Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1507: Do one big one

Remember in one second【】

There is a vast open space in the back mountain of the God of Medicine Sect. There are many dan towers, different sizes, different heights, and the tallest can be a hundred meters high, comparable to a skyscraper in the secular world. And the entire Dan Tallinn, like a cluster of skyscrapers, is very spectacular.

In the Medicine God Sect, if you are promoted to a fifth-rank alchemy master, you are eligible to own a pill of your own, and thus accept disciples and teach karma.

Every year, many uncountable pill will be released from here and circulated to all parts of Kunxu, continuously earning wealth for Shenzong.

All the time, the air is filled with the smell of medicine, which is very strong. Under nourishment, the trees here grow particularly thick.

I saw the vigorous old trees, their branches stretched out like horned dragons. Every old tree is like a hill, towering high into the sky, and its luxuriant branches and leaves are like umbrellas, covering large areas of the sky.

The old vines are as thick as a water tank, like giant dragons coiling on the mountain, circle after circle, or connect one mountain after another, and build a bridge to the sky, strong and powerful.

If you don't know the details and see this flourishing and vibrant scene, you will definitely think that this is a pure land with spiritual veins underground.

In fact, the prosperous scene here is purely caused by the exhaust gas, waste residue, and the pervasive medicinal power of alchemy.

Such a grand scene, looking at the entire Kunxu, is unique.

"Do you see it? That one hundred zhang pill pagoda is there, and the nine-turn ten thousand spirit great pill is inside."

The back mountain of God of Medicine Sect was a luxuriant vegetation. The old man Jiujue pointed to the tallest one of Lin Lidan Tower and said to Ye Tian.

In the past two days of disappearing, the old man Jiujue didn't stay idle for a moment, so he continued his old business, plundering, robbing the rich and helping the poor.

Of course, it was him who helped.

During this period of time, many wealthy people came and went in Yaoshen City. Although the time was short, the old man Jiujue also gained a lot, and his pockets bulged a lot.

The second thing is to covet the Nine-turn Wanling Great Pill that Shenzong is refining.

One of his arms was scrapped, and if he could get the Nine-Range Ten Thousand Spirits Great Pill, it would grow back. And, his skill can also be improved.

The Great Pill of Nine Turns represents the highest level of Kunxu's alchemy. It is the pill at the top of the pyramid. It is precious and self-evident.

Not only him, many people covet it.

The back mountain of God of Medicine Sect is a forbidden area, and Dan Talin is a forbidden area.

On weekdays, it is heavily guarded.

Now, the Nine-turn Wan Ling Great Pill is coming out soon, and the heart of the entire Kunxu is affected. Because the top ten sects have a share, they can get at least one Nine-turn Wan Ling Great Pill, so they voluntarily come to protect the Great Pill.

During this period of time, Dan Talin in the back mountain of the Medicine God Sect was heavily guarded, and even a mosquito could not fly in.

The old man Jiu Jue spent a lot of effort and tried his best to use up all his life's experience before he opened up a passage into the forbidden land behind the Medicine God Sect. The vegetation here is prosperous and can be well covered.

But there is still some distance from Dan Tallinn.

But wanting to enter Dantalin, there are many difficulties.

Because many dan pagodas are guarded by earth immortals or divine realms, their spirits radiate in all directions like a radar, supporting the tallest dan pagoda.

With the strength of Jiujue old man alone, he never wanted to rob the Nineth Rank Wan Ling Great Pill, so he brought Ye Tian.

Lan Meng and the Grim Bear did not follow, and returned to the courtyard.

As night fell, the stars were dazzling, Dan Talin was shining brightly, like tall buildings, towering into the sky, magnificent.

At least half of the pill towers were shining with fire, indicating that there were pill refining inside.

And the most eye-catching dan pagoda is the one hundred feet tall dan pagoda in the room. It has the scale of a skyscraper in the secular world, and it is terribly tall.

It is impossible to imagine that such a tall building could be built without reinforced concrete.

This is the Danta King, the Danta belonging to the Sect Master of Medicine God Sect.

At this moment, King Danta is blooming with splendid brilliance, thousands of rays of rays of light, clouds steaming and Xiawei, and the weather is very diverse.

Above the Dan Pagoda, the vitality of the heavens and the earth in a radius of hundreds of miles was aroused, whizzing out, and even stars sprinkled, part of it poured into the Dan Pagoda, and some of it condensed in the air.

This is the embryonic form of Jieyun, the holy pill, it must be baptized by thunder before it can finally become a pill.

Around the dan pagoda, the shadows of dragons coiled around, huge and boundless, able to wind the dan pagoda with a height of one hundred feet into a solid. And there is more than one dragon shadow, there are many, and they are making waves of dragons.

Such a vision is very amazing.

Even from a long distance, one could hear the fragrance overflowing from Danta King Powder, filling the entire back mountain with fragrance.

The Nine-turn Wanling Great Pill requires ten thousand spiritual medicinal materials, and it takes Nine-turn Wanling to become a pill.

And for Rank Nine, nine kinds of sacred fire are also used.

Rumor has it that because the nine types of sacred fire were not collected, it was impossible to become a holy product.

Now, the Medicine Shenzong has obtained the ninth kind of sacred fire, so this time the refining of the great pill can finally succeed.

"Master, you and me, how about making a big vote? Twenty nine-turn panacea, you and I are equally divided." The old man Jiu Jue said to Ye Tian, ​​his eyes glowing hot.

Ye Tian didn't seem to hear him, so he kept staring at King Danta.

On the Dan Pagoda, the winding dragon shadows made him feel a little familiar.

He released a divine mind, but was cut off by the prohibition on the Dan Pagoda, and could not penetrate the Dan Pagoda at all.

^0^Remember in one second【】

Moreover, he felt a terrifying air.

King Danta is dangerous.

The old man Jiujue felt guilty, and said, "I have five, and you have fifteen. Isn't this going to work?"

"You are so capable, why don't you do it yourself, it's all yours if you grab it." Ye Tian said sarcastically.

"The key is I don't have this ability!" The old man Jiujue smiled.

"As far as I can feel, there are 18 earth immortals here, no less than 50 gods. Moreover, King Danta, my divine consciousness has sensed a great danger, and it seems that there is a big murder weapon hidden. You let me go. To die?"

"The master does not know that the eighteen immortals of UU reading are already rare, and it is also the time when the defense of God of Medicine Sect is the weakest. In the past two days, some big figures have left secretly and were summoned by the Jiuli Sect. Deal with a big demon together."

"Oh? What big devil?" Ye Tian was surprised.

"The news I heard was that many villages in the domain were slaughtered, and some cities were bloodbathed, and all the people who were killed were sucked into corpses. If I'm not mistaken, the eight-armed bull demon did it. , It also escaped from the dark prison."

Ye Tian nodded, thoughtfully.

"The Eight-armed Bull Demon has contained many big figures, so now is the weakest time for the defense of the Medicine God Sect. However, the Medicine God Sect does have a big weapon, guarding the King Danta, it is a divine weapon handed down from ancient times. A sacred furnace is also damaged. If you have the Shushan cut off troops, you should be able to restrain the sacred furnace."

"I've already planned it. You use Shushan to cut off the army and split the King of Danta with a single sword. I will **** the Nine-turn Ten Thousand Spirit Great Pill, and then use your teleportation formation to flee instantly."


Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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