Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1439: Through the killing array

"This guy."

Lan Meng also saw the mess, and laughed in his heart, and he followed Ye Tian closely.

However, she also had to admire Ye Tian, ​​who even caused the old man Jiu Jue to travel dozens of feet away in the killing formation, without touching the murderous intent.

"Who is this guy? Could it be that the killing formation here has been cracked in such a short time?" Lan Meng thought in his heart, shocked inexplicably.

The Golden Core Killing Array in the old place of the Sun Moon Sword Palace has existed for thousands of years, and has never heard of anyone cracking it. This central area has always been regarded as the forbidden area of ​​Kunxu, no one dares to set foot in, and no one can set foot in it.

It can also be seen how difficult it is to crack from the fact that Jiujue has not been able to open a channel for 50 years.

"Made, I'm not going, you kill me!"

When he realized that he was being treated as a guinea pig, the old man Jiujue broke out in a cold sweat, and was out of anger.

I think he is a generation of earth immortals, and he is still a frightening old earth immortal in the arena, and he was dragged to be a guinea pig and went to the golden core to kill the battle. Is there anything more insulting than this?

No one believes it.

The old man Jiujue felt that his personality was greatly insulted.

"Either go or die!" Ye Tian threatened, his voice indifferent and cold, without any room for maneuver.

The Sun Moon Divine Sword in his hand shook slightly, and a sharp sword light dashed across the void, splitting the void, and slashed away at the old man Jiujue.

"Damn it! Boy, don't deceive people too much." The old man Jiu Jue gritted his teeth, his anger was extreme, but he had nothing to do and he had to step back.

With a loud sound, a large pit was cut out under his feet, sparks splashing everywhere.

"What's wrong with me just deceiving people too much? When you bullied others, did you ever think about deceiving people too much? When robbing people's girls in broad daylight, did you think about deceiving people too much?"

Lan Meng was ashamed and annoyed, and never thought that as a saint of Shuiyuemen, one day she would be abducted. She said she was a priest, but she was no different from Mrs. Yazhai.

If the rumors go out, it will definitely become a laughing stock, and even the sect will be laughed at.

In this way, even if she goes back alive, she may be deprived of her status as a saint.

Because all the saints of Shuiyuemen of the ages are all ice-clean and jade-like bodies, and their body and reputation cannot be defiled.

"Junior, I will give you all the treasures on my body, how about letting me make a living?" The old man Jiu Jue gritted his teeth, still thinking about bargaining.

"Even your life is in my hands. What qualifications do you have to bargain with me? Now your only way to survive is to cooperate with me through this killing formation. If you behave well, I might not be able to spare your life. "

"I have cracked this killing array for fifty years and haven't broken it. How could you have cracked it? Do you know what killing array is? This is an immortal killing array! You are the topmost array master, every node It also takes a lot of time to deduce and speculate in order to find the vitality of the escape. If you give me another 30 years, you may not be able to crack this killing array. As for you, such a short time, no Maybe, foolish dreams."

"You idiot, how can you compare with me? Quick, three steps forward, four steps right..."

In such a short period of time, Ye Tian really couldn't completely crack the killing array, but he knew countless killing arrays in his previous life, and he had experienced similar killing arrays, so the deduction was naturally countless times faster than the old man Jiujue.

The old man Jiujue was forced to be helpless, and had to follow Ye Tian's words to walk in the killing formation, fearful, taking every step carefully, more terrifying than dancing on the tip of a knife.

In order to let him die longer, Ye Tian lent him the Heaven-shaking Seal and dropped the Chaos Qi body.


Suddenly, there was a thunder on the ground, and the old man Jiujue foamed at his mouth, and his whole body was charred. One staggered and fell to the ground, seeming to faint, motionless.

It doesn't work if you have the body of the earthshaking seal, the Jindan killing array is too strong.

"Is he all right?" Lan Meng said nervously, staring in shock.

She did not sympathize with the old man Jiujue, but felt that this old thing was very sad, and that the wicked had their own troubles.

"Get me up quickly and don't pretend to be dead."

While speaking, Ye Tian struck down with a sword, and the old man Jiu Jue who had passed out jumped to the top.

"Made, I'm not leaving, I'm not leaving, you kill me." The old man Jiujue jumped violently, his mouth full of white teeth, and there were waves of thunderbolts between his mouth, very frightening.

"It was an accident just now, let's start again, two steps to the right, the first seven steps,..."

Under Ye Tian's coercion and lure, the old man Jiujue became a mouse again.

This time there was no problem even walking ten feet, but at the eleventh feet, a pillar of fire blasted from the ground.


In the screaming screams, the old man Jiujue was almost ready to be roasted, his seven orifices were breathing fire, his whole body was charred and there was no complete skin.

Ye Tian quickly shot and brought him back from the fire.

"Don't be discouraged, you will succeed. I have an intuition that victory is ahead. Moreover, as long as you pass this killing formation, I won't take any of your treasures, and I will return you the Great Pill of Nine Ranks."

Just when the old man Jiu Jue was desperate and broke the jar, Ye Tian gave him a shot.

"Well, this is what you said."

The old man Jiujue was excited all at once.

Ye Tian didn't worry and gave him time to heal his injuries. At the same time, he also helped him heal his injuries.

Although the Nine Turns Wan Ling Great Pill was **** in Ye Tian's eyes, it also had extraordinary medicinal effects. After knocking down this pill, the broken arm that the old man of Jiujue lost regrown.

Just like that, stop and go, crossing the river feeling the stones.

Ye Tian became more and more familiar with the killing array, and the number of times the Jiujue old man triggered the killing was decreasing.

In the end, it took more than a day to kill the formation more than five hundred feet deep, the thick fog covering the sky suddenly disappeared, and a quiet and quiet world appeared in the eyes of the three.

I saw that this seemed to be a primitive and savage land. Every mountain was strangely tall and straight into the sky, and there were also huge floating mountains floating in the sky, like big clouds.

Looking around, as if facing the vast starry sky, UU reading is shocking.

However, beyond the vastness, there was only lifelessness left here.

The aura was so strong that it could not be dissipated, but many grass and ancient trees on the ground were withered, the leaves withered, and there was no vitality.

Looking around, it is all so, quiet and lifeless.

Judging from the dead vegetation, this is supposed to be a world of birds and flowers, with prosperous vegetation. Now it has become a barren land, which is shocking.

"Is this the old core of Sun Moon Sword Palace?" Lan Meng's eyes widened, his eyes full of incredible.

"Impossible, it's not like that." The old man Jiu Jue was also stunned.

With a swish, he wanted to soar into the sky and fly into the sky to take a look, but he flew less than ten feet high, fell to the ground with a plop, and fell a dog to eat shit.

Although he walked out of the killing formation, the Golden Core prohibition was still there, and he could not fly.

However, the mana of a body can be used.

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