Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1495: Preaching

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The City of Medicine God, not only gathers the heroes of the world, but also has three teachings and nine famous people, and it is a very lively place.

The magnificent giant city seems to have gone through the vicissitudes of the ages, standing on the ground, witnessing section after section of history, the rise of great men, and the joys and sorrows of countless little men.

Beautiful women and powerful spirit beasts can be seen everywhere on the street, especially during this period of time, the figures of major religions frequently come and go.

The world converges, conflicts occur from time to time, and Yao Shenzong has limited management. This is a river and lake, and many contradictions still need to be resolved by the method of the rivers and lakes. Using fists and swords to fight against each other, death and injury are more common.

After a meal in Zuixianlou, Ye Tian returned to the rented courtyard, Zhou Lao Dixian followed, and wanted to worship Ye Tian as a teacher and learn alchemy from him.

He has the pill for supplementing the sky, but he can't refine the pill, everything is white tower.

Ye Tian did not accept disciples, but promised to teach him to refine Heavenly Pill. This is a sale, preaching and teaching, worth 300,000 high-grade spirit stones.

The Zhou family in the Northern Territory had more wealth than Ye Tian had imagined. With 300,000 high-grade spirit stones, Zhou Lao Dixian took it out without blinking his eyes.

With the addition of the 200,000 high-grade spirit stones before, Ye Tian madly earned half a million high-grade spirit stones from the Zhou family.

However, the money was very worthwhile for Zhou Lao Dixian.

Because, for a kind of pill, the important thing is not the pill, but the refining technique.

The usual so-called alchemy, alchemy, refers to refining techniques, not alchemy.

The refining techniques of the spirit pills have never been secreted, and they are only in the hands of the major alchemy sects and top alchemy families. Not to mention the Qi Dan of the upper spirit grade, the Tian Pill.

Having mastered the alchemy technique of Patching Heaven Pill, you will also master a pill technique, which can be used in the refining of other pill medicines and has extraordinary value.

After returning to the courtyard, after a short rest, Ye Tian began to practice alchemy.

Ye Tian didn’t have a pill furnace. The only dragon pattern Lihuo Baoding was given to his apprentice Su Mengyao. Fortunately, Zhou Laodi was an alchemy master, and he carried the pill furnace with him. It was of good grade. It was handed down from Zhou Jiazu. Moreover, on the exquisite black gold sacred furnace of God of Medicine Sect, there was no problem at all in refining the Heavenly Patching Pill of the Spirit Grade.

Ye Tian received more than a dozen orders for a meal in Zuixianlou, all of whom were asked to refine Tiantian Pills, and they all brought their own elixir.

For a Tian Butian Pill, he charges 30,000 high-grade spirit stones for processing, or a thousand-year-old medicine.

This processing fee alone cannot be affordable by ordinary people.

As for the cost of the elixir and materials, Zhou Lao Dixian estimated that it was about fifty thousand high-grade spiritual stones.

In this case, the cost of a patch of Heavenly Pill would cost 80,000 high-grade spirit stones, which is definitely a sky-high price. Not to mention that ordinary people, ordinary families, ordinary sects, can't afford it.

Therefore, all those who seek Ye Tian to refine the pill are the masters of the famous family, who are not short of money.

Ye Tian made a dozen orders for pill, saving time and effort.

You know, the more elixirs you can make in one furnace, the harder you will be.

How many pills can be refined in one furnace is also a manifestation of the strength of an alchemist.

"About thirty pills can be produced in this furnace!" Zhou Lao Dixian smacked his tongue secretly.

With the skills of his alchemy master, it is an ordinary pill for cultivation, and it is already an astronomical number to make more than a dozen in one furnace.

And how can Pei Yuan Dan compare with Patching Heaven Dan?

Fortunately, if the furnace is a success, if the training is abolished, it will really cause heavy bleeding, and the pants can be lost.

Therefore, if there is not enough certainty, the alchemist will not make too many pills in one furnace, so as to avoid failure.

Seeing Ye Tian's calm and confident look, Zhou Laodixian had nothing to worry about. Anyway, it doesn't need him to compensate if it's abolished.

A huge pill furnace with a height of more than one foot is placed in the courtyard of the courtyard, towering like a hill, simple and solemn, with a vast atmosphere permeating it.

On the wall of the pill furnace, there are dense lines painted with flowers, birds, insects, fish, rivers, seas and lakes, ancient ancestors, and so on, giving people a mysterious and solemn feeling.

The pill furnace can provoke the fire of the earth lung, hence the name, the earth lung furnace.

The Zhou family used to be a great alchemy family, with great alchemy masters coming out in large numbers, and a family can fight against an alchemy sect. But then gradually declined, and the alchemy gradually lost.

Today, although the Zhou family still has alchemy inheritance, it can only be regarded as a minor branch in the huge family business map.

Zhou Lao Dixian is determined to revive the glory of Zhou's family.

Boom boom boom!

Ye Tian and Zhou Lao Dixian shot at the same time, playing mana, turning on the pill furnace, letting the formations run, and igniting the fire of the lungs.

If Ye Tian made the alchemy by himself, he would save this step and open the fire eye golden pupil directly. Now I teach Zhou Lao Di Immortal Alchemy, but I can't do that.


I saw Zhou Lao Dixian's double palms together, patted on the pill furnace, accompanied by a sound of Hong Zhong Dalu, the pill furnace volleyed into the sky.

Lines of profound formations appeared out of thin air on the pill furnace, and turned into lines of light and shadow, shooting like arrows, and sank below the ground.


On the plain ground, cracks suddenly appeared, and clusters of scarlet flames spurted out from the cracks, like a volcanic eruption.

It is the fire of the earth lungs!

The temperature of the flame was so high that it scorched the void into a crackling sound.

In an instant, the huge pill furnace was enveloped by the fire of the lungs of the earth.

"The first step is to quench the medicine, first overfire the medicinal materials." Ye Tian said.

The elixir and medicinal materials should be pre-processed to reduce impurities near the furnace.

The whole process of pill refining is the process of removing the rough and storing the essence. The fewer impurities, the higher the grade of the pill

Ye Tian's technique is like running clouds and flowing water, UU reading www. has an unspeakable charm, which makes Zhou Laodixian be dazzled for a while.

"This kind of medicine quenching technique is better than those old antique masters of the Medicine Shenzong!"

Brother Zhou Dixian was shocked, and he even wondered if Ye Tian was a Pill Sage like he said.

He had asked about Ye Tian's identity, but Ye Tian was sloppy, saying that he was a casual practitioner.

The quenched medicinal materials were thrown into the pill furnace one by one.

Cover the cauldron, and then it will be a long process of refinement.

The process of refining must not be taken lightly. It is necessary to pay attention to the changes in the medicinal materials of the pill furnace at any time, so as to control different heat conditions. The more precise the better.

Alchemy seems to be mysterious, but it is a practical science, which cannot tolerate the slightest sloppy.

Ye Tian told the truth about every step and demonstrated how to operate it. Then the pill furnace was handed over to Zhou Lao Dixian to take care of him, and he would practice and meditate on his own.

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