Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1501: auctions

Jiuli Tianque is a nine-storey building, covered with a layer of colored glaze, brightly lit, extremely magnificent and magnificent, worthy of the name of Tianque.

Today, there is an auction going on here. It is said that there are many good things to be auctioned, attracting the presence of many big names.

Already saw the Master Xu Dan of the Medicine God Pavilion, Ye Tian didn’t need to go to the Medicine God Pavilion again, so he followed a group of big brothers into the Jiuli Tianque to experience the Kunxu auction and see if there is anything worth auctioning. thing.

He made more than half a million top-grade spirit stones by refining medicine, and his pockets shouldn't be too loud. If there is something he likes, it might not be impossible to take pictures.

The tickets for 500 high-grade spirit stones filter out many people. Those who can come in are the masters who are not bad money, one by one, silk and silk, with extraordinary breath, or the children of the family, or the disciple of the great church, or the hero of a party.

"There are so many people!" Lan Meng said in surprise, suddenly worried, afraid of being recognized.

In fact, she didn't have to worry about it, the cover spell Ye Tian used on her body could not even be seen through the earth immortal unless he had the spiritual eye and the third eye.

Moreover, she herself wore a veil.

The spacious hall can accommodate thousands of people. In addition, there are dozens of VIP rooms.

The big guys naturally chose VIP rooms, all of which were booked in advance, to bid farewell to Ye Tian one by one.

"Let's have a private room too." Ye Tian said.

It's not that he is wealthy, but that there are too many people who know him, and they keep asking him for alchemy.

Seeing a private room with no one, Ye Tian pushed the door directly, and saw the magnificence, the luxurious atmosphere, all kinds of gold and silver utensils, and the prepared wine and delicacies. It was a five-star enjoyment.

Moreover, the private room is half suspended in the hall, and you can overlook the entire auction hall, and everything is clearly visible.

"My son, are you sure you want this private room?" A small servant chuckled lightly, asking if you had made a mistake.

"Why, can't it?" Ye Tian swept away coldly.

"This is one of the top VIP private rooms, but it's very expensive. You have to pay a deposit of 100,000 high-grade spirit stones. If you bid for five items, the deposit will be returned to you in full. If you bid for one less, then The deposit of 20,000 spiritual stones is deducted. Do you think...?"

"Then how many items will be auctioned tonight?" Lan Meng asked.

"Twenty pieces." Xiao Si replied.

"There are only 20 pieces in total. We want to bid for five pieces? How is this possible? You are robbing money."

"This lady joked. If it's too expensive, you can choose the lobby, where it's free." The young man sneered.

Lan Meng couldn't help but feel mad, and suddenly a voice came and said, "If you can't afford it, don't be aggressive. Your place is in the hall below. I want this private room."

I saw a young man walking with an old man.

The young man shook his folding fan. He was like a young man. His features were exquisite. Yushu Linfeng, he could be called a handsome guy, but there were faint scars on his face.

"Master Su, the private room is reserved for you. Please take a seat." The little servant nodded and said with a flattering look.

The visitor is going to Su Tian, ​​Young Master Su.

Last night, I was beaten by Ye Tianhang in Zuixianlou, and was blown up by a unicorn peacock into a black African. I don't know what medicine was used. Now my injuries are almost recovered.

Seeing Ye Tian now, Young Master Su can be said to be an enemy when he meets him. He is extremely jealous, his eyes are instantly bloodshot, and his face is fierce.

His old servant of Earth Immortal was also full of ill-will, his eyes were like knives, staring at Ye Tian.

"I want this private room."

Ye Tian walked directly into the private room without even looking at Su Tianxing.

"This Xiongtai, this private room has been booked by Young Master Su in advance. You can't go in. Besides, can you really get a deposit of 100,000 high-grade spirit stones?" Xiao Si said to Ye Tian. The sarcasm of the face.

"Are you looking at people in the eyes of dogs?" Ye Tian said coldly, glaring at Xiao Si. Then he opened the Universe Ring, and the spirit stones fell down and quickly piled up.

"Get in here and pour me wine!" Ye Tian lay on the tiger leather seat and shouted to the young man.

The young man was ashamed and annoyed, and looked at Su Dashao, and wanted Su Dashao to help him say something to save face.

"It's just a private room. I'll give it to you if I want. I'd like to see how many items you can take."

To Ye Tian's surprise, Young Master Su turned around and left without tit-for-tat him.

His old servant of the earth immortal said something cruel to Ye Tian, ​​saying:

"Boy, you better be careful!"

Ye Tian ignored it.

Soon, the auction began.

"The first auction item, the Dragon Blood Essence, can be worthy of the hard work of concentrating on meditation for a year after being consumed and refined. The starting price is 50,000 high-grade spirit stones."

In front of the auction stage, a gray-haired old man said loudly, his voice was like Hong Zhong, he was the host of this auction, and his true identity was an earth fairy elder of Jiuli God Sect. He was highly powerful and could hold the ground.

Next to him, stood a young and beautiful woman with a fist-sized object in her hand, like a blood diamond, crystal clear, filled with monstrous blood.

The Dragon Blood Essence is very rare, and the first item is very extraordinary.

The auction venue suddenly became lively.

"I give out 80,000 high-grade spirit stones."

"One hundred thousand high-grade spirit stones."

"150,000 high-grade spirit stones."


In the end, this dragon blood essence was sold for 200,000 high-grade spirit stones, and it was auctioned by a great teacher in the Western There are so many rich people! "Ye Tian couldn't help but exclaim.

The first item was auctioned for a sky-high price of 200,000 yuan, and Ye Tian suddenly felt that his pockets seemed not as abundant as he had imagined.

"The second auction item, a Tianlei Warhammer, a medium-grade spiritual weapon, and a high-grade spiritual stone starting at 80,000."

As soon as the host's old man's voice fell, the venue rioted again, and a warhammer was placed in front of the auction table, attracting everyone's attention.

Seeing the warhammer Lei Guangzhan, the electric snakes danced wildly, making people feel a sense of palpitations from a long distance.

Warhammer is very extraordinary, but not everyone can use it, it is best to be a Thundering Root.

Therefore, there are many optimistic people, but not many people quote.

When the price reached 150,000 high-grade spirit stones, Ye Tian finally quoted a price since the opening.

"180,000 high-grade spirit stones." Ye Tian shouted.

"I give out two hundred thousand."

A voice came from the 9th room below.

Although his voice changed a little, Ye Tian suddenly recognized that it was Grand Master Su.

Also in the 9th room, Ye Tian also felt the breath of another acquaintance, the little peacock prince, and his master Zhao Ji was also there.

"Two hundred twenty thousand." Ye Tian called another price.

"Two hundred and fifty thousand." Young Master Su bit him to death, seeming to be a deliberate confrontation with Ye Tian.

He is an ignorant young man, even if he gave him the Sky Thunder Warhammer, he would not use it.

"Three hundred thousand." Ye Tian continued to shout.

"Four hundred thousand."

"Okay, the Sky Thunder Warhammer is yours."

Ye Tian stopped bidding.

He didn't have to be a medium-grade spirit weapon.

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