Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1483: I have practiced this pill

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Ye Tian's voice was not loud, but once again surprised everyone.

There was a silence in the hall, and then suddenly there was noisy.


A pair of eyes looked at Ye Tian again, neatly aligned.

This kid, dare to say anything!

Lan Meng didn't expect that Ye Tian would say such a thing, and he was suddenly on the spot, his body a little stiff.

Naturally, Ye Tian didn't bother to pay attention to the reactions of these unrelated people, and walked to the white-haired old man in a few big strides.

"Hello, Mr. Zhou, I am an alchemist, can you show me your alchemy? Maybe I can help you make up and recover." Ye Tian repeated what he said just now, making a sound, very loud serious.

He now needs money to buy elixir, two hundred thousand high-grade spiritual stones, a huge amount of wealth, not for nothing.

However, this money is not so easy to make. In addition to supplementing the pill, it is also necessary to refine the pill.

Otherwise, how could this good thing fall on him?

Zhou Lao Dixian frowned, looked up and down Ye Tian, ​​two bold and black characters were written on his face: Don't believe it!

"Ignorance lunatic, you can defile the three words of alchemist? You said you are an alchemist. Show me the alchemy order issued by the pill league. If you can't get it out, give me the distance , Don't swindle in my Medicine God Pavilion. I have seen you like a beaming clown a lot!" Xu Danshi's angry rebuke came, sonorous and powerful, with a heart of words, and no mercy, cursing Ye Tian into a **** spray.

At the same time, others also came to the door, carrying their hands on their backs, their waists were as straight as a gun, and the robe was automatic without wind, and the whole body was enveloped by an obscure Taoist rhyme, like a deity immortal, exuding oppressive pressure while walking. .

"Hehe, Master Xu is angry, there is a good show to watch now."

The scene was full of noisy, and everyone held the mentality that watching the excitement is not too big, and their eyes were full of playfulness.

But he said that Ye Tian bragged and didn't write drafts. In everyone's opinion, he was not repaired. He hit the muzzle of Xu Danshi, and he was unlucky.

"Lao Zhou, this kid is a liar, don't listen to him nonsense." Xu Danshi said to Zhou Lao Dixian while walking.


Zhou Lao Dixian was taken aback first, squinted and looked at Ye Tian a few times, but he also saw the sincerity of the young man and the upright and upright.

With his Dixian's eyesight, he couldn't see the hypocrisy in Ye Tian, ​​indicating that there were two possibilities. The first boy was sincere, and the second boy had a profound ability to pretend.

"Joke, I can't make alchemy without the alchemy order issued by the pill league? Are you sure that all alchemists in the world have alchemy orders?" Ye Tian sneered, his words were calm and he didn't get angry at all.

"You!" Xu Danshi's face suddenly stagnated.

You know, in addition to the orthodox schools, there are also a considerable number of casual cultivators in this world.

In the casual cultivation, some are alchemists, and these people often disdain to find the alchemist qualifications from the pill league.

As soon as Ye Tian said this, he not only choked on Alchemist Xu, but even the onlookers looked startled.

"Huh, clever tongue is like a spring. There are alchemists who don't have an alchemist token in this world, but it is absolutely impossible to be you. The alchemy technique is extremely mysterious. I have exhausted forty years before I have a trace of sentiment. You are a yellow man. The child is only a few years old, so it’s a good idea to be able to enter the door of the alchemy, but dare to call himself a alchemy saint?" Xu alchemy master said loudly, with a loud voice and full aura, coming in tightly every step of the way.

He is not only a fifth-grade, but also a **** of heaven.

"Pill Saint?"

Old Zhou actually chuckled slightly, stroked his sheep beard, narrowed his eyes and looked at Ye Tian, ​​but still saw that the boy's face was not red and his heart beat.

"After exhausting forty years, there is a hint of insight, which can only show that you are dull. The world is so big and there are countless strange people. If you can't become a pill saint, how can you know that I am not a pill saint? How do you know that I am not a generation of people?" Ye Tian He retorted and said, under the powerful aura of Alchemist Xu, there was no stage fright at all.


As soon as the boy said this, the whole audience was silent for a while, and every eyeball was about to come out, and many people could hear the voice of drooling.

Someone dared to say that the qualifications of Alchemy Master Xu were dull, this was looking for death!

There are very few people who can become a fifth-rank alchemist at the age of Alchemy Master Xu. Not only is Xu Dan's aptitude not dull, but he can be called a genius.

"Arrogant child, are you looking for death?"

Pill Master Xu finally got angry, his eyes became sharp like a knife, and with a thud, his silver pill robe swelled up, rattling, and a terrifying breath surging out.

This breath was full of intense heat, and everyone in the field suddenly had an illusion that they came to the desert, and there was a scorching sun, and the air was burning.

"Yan Yang is really angry!" someone exclaimed.

Every alchemist is the master of fire ability, possessing the spiritual root of fire system.

The Yanyang True Qi cultivated by Master Xu Dan can be transformed into Yanyang True Fire.


Xu Danshi became angry, and a scorching sun burst out, and 30% of his power was scattered, but 70% of his power was overwhelming Ye Tian.

It can be clearly seen that there are rippling layers in the air, heat waves are surging, although the temperature is not particularly high, it can easily steam the eggs.

Danshi Xu wanted to show Ye Tian a little bit of color.


Ye Tian snorted coldly, and wanted to show Alchemy Xu a little bit of color.

Suddenly, a cold air current gushed out of Zhou Laodixian, like a flood, with cold energy, and immediately melted with the scorching qi of Alchemist Xu.

"Earth fairy!"

Many people in the audience realized that Zhou Lao was an earth and was in awe.

"Haha, Master Xu, don't need to be angry. Since this little brother wants to see my prescription, just show him, and see how capable he is. If he is really a big liar, don't bother you to do it, I will do it myself. Pack him up." Old Zhou laughed and said, stroking his sheep beard, with a childlike face, with a sense of fairy style.

Naturally, without the consent of Alchemy Master Xu, Zhou Lao Dixian gave the alchemy to Ye Tian after he finished speaking.

"Hmph, I'm going to see what tricks you can do. Go and close the door, don't let him escape." Xu Danshi said to the clerk with a cold face.

Zhou Lao Dixian chuckled again, and said, "It doesn't have to be this way. With me, are you afraid that he will run away?"

Master Xu felt it was reasonable, so forget it, don't close the door.

Many people gathered around, three circles inside and three circles outside, obviously more interested in Danfang than Ye Tian.

I saw that Ye Tian was holding a piece of yellowed paper in his hand. I don't know how many years it has been. The handwriting was simple and tattered.

"Butian Pill!" Ye Tian said, three words he saw from the pill.

"Yes, little friend heard of it?" Zhou Laodixian asked.

Many of the onlookers were shocked, they had heard of the name of Patching Heaven Pill.

This is a legendary pill. Although it has been lost for a long time, the name is always there.

The legendary patching pill can open spiritual roots, make up for the impure and defects of spiritual roots, and refine innate spiritual roots.

In other words, the Patching Heaven Pill can turn a cultivating waste into a genius.

In this way, its significance is extraordinary.

This formula alone, don't say that 200,000 high-grade spirit stones are worth one million high-grade spirit stones.

At this time, I heard Ye Tian say:

"Not only heard of it, but also refined it."


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