Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1533: Mengyao is in trouble

When the tsunami-like coercion dissipated from the mountain, the lingering and panting Tianjiao raised their heads, but only saw a cloud of blood mist. The figure of the **** child of Jiuli and the ancestor of Jiuli disappeared. . "You killed the son of God?" Several Tianjiao looked at Ye Tian in horror, their eyes were dull, and their eyes were full of disbelief. That was the **** son of Jiuli, the future helm of Jiuli God's Sect, and possibly even the leader of the entire Kunxu in the future, was killed, and in front of many people. What a treason! ? What a madness this is! ? "Are you crazy? How dare you kill God's Son? Are you not afraid of Jiuli's revenge?" A Tianjiao gritted his teeth with a look of grief and indignation. "You know, Jiuli Divine Religion is guarded by divine soldiers, and the ancestor of Jiuli was already a condensing pill fifty years ago. Even if you have the power to reach the sky, you can't escape death." Another Tianjiao sneer. "Not only the Jiuli Sect, but also Ten Thousand Fazong, Qingyun Sword Gate, Heavenly King Pavilion,..., you offended almost the entire Kunxu with this breath! Even if you join the God of Medicine Sect, the God of Medicine Sect cannot keep you. From now on , Kunxu will no longer have your place to stand a cone." "It is not suitable to stay here for a long time, I will leave it first."...Some people persuaded, some people sighed. But Ye Tian didn't bother to take care of it. In his eyes, how are these so-called God Realm Tianjiao different from ants? There is no right to criticize him at all. Several Tianjiao were about to flee, but saw Ye Tian gently flex his fingers, and then popped a finger. Bang! In the void, a golden finger was like a golden sword, tearing the sky, and instantly hitting a god-level Tianjiao. Suddenly, this Tianjiao's body was aroused by several protective magic weapons, but they were smashed again and again. In the end, the whole person seemed to be hit by a giant hammer, exploding in the sky, turning into a cloud of blood. And this was just the beginning, and then Ye Tian snapped his fingers again and again. Every time he snapped his fingers, there would be a Tianjiao volley bursting body. In the end, all Tianjiao who dared to talk a lot were killed by Ye Tian. "King Dan is forgiving." The remaining two Tianjiao knelt on the ground, kowtow to Ye Tian, ​​begging for mercy. Ye Tian didn't kill them anymore and spared them. In fact, when he had just killed Lichen Jianzi, someone on the Tongtian Platform secretly left, and went to Yao Shenzong to report. Later, people kept leaving. Therefore, it is useless for him to kill all the people on the platform. Now the news may have reached the God of Medicine Sect, maybe some earth fairy is coming. Killing so many Tianjiao really offended the entire Kunxu. Ye Tian didn't dare to look forward to the Nine-turn Wanling Great Pill. If he went to Medicine Shenzong now, he would definitely be beaten by a group of earth immortals. His current combat power is okay to deal with three or two earth immortals, facing dozens of earth immortals, he will definitely die without knowing how to die. "I still go back to the old place of the Sun Moon Sword Palace first, refining the Divine Soul Great Pill, heal the Divine Soul Dao wounds, and then break through the ground immortal." "The achievement of the innate, plus a Shushan soldier, I am enough to protect myself. No matter how many earth immortals besieged, I am confident that I can break the siege." "However, before returning to the old place of Sun Moon Sword Palace, I have to meet Bai Ling'er and ask her if she has ever seen Mengyao."... …Ye Tian thought about it in his heart, and was about to withdraw. Although the Nine Ranked All-Spirit Great Pill is very precious, people are very self-knowledge. He is not yet truly invincible in the world. He released his spiritual thoughts, and quickly sensed Bai Ling'er's breath, which was at the foot of the mountain, not far away. Ye Tian left Tongtiantai and chased it. "God **** it, have you finally left?" Just as Ye Tian walked on his front foot, several Tianjiao who had "fainted" on his hind foot woke up, cold sweat on his forehead, and lingering fear in his heart. Tongtiantai has been cut short by at least ten feet, full of holes, rags, blood and broken bones, leaving only a **** and dilapidated piece, which is shocking. "Sister, how is my friend? When can I see her?" At the foot of Tongtiantai Mountain, on a mountain road leading to the