Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1460: Westbound

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Three days later.

Da da!

A horse-drawn carriage was driving on the mountain road without any delay.

However, it was not a horse that was pulling the cart, but a **** bear with a length of one foot, and its brute force could shake the mountain.

If it were in the secular world, even in ancient times, it would seem very nondescript, but in the hidden gate, this is normal operation.

All kinds of spirit beasts, as long as they can be tamed, can be used to pull carts.

The more capable a person is, the higher the level of the pulling beast will be, matching his identity.

On the way, Ye Tian saw various forms of chariot beasts, gray wolves, scorpions, clouded leopards, saber-toothed tigers,...

This **** bear is naturally a terrible bear, holding a bitter melon face, depressed, 10,000 unwilling.

It is no wonder that it used to be a congenital spirit beast, the king of a group of spirit beasts, the forest of Wuthering Mountains, majestic and majestic.

Now being forced to pull a cart and do the most inferior work is simply the most ruthless trampling on its dignity.

However, under Ye Tian's lust, it had to follow. Who made it the defeated? It is already profitable to leave a small life.

Moreover, it hasn't recovered its innate cultivation base yet, it's just a small spirit beast.

Ye Tian didn't treat him badly, a good horse needs a good saddle, and a good bear needs a good car.

I saw that the car pulled behind the violent bear could be called the Rolls-Royce of the car world. It was glittering with gold, brilliant and glittering like jade, and it was actually a golden car.

This chariot was seized from a true disciple named Li Yichen in Fenglei Valley when Ye Tian first entered Kunxu. It was not only a chariot, but also a spatial artifact. It looked only one side. The door panel is large, and you will find a different cave after entering, comparable to a room with three bedrooms and one hall.

At this moment, Ye Tian was meditating in the chariot, Lan Meng was waiting for him, and Jiu Jue was his driver.

Their party is going to the Medicine Shenzong in the Western Regions to purchase a batch of elixir and refine the soul pill to heal Ye Tian's soul injury.

Of course, Ye Tian only said to buy elixir, it was impossible to say that his soul was hurt.

"I hope I can buy the elixir I need." Ye Tian whispered in his heart.

Divine soul and Dao injuries are the most difficult to heal. If they are not completely cured, with the diligent cultivation base, they will become more and more stubborn, which may eventually lead to Dao catastrophe.

He moved his golden pupil third eye, and he could clearly see the chaotic chains bound to his body, deeply embedded in his flesh, and strangling marks.

This is a chain of laws and gods, not a curse. It is a purely deceiving method to seal off one's own cultivation base and isolate the great spirit.

If it is said that the divine realm reaches the innate, it is to pour water into the cup.

When it is full, it is the moment of crossing the thunder.

Then he not only filled the cup with water at this time, but also began to overflow.

At this moment, his chaotic chain shook slightly, and there would be a trace of interaction between heaven and man.

Fortunately, his golden body is strong enough, and his general physique simply cannot withstand such a lockdown.

Moreover, the great ideas of the immortals are just ordinary, not very strong, so it can be sealed. If it is Yuan Ying and above, it is difficult to seal it.

If there is no divine soul injury, he can enter the celestial immortal anytime and anywhere, how can he wait until now.

"My inborn path is also full of ups and downs!" Ye Tian gave a wry smile, shook his head, sipped a spirit fruit, and drank another mouthful of Changbai Ginseng Wine.

A beautiful maid served him wine and peeled the skin of the spirit fruit.

At this moment, he is free from the treatment of a rich family.

There are a bunch of spiritual fruits in front of him, all picked in the old place of the sword palace. Among them, a few of them are huge, comparable to the best elixir, and the aroma is full, but they are of little use to him, just as ordinary Of fruits to eat.

He rubbed a round object in his hand, like a small agate ball, shining golden light, filled with the breath of King Kong to Yang, and there was a vaguely vast divine power surging.

