian.

Jiujue old man can only be him.


Then Lan Meng's cry for help came, full of panic.


Ye Tian picked up a stone and threw it forward.

However, as soon as the stone flew more than ten meters away, suddenly on an unremarkable piece of ground, a series of killing array patterns appeared, dozens of killing awns burst out, and the stone was suddenly smashed.

In a blink of an eye, the life fluctuations of Jiujue old man disappeared.

"Are you seducing me?" Ye Tian sneered in his heart, but he didn't dare to take it lightly.

The old man Jiujue was faster than him, and he wanted to be familiar with this killing array, and he cracked part of it.

Even, it is possible that the old man Jiujue has already punched a passage leading directly to the old core of the Sun Moon Sword Palace.

If this is the case, it is no wonder that Kunxu can't catch him together.

The most dangerous place is often the safest place!

Ye Tian moved forward step by step, taking every step carefully, capturing the nearby scenery with a keen sense of spirit, perceiving the danger around him, and trying to crack the killing array under his feet.

At this moment, he seemed to be walking in a field of thunder. If he is not careful, he may be killed.

He could still contend with the Earth Immortal Killing Array, the Golden Core Killing Array is really nine dead for a lifetime, even if he is the Golden Eucharist.

The earthshaking big seal was sacrificed, hovering above his head, and the Chaos Qi dropped to protect his body.

At the same time, his golden body was also urged, and his spirits and spirits climbed to the apex.

The Sun Moon Divine Sword was also in his hands, guarding against all dangers around him.

In this situation, Ye Tian is no longer for the golden gourd in the hands of Jiujue old man, nor does he want the hero to save the beauty. He just wants to pass this killing formation and enter the old core of the Sun Moon Sword Palace.

If he was given enough time, he would naturally be able to crack the killing array, but it would take at least a few weeks, as long as a few months, or even longer.

If you follow the "footprints" of the old man Jiujue, the time will be greatly shortened, because the old man Jiujue has already cracked part of the killing array.


Suddenly, the void in front of Ye Tian was distorted, and a silver war spear tore through the world, bursting out a brilliant silver light, thousands of strands. Every strand is a killing light, true and true, with the power to penetrate the gold and crack the stone.

"Little beast, I don't think you dare to come! Your body is very good, most of it is the legendary indestructible gold body, which can help me refine a big medicine." The figure of the old man of Jiujue appeared like a ghost, Jie Jie smiled.

Ye Tian shook his fist, and UU Reading's golden fist was as golden as the gods, and was full of immortal aura when he reached the sun. Wherever he passed, a golden pike appeared in the void.

"Knowing that my body is strong, dare to provoke me?" Ye Tian said coldly.


The fist hit the sky and the earth broke, the ghosts were crying, and the silver war spear shot in all directions. It suddenly twisted and almost flew out of the old man Jiujue.

The terrifying fluctuations shook the fields, and large cracks spread out on the ground. Many killing array patterns were irritated and stirred up a chaos. There was Gengjin murderous intent, the sky thunder burst, and the wind whistling,...

The old man Jiujue was familiar with this killing array, and he became ashamed all of a sudden. He was hit by several killers, and even if he had a magic weapon on his body, he was immediately bloody.

Although Ye Tian was not well, but he was not as embarrassed as the old man Jiujue, because the great seal of the sky had a strong guarding power, and his body was far stronger than the old man Jiujue.

A sneak attack failed, Jiujue old man ran away and disappeared quickly.

However, the old man Jiujue repeated his old tricks and tried to attack Ye Tian several times. Every time, it was broken by Ye Tian, ​​stealing chicken won't cause damage, and adding new injuries to his body.

Although Ye Tian was not familiar with this killing formation, the strength of his physical body made up for this weakness, waiting for work, calmly and calmly. However, the old man Jiujue was suppressed in his own way, and his advantages could not be exerted at all.

Just like this, Ye Tian went deeper and deeper into the misty array.

The last sneak attack was discovered by Ye Tian ahead of time. The old man Jiujue was almost slashed by the Sun Moon Divine Sword. There was a striking scar on his chest, even his bones were exposed.

After that, Jiujue did not appear again.

However, after several fights, Ye Tian had already left a mark on him, and he could vaguely perceive the faint breath, and slowly moved closer.

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