Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1504: Attacked

"This, isn't this...?"

Lan Meng's apricot eyes widened and startled.

She recognized this Void God, it was clearly the scale armor of the Void Divine Beast Millipede.

However, she wasn't sure if this was considered vanity.

If it's really Void God's material, then Ye Tian has developed, because that one thousand-legged centipede is hundreds of feet long, and the scales on his body don't know tens of thousands of pieces.

In the suspicion of everyone in the audience, Ye Tian handed a piece of the scales of the millipede into the hands of the old auctioneer and let him taste it.

Although Earth Immortal still cannot control the Void Avenue, it is not a problem to perceive the void attribute of a magical material.


A powerful qi surging out from the old auctioneer's body, poured into the scale armor, this qi is enough to burst the whole body of a pinnacle master, but like a clay cow into the sea, disappearing in the scale armor. He couldn't make any changes to the scale armor, as if there was a black hole inside, swallowing all the true energy.

Later, he infused a few breaths of true energy one after another, and at a certain moment he finally broke through the critical point, and the scales were bright and brilliant, and the whole auction hall was reflected in blood.

"Yes, this is the material of the void, with powerful void attributes!" The old auctioneer finally said, giving an affirmative answer with a look of shock on his face.


The audience was boiling, and there were bursts of exclamation.

You know, the divine material of the void attribute is the rarest divine material. Ordinary heaven and earth cannot be born at all. They can only be produced in the turbulent flow of the void, because only the turbulent flow of space can exist in the void fragments.

The void properties of void materials are given by void fragments.

An ordinary spatial ring can only be refined with void materials.

In Kunxu, every space ring can be sold at sky-high prices, even if the space is not very large, it will be rushed to buy.

Of course, not only the space ring, but the addition of a little void material to the ordinary magic weapon can have unexpected effects.

In addition, you can also use the Void Divine Material to understand the Avenue of Space and cultivate the supernatural powers of space.

Therefore, the value of vanity material is sometimes not measurable by money.

"Impossible, how could he have the material of the Void? Elder Lu, have you read it wrong? This is obviously just a piece of ordinary scale armor. I don't know where I found it. It has a trace of Void attributes, not necessarily. Divine material." Su Tianxing yelled, unable to believe it.

He was right when he said that materials with void attributes are not necessarily magical materials, because materials with void attributes also have advantages and disadvantages.

"I'll take a look."

In the hall below, suddenly a white-haired old man got up and stepped up into the air.

No one stopped him, because he was the master of Xuan Tie Shen Zhen.

This old man is not a land immortal, but he also has the cultivation base of the peak of the gods. The brows and frontal bones are faintly glowing, and the spiritual power is very strong. He directly releases a divine mind and penetrates into the scales.

One of the most important criteria of the Void God Material is the size of the internal space.


The old man felt it for more than a minute, until his eyebrows pierced and couldn't bear it, then he stopped, his eyes shocked.

"It can be exchanged. However, one-tenth of the auction commission is paid by each of us. I don't know if you agree with it?" The old man said, asking Ye Tian's opinion.

"Okay, half of the commission per person." Ye Tian readily agreed.

This is how a huge deal is reached, and each gets what it needs.

In past auctions, it is not uncommon to achieve transactions by bartering.

Many people sigh secretly in their hearts, but there is nothing wrong.

Next, the auction will continue, and there are many good things. Ye Tian bid for two items, one is a thousand-year wood heart and the other is a water spirit pearl.

Thousand-year wooden heart condenses half of the essence of a thousand-year-old spirit tree, green jade, gleaming, and can be used to cultivate Ye Tian's Yimu Qinglong Dharma Body.

The Water Spirit Orb is the essence of water, containing a rich water system aura, which can be used to cultivate Ye Tian's water system basalt magic body.

What is surprising is that he exchanged these two items with the void scale armor, and only paid a small commission fee.

Many people wondered if he still had a lot of void scale armor on his body, and they rushed to buy from him.

A treasure, if there are too many, and the street is rotten, it will show no value.

Ye Tian knew this truth well, so he took only three scales and bid for three items. Before the auction was over, he dashed away in advance, not wanting to be too noticeable.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and the lights of the thousands of houses in the Medicine God City were bright.

The bustling streets are full of goods and many pedestrians.

The violent earth bear pulled the damaged golden jade, and walked slowly.

The cowl was deformed and creaked.

Inside the chariot, Ye Tian took out Xuan Tie Shen Zhen and Shushan Broken Soldier, bringing the two together.

The originally lifeless soldier of Shushan, suddenly restless, buzzed and trembled, as if turning into a gold-eater, quickly absorbing the sharp air current overflowing from the mysterious iron **** treasure, that is, the spirit of the golden evil spirit.

As the golden evil spirit continues to be ingested, there are small cracks that are dense like a spider web all over the sword body of the Shushan broken soldier. UU reading www.uukanshu. Com has a faint sign of recovery.

And Xuan Tie Shen Zhen, because of the rapid flow of Jin Shao Qi, was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ye Tian had no doubt that it would not take long for a piece of Xuan Tie Shen Zhen, a porcelain bowl, to be swallowed up by the soldiers of Shushan.

Being able to repair the broken troops in Shushan is exactly what Ye Tian liked to hear.

He also played a mana and participated in the restoration of the Shushan Broken Soldier.

After a quarter of an hour, the courtyard house arrived.

This is a wealthy area, located in the center of the city, but quiet in the middle of noisy, with many woods and blooming flowers, which is where countless people yearn.

When we reached a tree-lined avenue, the terrestrial bear suddenly stopped.

A figure stood in front of the road, blocking the way.

"It's slow, but it's finally here. Let him get on the road!" said the figure in the way, shaking a folding fan in his hand, with a gloomy look on his face, not who Su Tianxing was.


As soon as his voice fell, a silver light flew out from the jungle on the roadside, like a silver flame, fast as thunder and as fast as electricity.

As soon as the aftermath of the violent bear on the earth was swept, the silver light pierced in front of it, and went straight to the sky spirit cover.


The terrestrial violent bear couldn't dodge, and Tian Ling Gai was poked upright.

Its thick fur, which was able to resist heavy armor piercing, was pierced all at once, pierced into the flesh and splashed with blood.

Zheng Zheng Zheng!

Fortunately, his skull was hard enough to stop the blow abruptly, and a bunch of sparks spattered, as if steel were colliding.

"What a hard bone!"

The voice of the little peacock prince sounded, holding a blue dragon sword, his eyes were gloomy, and he suddenly launched this blow.

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