It is the original pill of the Thousand Foot Celestial Centipede! Thousands of novels

A small Yuan Dan, only the size of a baby's fist, is the support for the Qianzu Tianwu to dominate the old sword palace and to freely enter and exit the boundary channel. Incomparably huge energy is condensed in it, and once it explodes, it can be comparable to a nuclear weapon with the equivalent of ten million tons, which can be regarded as destroying the world.

However, it is a pity that there is no thunder pattern on the original pill, indicating that it has not been baptized by thunder.

Only after being baptized by Thunder Jie can the Yuan Dan be truly transformed into a Jin Dan.

Ninth-Rank Gold Core, after a thunder tribulation, will leave a thunder pattern, the most extreme can leave nine thunder patterns, it is the Nine-Rank Golden Core.

The golden core is known as immortal, and the earth is called the immortal, and it is as high as the sky, and it can survive by absorbing various cosmic energy in the big universe.

"With this Heavenly Centipede Yuan Pill as a medicinal guide, I only need a few top-grade Divine Soul Pills to refine the Divine Soul Great Pill." Ye Tian said in a deep voice.

"The road ahead, how do you go?"

At this moment, the sound of the terrible bear came in from outside, the urn sounded violently, and the carriage suddenly stopped.

Of course, the Grim Bear is not asking Ye Tian, ​​but the old man Jiujie, the coachman.

At this moment the carriage came to a four-way intersection.

It's the first time that the Grim Bear of the Earth has left the old place of the Sword Palace and does not know the way.

At this moment, before sitting in the carriage, the old man of Jiujue entered a state of indifference like an old monk.

Unlike the low mood of the violent bear, Jiujue was very excited on this journey.

Ye Tian's sword slashed the Ning Pill Celestial Centipede, several days have passed, but it made him difficult to calm down.

He saw the ability of Jin Dan from Ye Tian.

Jin Dan Zhenjun, how noble is that? What a supreme existence?

It is no exaggeration to say that a golden core can sweep the entire Kunxu Outer Hidden Gate.

Although the boy is not a golden core yet, there is no doubt that he can prove the golden core in the future.

For many years, there has never been a golden pill at Waiyinmen.

And the last golden pill in the legend was Real Lord Wanjian, the last palace lord of Sun Moon Sword Palace. Some people also said that he was just condensing pill and did not really prove the golden pill.

The old man Jiujue even doubted whether Ye Tian was reincarnated and inherited the memory of his previous life, so he was so capable at a young age.

When I thought that I was serving as a servant for a future Jindan Great True Monarch, the old man Jiujue felt nothing, this was supreme glory.

As long as he behaves well, Ye Tian will call him one or two, maybe he can prove the golden core in the future.

"The so-called path of green wood is the path of nature, the path of life, and the path of time, which lasts forever and eternally. The emphasis is on cultivating the mind and nature, allowing the mood to sublimate and conform to nature, rather than blindly refine the body. You This is not far."

This is what Ye Tian said casually when he was practicing, but it benefited him a lot.

The way of green wood is the way of nature, and the emphasis is on nourishing the heart!

This is something he has always neglected. He only knows how to refine the physical body and does not pay attention to the cultivation of the state of mind.

At this moment, he was in meditation like an old monk, evolving the way of nature in his heart, starting from a small sapling, growing little by little, and growing into a towering tree.

And behind him, UU reading www.uukā really has a small tree emerging.

This is the **** shape he cultivated, a tree of chaos.

When this sacred tree appeared, it evoked the endless aura of Yimu between heaven and earth.

The old man Jiujue only felt that all his thoughts were acquainted, and his body was ethereal, blending into the world.

Hearing the question of the violent bear, the old man Jiujue slowly opened his eyes.

At this time, a sudden sound of horseshoes came from behind, and the ground shook, and there was a bang.

"Made, get out, don't stand in the way!" a man shouted angrily, mounted a tall gray wolf, rushed towards him, raised the whip in his hand, and drew towards the ground bear.

Behind him is a jeweled golden carriage and four tall dragon scale horse-drawn carriages.

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