Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1493: Alchemy

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"There is no fight in the Drunken Immortal Building."

A maid said timidly, she was quiet, but no one took care of her.


Su Tianxing's old servant of Earth Immortal moved, and rushed towards Ye Tian like lightning. He looked skinny, but his body was full of energy like mountains and tsunamis. Once it burst out, it would be nothing to destroy the mountains and rivers.

"Boy, have you ever heard of a person? The old man will use this big pair of scissors to cut off your limbs and make you into a person, and let my son send you off!"

The old servant of the earth immortal said viciously, holding a pair of strangely shaped big scissors in his left hand. The whole body is pitch black, and it seems to be made of tungsten steel, but the sharp cutting edge appears scarlet, which seems to be caused by too much blood. Zhi, but the right hand suddenly protruded, patted Ye Tian, ​​and launched a series of offensives.

"Scissors Lee!"

Suddenly someone in the field exclaimed and recognized the old servant of the earth immortal.

This is definitely a cruel stubble. His name is frightening. He once used a pair of big scissors to run across the rivers and lakes, killing people bloody, or cutting off the head, or the waist, or the legs,...

In short, none of the people he killed had a complete body.

"The Scissor Lee has disappeared for so many years. I didn't think it was going to Su Jiadang to enshrine and bend the waist for five buckets of rice. However, this is also a good thing, at least one demon is missing from the rivers and lakes." An elderly eater sighed.


I saw that when the right hand of Li Scissor was protruding out, it suddenly swelled and enlarged, and his fingers became the size of a grinding disc, and his skin became pitch black, as if painted with a layer of ink.

At the same time, the surrounding air is also being absorbed by the invisible palm force, all being thrown into the **** palm of the grinding disc, making the entire palm more powerful, more terrifying, and full of murderous air.

Afterwards, Li Scissors slapped out a palm, and the palm strength entrained the air, turning into a gloomy and icy cold, chilly, like a billowing wave of hell, blasting towards Ye Tian's heart.

It is Li Scissor's unique skill, the palm of the black evil spirit!

Not to mention the black evil poison contained in the palm, a physical attack on the palm can easily smash a god-level celestial being to the point of breaking the meridians, splitting the internal organs, and dying to death.

Everyone in the audience was shocked, and Lee Scissors made a move for his son.

The little peacock prince was going to make a move, but stopped seeing this, because he didn't need him anymore.

However, Ye Tian's expression remained unchanged in the face of Scissor Li's palm.


He stepped on it, and Wanjun pressed it down with great force, and the whole head of the unicorn peacock was trampled on exploded, scarlet blood and white brain splashed all over the ground.

Then, with a kick, he kicked the corpse of a one-horned peacock weighing hundreds of catties in front of a maid in a restaurant, and said: "Go cook it for me, I want to eat peacock meat."

"You..., Mad!"

The little peacock prince immediately had bloodshot eyes, and his eyes almost popped out of his sockets, and his anger was beyond him.

"What an interesting guy, it's no wonder there will be such a beautiful person with me. I underestimated you before." Jianzi Lichen took a sip of tea, smiled slightly, and became more and more interested in Ye Tian.

Lan Meng was calm, but she had seen Ye Tian trample Xiao Wenlong to death with her own eyes. The scene was much more tragic than this.

"Go to death for me!"

When he was angry, the green dragon sword in the hands of the little peacock prince suddenly raised high, and then stabbed out like a javelin.

Ye Tian made a fist with his right hand, preparing to stop Li Scissor Li's black evil palm first.

But at this moment, a sudden shout of anger came:

"I see who dares to do something to Master Ye Dan?"

As soon as the voice fell, a figure had already breached the door, and his right hand was pulled back like a bow, facing the black evil god's palm of Li Scissors, and slammed a punch.


This punch, shocking the world, weeping ghosts!

I saw that when the punch was punched, the red flames gushed out from the tip of the fist, wrapping the fist and even the entire arm in it, like a blazing meteor, breaking through the sound barrier, and then bursting out of rolling thunder.

Originally, under the palm of the black evil **** of Li Scissor Li, the temperature of the entire nine-story palace dropped sharply, and the evil evil was pressing.

Now that this blazing fire fist was blown out, the evil spirits aura was instantly wiped out, but a scorching wind blew.

"Earth fairy! Who is it?"

Everyone was shocked.

Everyone hasn't even been able to see the face of the uninvited guest. The heavy fist like a flaming meteor seemed to penetrate the space and burst the void. Xian Yetian's fist instantly collided with the black evil palm of Scissor Li.

Bang bang bang!

The palms of the fists collided, and I didn't know how many times they fought in an instant, and there was a loud noise like a series of rolling thunder.

In the end, Scissor Lee was abruptly shook his feet off the ground, flew out, and finally hit the palace wall before stopping.

The uninvited guest also stepped back several feet, stepping on two deep tracks on the ground of the palace, as if a 10,000-ton chariot was crushed by.

If it weren't for the walls and tiles of the palace and the ground were engraved with protective array patterns, with a single blow, the entire nine-story space might no longer exist.


At this time, there was a sound of steel collision, but Ye Tian waved a palm, slapped the little peacock prince's Azure Dragon sword, flew several feet, and plunged deeply into a pillar.

"Master Ye, are you all right?" the uninvited guest asked Ye Tian, ​​an old man, very humble.

It was not Jiujue old man, but Zhou Lao Dixian, the Patriarch of a wealthy family in the Northern Territory, a Dixian, and also an alchemy master.


Everyone in the audience looked over, their eyes filled with puzzlement.

Master Ye Dan?

What do you mean?

Could the boy be a alchemist?

You know, alchemists have a very high status in Kunxu, protected by the Dan League, no one dares to offend easily.

This time, even Jianzi Lichen's face changed.

"Zhou Mingshan, are you going to be nosy?" Scissor Li stepped forward, and a humanoid mark appeared on the wall behind him.

"Drunk Xianlou clearly forbids fighting, but you are here to look down on someone from Zhou? Second, do you know who the young man is? He is a master of alchemy, and you dare to move him to fight Dan Is the alliance an enemy?"


As soon as Zhou Lao Dixian said this, the audience was in an uproar.

His first sentence was obviously to say that Zuixianlou was the property of his Zhou family, but it was ignored. Because, the second sentence he said was too sensational.

The alchemy grandmaster in Kunxu is no less than a hundred years old, all of them are old antiques, but now a young alchemy grandmaster has emerged, just like a joke, nonsense and untrue.

"Old Zhou, this joke is not funny at all. UU reading I don't care what your relationship is, he killed my mount, today must apologize with death! If anyone stops, he is an enemy of my Xuanqing Sect."


The little peacock prince drew the Qinglong sword from the column and swiftly turned it around. The sword was shining in the sky, and the murderous intent made the whole world cold like winter, and it was terrifying.


In an instant, he rushed in front of Ye Tian, ​​and the Qinglong sword held high smashed Huashan with force, slashing towards Ye Tian's head.

At this time, suddenly another loud shout came from the door:

"Stop it! Asshole, you can offend Master Ye Dan too?"

When the sound sounded, a small spear long with chopsticks flew, and suddenly the little peacock prince's blue dragon sword flew.

"Master, why are you here?"

The chin of the little peacock almost fell to the ground in shock, and it turned out that his master was shooting him.

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