Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1437: 狻猊宝血

The old man Jiu Jue was furious, but there was no way he could do it.

Although the young man's realm is not comparable to him, his physique is special, the King Kong is not bad, and his vigor, like the boundless sea, is far above him.

This is incredible. Jiujue old man has encountered countless arrogances in his life, and there has never been one that can match Ye Tian, ​​whether it is the tyrannical body, the majesty of the true essence, or the excellence of the martial arts, etc. every aspect.

He also never believed that the gods and gods could retrograde to kill the immortals, especially the old immortals like him, but today he seems to have encountered one.

"I am an earth immortal, how could I be defeated by a little beast of yours? Come again, kill and kill!" The old man Jiu Jue yelled, crushed his teeth, and his pupils spewed a torch-like cold light.

There are still many magic weapons in his golden gourd, long-range attacks and close attacks take turns, relying on familiarity with the killing array to control the battle initiative.

However, what made him vomit blood was the long-range attack on Ye Tianyou Sun and Moon Divine Sword, which was once the No. 1 Divine Weapon on the Kunxu Weapon Spectrum. He really achieved one sword that could block a million soldiers, no matter what weapon he took out. Can be suppressed.

Moreover, Ye Tian has an invincible bodyguard artifact, the Heaven-shaking Seal, which can almost block all the aftermath of the attack.

Close attack, he is not an opponent, let him use various martial arts, fist, palm, leg, etc., 18 martial arts, Ye Tian can break it with a single punch, simple and effective.

The young man's boxing skills are superb, like a golden sledgehammer, fierce without casting, sweeping everything.


After fighting again, I don't know how many times, Ye Tian's fist pierced through the chest of Jiujue old man, red blood, minced meat and bone stubble splashed around, and the whole person flew out more than ten meters away.

Boom boom boom!

What's even more unfortunate is that a killing array was activated, stirring up a chaos, cutting with wind blades, howling sword aura, blazing fires, and exploding sky thunder...

In short, there has become a deadly Jedi, crueler than Jiuyou Hell, swallowing the old man Jiujue alive, slashing and bombarding him.

"Ahhhhhh..." Old man Jiujue screamed bitterly, howled in pain, and made a sound like a pig.

Lan Meng looked terrified, his spine breathed, and his teeth rattled.

This is an immortal, who has overwhelmed many religious sects in Kunxu, and many of the major leaders are not his opponents. Now he has been beaten to death by a young man. Although young people take advantage of a powerful physical body, they are also worthy of awe.

Ye Tian took a step and came to her side, looking away from the distance, eyes like stars, wisps of golden light beating, and his expression was neither sad nor happy.

The old man Jiujue activated the killing formation, and many mysterious formation patterns emerged. Ye Tian was deducing and breaking the formation. It is more than two hundred meters away from the outermost periphery of the big formation. I don't know how long it will take to go through the big formation.

This godlike youth made her awe, shocked and terrified.

From the young man, she saw the shadow of the **** child Jiuli, who were rare in thousands of years, and were destined to dominate an era and glorify an era.

If she could be Ye Tian's companion, she would not refuse, but being a handmaid would make her 10,000 unhappy.

However, under the eaves of people, I had to bow my head.

"Be sure to leave here first, and then figure it out slowly."

Thinking about this, Lan Meng immediately bowed and bowed to Ye Tian and said in a crisp voice:

"The slave and maid worshipped the master and wished the master good luck and longevity."

Ye Tian glanced at her, sneered softly, without saying anything, and then continued to look into the depths of the array.

"Ah, ah, little beast, I want you to die. And you, a little bitch, don't want to be my Taoist companion, but you are willing to be a maidservant for a little beast, and see if I don't skin you."

The grieving roar of old man Jiujue came, and he was not dead yet.

I saw that amidst the chaos of wind, fire, thunder, and lightning energy, the light curtains were opened, and pieces of protection magic weapons were being activated.

In the end, a total of eighteen protective light curtains were opened, and the old Jiujue rushed back wrapped in a cloud of blood. His clothes were shattered and his image was sloppy, as if he had been overtaken. The wounds on his body were shocking, especially in the chest cavity. , There is a permeable blood hole.

The old man Jiujue's eyes were blood red and he was really angry.

He took out the small jade bottle, and there was a group of scarlet blood in it, crystal clear like a blood diamond, glowing in the sky, transpiring, and it looked extraordinary.

This is a very rare spirit beast in Kunxu. The blood of the heart and the fragments of internal laws have extraordinary medicinal effects.

Sui, resembling a lion, likes to smoke and sits well. According to legend, it is one of the nine sons of the dragon, the descendant of dragon blood, and the mount of the Buddha.

This group of precious blood is comparable to a great pill, with strong medicinal effects, and it is impossible to refining it in the usual less than ten and a half months.

But at this moment, the old man Jiujue couldn't take care of so much and drank it all in one go.


Suddenly, strong blood qi sprayed out from the acupuncture points and pores all over his body. Above the head, a column of **** air was sprayed out as thick as a bucket.

At this moment, old man Jiujue seemed to have a volcano in his body, about to erupt suddenly.

Boom boom boom!

The aura of the old man Jiujue rises steadily, and the whole body is shrouded in a blazing blood, like a **** descending to the world, and the pressure of terror is more like tide, radiating in all directions.

His hands were moving in the void, and a dash of amulet and diploma appeared in the air, and a faint figure appeared faintly, with a huge body, the physique of a giant elephant, with golden animal hairs, and partly covered with scales. There is a long row of sharp bone spurs on the back, like a sharp spear, rising into the sky, shining, and full of blood.

Surprisingly, the old man Jiujue shook the fragments of the law of the blood, the power of the avenue, and the breath back pressure for a while.

I saw that a blood-colored light curtain suddenly stretched from the old man Jiujue, with a radius of ten feet, like a realm.

"Little beast, now let you see how terrifying the real power of the earth fairy is!"

The old man Jiu Jue spoke with a sound like thunder in the sky.

The blood-colored light curtain of the **** evolution of Suanbao is like a field, temporarily isolating the restriction of the big formation. For a short time, he can use the power of the true essence and various magical powers.


The breath in his body soared, like a volcano, containing the divine power that destroys the sky and the earth.

"Go to death for me!"

With the power of the earth immortal, the old man Jiu Jue slapped a big slap. However, this palm was not in the shape of a human, but a big claw, with a blue-gold color and a cold glow. The long claws were sharp and unmatched, and they ripped the void away at once, revealing five long black marks.

In the palm of his hand, vitality was boiling like a sea, engulfing the world.

If you look closely, you will find that this big claw is very similar to the big claws of Sui.

What's more terrifying is that there is a faint phantom that appeared on Elder Jiujue's body, as if it was really the palm of the hand.

It is because there is a golden core on the earth that is forbidden, or it sinks more than a foot deep under the pressure of a huge palm.

This palm covered both Ye Tian and Lan Meng.

Lan Meng was trembling all over, even breathing became difficult, and suddenly fell to the ground.


Ye Tian was not afraid at all, and blasted out with a punch, bringing up a golden training.

In the instant the invincible fist strikes, Ye Tian's physical body is extremely sublimated, and he also stretched out a trace of vision, manifesting the Chaos God Realm, and a white tiger appeared on his body.

How powerful is the vision of the Golden Eucharist, it instantly suppressed the half-hearted realm of the old man Jiujue, although only for a short while.


In the next second, the huge azure golden claw burst out of thin air under Ye Tian's golden fist.

There was a rain of blood in the air, countless flesh and blood flying across, and the real body of the old man Jiujue was also affected.

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