Medicine God Sect, two dragon scales were pulling a carriage, and Bai Linger was sitting in it . The master sister sat cross-legged, closing her eyes and resting her mind. Hearing Bai Ling'er's words, she didn't even lift her eyelids, and said indifferently: "It stands to reason, the day the Nine-turn Wanling Great Pill is released, you should be able to see you. A friend." The master sister's name is Qin Yun, who is a big disciple of a nine-tier pill master elder of God of Medicine Sect. Although Qin Yun is Bai Ling'er's senior sister, she is similar to her master, because she mainly relies on her to teach. "Ah!" Bai Ling'er was overjoyed and said: "Da Dan is out today, then I can see my friends today. It's really great." "Haha." Senior sister Qin Yun suddenly sneered, and the conversation changed. Said: "If she is healthy or alive." "Master sister, what do you mean? I don't understand." Bai Ling'er was startled. Grand Sister Qin Yun suddenly opened her eyes. There were so many stern expressions in her clear eyes, and said: "Ling'er, tell the truth, who is your friend?" Ling'er was originally afraid of this big sister. The senior sister looked at it with fierce eyes, and she suddenly became a little flustered, and said: "It's just an ordinary friend. I grew up with me and I was also from Baishancheng." "Do you think senior sister is so good to cheat? An ordinary person. My friend, how could there be a dragon pattern Lihuo Baoding? Do you know what this Baoding is? Thousands of years ago, in the same era as the Sun and Moon Sword Sect, the world’s number one Dandao Sect was called Lihuo Sect. Zongmen, not my Medicine Shenzong. This dragon pattern Lihuo Baoding is the sacred object of Lihuo Sect. Later, Lihuo Sect was destroyed by the Sun Moon Sword Palace, and the dragon pattern Lihuo Baoding disappeared. Later, The Sun Moon Sword Palace was also destroyed." "So, what about that? I don't know anything. It may be the treasure cauldron she picked up." Bai Ling'er's eyes wandered, and she was panicked. "Really? According to legend, there is a kind of fire from the five elements leaving the fire in the dragon-patterned fire treasure cauldron, which is a kind of sacred fire that is hard to find in the world. Now, the fire of this sacred fire is not in the treasure cauldron, but in your friend's body It was transplanted by someone with great magic power. Thanks to these five elements Lihuo and the dragon pattern Lihuo Baoding, the Nine-turn Wanling Great Pill became a sacred product." "Ling'er, UU Reading If you don’t tell the truth to Sister Sister, your friend will be more violent. To tell you the truth, the five elements are entrenched in her body. I teach the elders many times to try to strip them, but it never succeeded because it would endanger your friend. Life, and I'm also worried about the fire damage." "Now that the Nine-Range panacea is released, there is no scruples. The elders of my teacher will force the fire to be removed from your friend, even if it hurts your friend's life." Bai Ling'er She was shocked and said: "Sister, you can't do this. Danlu said it's just a borrowing. If my friend has some shortcomings, her master will definitely not let Shen Shenzong go." "Her master? Who?" His eyes were cold. Bai Ling'er realized that his mouth was lax and said something that shouldn't be said, and suddenly said hysterically: "I don't know, I don't know anything. Don't ask me." "Well, you don't have to say it. When the time comes, Just search for your friend's soul and everything will be known." Come on, Master Qin Yun closed her eyes again, and the old **** was meditating. "What? Searching for the soul?" The fat girl who was in the carriage was startled. "Senior Sister, please let my friend go, okay? Blame me, I shouldn't have brought her to Medicine Shenzong." Bai Ling'er cried, grabbing the senior sister's arm, shaking for a while. "Fuck! Don't call me senior sister, I don't have a disobedient junior sister like you." Pop! The big sister slapped out, the palms of the palms flashed with red clouds, like a lighted magic weapon, tearing the air, making a sharp noise, and slammed Bai Ling'er's cheek fiercely. Bai Ling'er paled with fright. Bang! At this moment, the roof of the carriage suddenly shattered, a big hand came in, grabbed the head of the master sister, and lifted the whole person out. "What's wrong with Mengyao?" A sharp shout came from the sky. Bai Ling'er looked out from the damaged carriage roof and saw a stalwart figure, not Ye Tian or who else.

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