Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1485: Alchemy

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The alchemy was carried out on the Yaopu Street at the entrance of the Medicine God Pavilion, and countless onlookers could witness it.

"Junior, now you bow your head and admit your mistakes, it's still too late to quit." Xu Danshi held a slap-sized small pill furnace in his hand and smiled at Ye Tianyin.

"Speaking of this, can you not afford to lose? If you can't afford to lose, our bet can be cancelled." Ye Tian grinned, showing two rows of white teeth. Not only did he not appreciate it, but instead sneered at each other.

Of course, Alchemy Xu's words were just ridicule, and he was definitely not sympathetic.

"Huh! Ignorant junior! Since you don't appreciate it, then our bet starts now."


As soon as the voice fell, Master Xu pounded the pill furnace, and a puff of scorching sun in his palm surging out, like flowing magma, scorching hot, the pill furnace that was originally plain and unremarkable burst into bright light, one after another. Array patterns emerged, and the sound of Weng Ming came out, as if there was life.

"This is just starting the furnace. Alchemy Master Xu has a good technique. Although he is a master alchemy, he already has the demeanor of a master alchemy!"

"This pill furnace is also very good. If I am not mistaken, it is the exquisite black gold sacred furnace, one of the top ten treasure furnaces of the Medicine God Sect.

"Yes, it is the Linglong Black Gold Sacred Furnace, which was won by Alchemy Master Xu in a Zongmen Grand Competition. Among the alchemists of the same generation, Alchemy Master Xu said that he was the first, but no one dared to say that he was the second. The young alchemist master."

"It's that boy, so good-natured, who is it?"

"I have never heard of it before calling myself Ye and Tian."

"It's nothing more than an ignorant and arrogant person. If you write a few names of medicines by hand, you dare to mix up the ancient alchemy prescriptions of the ancestors of the Zhou family, and claim to have refined the sacred pill.

"What a big tone, this is the first time I have seen such an arrogant person."

"If the sky wants you to perish, you must first make it crazy. He is a grasshopper from the Queen of Autumn. It won't be long."


The onlookers talked for a while, admiring Xu Danshi, and full of praise, just like fans saw a big star.

As for Ye Tian, ​​he was regarded as a clown, an ignorant fanatic, and once again became the target of public criticism, and all kinds of sarcasm rained on his head and face.

Yaopu Avenue was originally a densely crowded place, where the cultivators of the Avenue were haunted. Master Xu Alchemy practiced alchemy here and gambled with a mad boy. As soon as the news came out, more people swarmed in.

At this moment, there were more than a thousand people surrounded, and the enclosure was so tight that there were even people standing on the roof.


The next moment, Master Xu Dan waved his long sleeves, and a lava flame flew from his palm. As soon as the scarlet flame appeared, the void was scorched and crackled, and even bleak smoke came out.

The temperature of the air in a radius of ten feet rises suddenly, like a scorching summer, with the blazing sun in the sky, and the heat is unbearable.

Many people involuntarily began to retreat, or sacrificed their bodyguard qi to resist the burning sun.

"The true flames of the sun, the flames controlled by Alchemy Master Xu! The biggest difference between the alchemist and the alchemist is that the alchemist can control the flame and can refine the alchemy with his own flame, changing from the heart, but the alchemist can only rely on the natural fire of heaven and earth. Alchemy."

"Yes, the true fire is the 9th grade. Alchemy Master Xu's Yanyang true fire is said to have 7 grades, which is already very rare."


Amidst the discussions among the onlookers, Xu Danshi suddenly gave a soft drink:

"The medicine is coming!"

Whoosh whoosh!

With his big move, 108 kinds of elixir that were prepared flew in file.

The quantity of each elixir was written in accordance with Ye Tian's pill, matched in proportion, and it was exactly the same.

After the fire in the palm of Master Xu, the medicinal materials were blown into the furnace one by one.

"Master Xu Dan is quenching the medicine. The medicinal materials are quenched first to reduce the amount of impurities near the furnace. The refining of the spirit pill is not as good as the Bao Dan. The requirements for the medicinal materials are very high. You can't do anything sloppy, otherwise it will affect the grade of the pill." A man in a red pill robe explained, who is also a pill master of God of Medicine Sect.

Although he didn't trust the alchemy, the alchemy master Xu was also earnestly making alchemy, because too many people were watching, and there were many alchemists from other alchemy sects. If something goes wrong, or is discovered in secret, not only will he lose his own person, but even the Shenzong Medicine will be ashamed.


Soon, one hundred and eight medicinal materials were tempered again, and they were all poured into the pill furnace, and then the furnace lid was closed.

"It is worthy of being a five-rank alchemy master, his movements are like clouds and flowing water, superb!"

Exclaims came from the crowd.

Together with Zhou Lao Di Xiandu, who is an alchemist, he kept his jaws and praised Xu's alchemy. He has been watching in the field, expecting more than everyone else.

The growth of alchemists is much slower than that of Dao monks, and they consume more resources when they are cultivated. They require a large amount of elixir and spiritual materials to practice hand skills, which are called noble occupations. That's why alchemists are rare and highly respected.

Then there is a long process of refinement. Whether or not you can become a pill, when you can become a pill, and what grade of pill you can become, all depends on the master's control of the the profound attainments of the pill method.

"Hey, where did that kid go?"

Suddenly, people discovered that Ye Tian was gone.

"There, shopping with a beautiful female company." Someone pointed to a drug store opposite the Yaoshen Pavilion and said loudly.

Everyone followed the sound and saw that Ye Tian entered the drugstore, his expression calm and leisurely.

"This guy's heart is too big, he still has the mood to go shopping at this time."

Many people shook their heads, thinking he was too weird.

"Are you not afraid that Alchemy Master Xu deliberately spoiled him by refining the pill and causing you to lose the bet?" Lan Meng asked, and he couldn't understand it.

"What's so scary, he can't do it anyway." Ye Tian said lightly, smiling at the corner of his mouth.

"Then you still...?"

"Where are there so many questions. Help me find these few pills."

Ye Tian gave Lan Meng a prescription and asked her to find medicine for herself.

At this time, what he cared most about was his own great pill.

There are ninety-eight medicinal materials in the pill of Shenhun Great Pill, of which ten main medicines are indispensable.

Ye Tian went to ten pharmacies and found 90 medicinal materials. Among the missing eight medicinal materials, three are the main medicine, and the five are auxiliary medicines.

This bad three-flavored main medicine is too rare, not only does it not sell in the drug store, but all the staff have never heard of it. Ye Tian had to suspect that Kunxu did not exist at all.

Ten flavors of the main medicine are indispensable, and now there are still three flavors. The Soul Great Pill cannot be refined at all, and Ye Tian is very big.

At this time, an hour has passed.

"No, it's going to be a fryer!"

Suddenly, a burst of exclamation came from the door of Yaoshen Pavilion.

I saw that there was a fire blazing into the sky, and there were bursts of rumbling noises, and the crowd was dispersing like birds and beasts.

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