Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1480: Go buy medicine

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Not long after the resettlement was completed in the courtyard, the old man Jiu Jue left and said to go around, looking like he couldn't wait.

Ye Tian didn't ask too much, let him leave, why do he want to go, give him enough freedom, as long as he doesn't cause trouble for himself.

After getting along for a while, Ye Tian gradually relaxed his vigilance towards the old man Jiu Jue, and didn't really regard him as a servant.

If the old man Jiujue really wanted to let it go, and let Ye Tian help him lift the ban on the spirits, Ye Tian might not agree, and give him a free body.

And Lan Meng, if it were not for fear of her telling the truth, Ye Tian had already let her go.

At the latest, before leaving Medicine God City, Ye Tian should let her go, because keeping it is also a burden. Said that she should be a maid, a generation of saints, spoiled and spoiled, her fingers will not touch the sun and spring water, where will she serve others.

"Are you familiar with Medicine God City?"

"It's okay, I've been here no less than ten times."

"Okay, then you go out with me, I want to buy some elixir."

Not long after the old man Jiujue left, Ye Tian also left the courtyard and went to the elixir shop with Lan Meng.

He wants to refine the Soul Great Pill, he needs a lot of medicinal materials, nearly a hundred kinds, and some of them are rare medicinal materials, the growth environment is harsh, Kunxu may not even exist.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't get them together, as long as you can get a few main medicines, you can make alchemy, but the effect of the medicine may be worse.

Of course, Ye Tian would naturally gather the prescriptions as much as possible, even searching the entire Kunxu.

Not far away from the secluded courtyard, the hustle and bustle came, and the breath of the city came to your face

At a glance, as far as the eye can see, there are many shops, full of voices, and excitement. There are both ordinary people and powerful monks. The vigorous true essence fluctuates one after another. It can be said that the gods are everywhere, and the masters are like dogs. You can also meet an earth fairy.

Not surprising at all, because the Medicine God City has gathered about half of the powerful monks in Kunxu recently.

This kind of grand occasion is rare in decades, and Ye Tian came by coincidence.

At this time, it was just dark, the whole city was lighted up, thousands of houses were illuminated, beautiful, and the streets were full of people and bustling, which really means the Tang Dynasty never sleeps city. It is a prosperous and prosperous world.

Yaoshen City is very large, with a population of over one million. Even if you stand on a high place, you can't see the end at a glance.

Since it is a medicine city, there will naturally be Yaopu Street, which specializes in the business of elixir and elixir.

Under the guidance of Lan Meng, Ye Tian crossed the streets and headed straight to the Yaopu Avenue.

Although there were some sporadic elixir shops along the way, they were all selling low-level elixir, and the types were not complete, and they were not in his eyes.

The two did not drive a carriage and chose to walk.

After walking for a full quarter of an hour, Yaopu Street finally arrived, with brilliant lights and a strong smell of medicine, refreshing.

On both sides of the wide streets, all kinds of medicine shops lined up in rows, built in a patchwork manner, and there are many small medicine vendors who occupy the roads, shouting one after another.

You know, the types of elixir are innumerable, there are herbs, spirit animals, natural spirit materials, etc., and so on.

Many pharmacies are specialized in one category, in order to be as comprehensive as possible.

Some shops sell finished medicines, because the threshold is high, the backstage is often very large, and most of them belong to a certain alchemy sect or a certain alchemy family.

Among them, the largest elixir shop on Yaopu Street belongs to Yaoshenzong, named Yaoshenge. It not only sells various elixir materials, but also sells finished elixir. It also accepts private customization and is fully market-oriented.

After all, a sect can operate without financial support.

The Yaopu Street is also very lively, with many people. Monks from all over Kunxu walked in front of the elixir shops and pill shops, asking for prices, in order to buy the medicinal materials or pill that they needed.

Occasionally, there will be luxuriously dressed alchemists with extraordinary momentum walking across the street, causing bursts of exclamation, and countless monks rushing to say hello.

It can be seen that the alchemist is here, or the position of Kunxu is high, above the ordinary monks.

"It's just a second-rank alchemist, just so prestigious."

When an alchemist passed by, and the monks on the street looked around like a star chaser, Lan Meng mumbled very silently.

Ye Tian chuckled lightly and asked, "How do you rank the alchemists in Kunxu?"

"My alchemy masters in Kunxu are divided into three major levels, pill disciple, alchemist, pill saint, and pill god, each of which is divided into nine ranks. Pill disciples can only refine treasure pill, and alchemy To make a spirit pill, the pill saint can refine the holy pill, and the pill **** can refine the **** pill."

"However, the Pill God is only a legend in Kunxu, and has never been born. And the Pill Saint is also rare, and there is only one in the current world, that is, Qiu Xuanhe, the sovereign of the Medicine God Sect."

Ye Tian nodded lightly. In the world of cultivating immortals in his previous life, the alchemist's ranks were almost the same, with little difference.

"What about the determination of the alchemist? Who will determine it?" Ye Tian asked again.

"Naturally it is an alliance of alchemists, in fact, it can be said to be the God of Medicine Sect, because their alchemists account for half of the total number of alchemists in Kunxu. UU看书 There are dozens of alchemy sects and The alchemy family also respects the Medicine God Sect."

After speaking, Lan Meng glanced at Ye Tian, ​​wondering if he asked if he wanted to identify the alchemist.

Ye Tian has too many mysteries, she seems to be almost omnipotent, now to buy spiritual medicine, she guessed that Ye Tian is probably also an alchemist, but she doesn't know which level it is.

Naturally, Ye Tian would not identify the alchemist, it was meaningless, and there was no such free time.

While chatting, the two of them walked towards Yaoshen Pavilion, the largest drug store on Yaopu Avenue.

The streets are very lively, the monks’ voices, the vendors’ cries, one after another.

"Oh my God, I read it right, there is a big bucket of the Supreme Shenquan Liquid, which is sold in a small shop. Is this sold as a drink?"

"Don't look, fake."

"My son, you can eat rice indiscriminately, but you can't talk nonsense. There is something wrong with my best Shenquan liquid, you can tell me why."

"That flower is as black as ink, and it exudes bursts of corpse smell. Could it be the legendary Hell Nether Flower?"

"The Hell Nether Flower doesn't seem to be trumpet-shaped, right? And, don't you think the color of this flower is fake? It's obviously inked."

"The ancestral eighth-grade Tiger Wolf Body Tempering Pill, this is the only one in the world. It casts no foundation and refines the tiger and wolf golden body. Don't miss it when you pass by."

"A 10,000-year-old Taoist fruit, you can feel the heaven and earth Avenue after eating it. Beauty, do you want a few catties?"


Naturally, all the elixir on the street vendors cannot be true.

In Ye Tian's view, a considerable part of it must be false or exaggerated.

This gave Ye Tian the illusion of visiting the antique street of the secular world. There are fakes everywhere, and one will wink if he doesn't pay attention.

Those who come to buy medicine sincerely still have to go to regular shops.

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