Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1536: 1 sword sword

Qiu Xuanhe is the Sect Master of God of Medicine Sect. He called his name directly below the gate of God of Medicine Sect and threatened to kill him. This is killing him.

   When the boy said this, the audience was silent!

   However, no one took his words seriously. Everyone regarded him as a madman, or was controlled by others, just like the few callers just now.

   Bai Ling'er did not follow, but stood in the distance and watched, with a panic.

   The towering gate tower, nine stories above and below, is as high as tens of meters, like a big mountain. The young man stands under the gate tower, his lonely figure, as small as an ant.

   One person challenged another sect, which in Bai Linger's view was very unreal.

  Although Ye Tian once did something similar, breaking the wind thunder valley by one person, but the wind thunder valley is completely incomparable with the Medicine Shenzong, it is not on the same level.

   Fengleigu didn't even have a single earth immortal. Today, there are dozens of earth immortals in God of Medicine Sect. The whole Kunxu small half earth immortals are here, and there are only four of them standing on the top of the city gate.

"Although you are controlled by others, what you said is not what you intended, but you insult my Patriarch, and your sins are unforgivable." The land immortal elder of the Shenzong Medicine Sect above the city gate gritted his teeth and suddenly protruded a palm. , Volley slapped out suddenly.


   When the palm was out, the wind roared and the air exploded. A tyrannical invisible palm force descended from the sky, more than twenty feet apart, and blasted towards where Ye Tian was standing.


   Ye Tian's figure did not move, but the ground around his body sank, showing a palm print as deep as a foot, the size of a door.

   "Elder Li has a good hand!" The burly elder Jiuli praised.


   But as soon as his voice fell, a cloud of golden light burst out of Ye Tian's body, and the elder Yao Shenzong's palm was shaken away with his fingers.

   At the same time, Ye Tian also slapped a palm. When the chaotic golden light in his palm was surging, it turned into a huge chaotic golden light palm print, blasting towards the gate of God of Medicine Sect.

  The gate shimmers with metallic luster, such as cast copper and iron, giving people a sense of incomparable solidity.

   "Bring it to me!" Ye Tian yelled.


   The gate tower shook violently, as if hit by a high-speed chariot.

   But the two gates were not broken open, not even damaged.

   A restriction was placed on the city gate, and under the collision, dense runes shone out, extremely powerful, and resolved all Ye Tian's palm strength.

   In fact, there are more than two city gates. The entire nine-story gate building, even all the walls of God of Medicine Sect, as well as the important palaces inside, have been engraved with restrictions and even hidden killing formations, which are truly solid.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   In terms of combat power, Yao Shenzong barely ranks in the top ten in Kunxu, but in terms of financial resources, Yao Shenzong is the absolute leader and almost monopolizes the entire Kunxu The pill market has accumulated unimaginable wealth.

   Therefore, they have enough financial resources to do these things, and they will do a lot of construction work, ask the top formation masters to engrave the formation pattern, arrange the killing formation, and so on.

   Even so, Ye Tian's palm shook the entire gate tower for a while, still stunned everyone.

   You must know that the gate tower is as towering as a mountain, without the battle power of an earth fairy, it can't be shaken at all.

   Brush Brush!

   All eyes looked at Ye Tian again, this time it was not like seeing a madman or a fool, but like seeing a demon king, an invincible strong man.

   "He is the King Xiaodan, and the God Child Jiuli was killed by him. He killed all the princes. Everyone, take action and catch him!"

  The crowd downstairs suddenly shouted.

   was a Tianjiao onlooker who came down from Tongtiantai and recognized him.

"He changed his appearance and was seen through by the monk's three-time Dharma eyes. This is his true appearance." The Tianjiao continued shouting, hoarse, wearing the robes of the Jiuli God Sect. He was actually a Jiuli God Sect. Disciple.

   As soon as he said this, the audience was shocked!

  Ye Tian was calm and unhurried, and the breeze came, making his hair fluttering and clothes hunting, very plain.


   He flicked his fingers and flicked through the air, and his power was more brutal than a heavy armor piercing man. He suddenly shattered the head of the talkative Tianjiao into a cloud of blood.

   "You really killed my godson?" Jiuli burly elder asked angrily.

   The remaining three elders of the Earth Immortals, as well as all the disciples of God of Medicine Sect guarding upstairs of the city gate, were all nervous for a while, and looked at Ye Tian sternly.

   Ye Tian ignored him, and with a bang, he held a long sword in his hand.

   Regardless of whether he was King Xiao Dan, whether he killed several Tianjiao or not, it would be a death sin to act like this at this moment to hit the gate of Shen Yaozong.

   Everyone in the audience was shocked. Some people really dare to attack a big teacher alone, just like the fantasy.

   If this matter comes out, it will surely cause a sensation throughout Kunxu.

   "Let's release the arrow and kill him!" Yao Shenzong elder Li gave the order and shouted loudly. At the same time, a tyrannical force erupted from his body, and a sword was held in his hand.

  Although the alchemist is not good at fighting, but with the realm of the earth immortal, the real combat power will not be bad, and the god-slashing realm is like a dog.


A black iron feather shoots people, and the tips of the arrows all have runes flashing. They are obviously special effect arrows blessed by great mana. Ye Tian.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   This kind of arrow can easily shoot through the gods.

   is the immortal. In the face of so many special effect arrows, he must avoid it, and he will not easily risk himself.

   Click, click, click!

   Ye Tian didn't even move. The whole body was chaotic and turbulent, bursting with golden light, forming a golden protective light curtain, almost blocking all the arrows.

   Occasionally there are arrows tearing the golden light curtain, but they will also break on his body, not hurting him.

   "This little thing is not simple, is it really Xiao Dan? It really kills me to teach the son of God?" Jiuli's burly elder looked surprised.

   "When I catch him, the first instance will know!"

  While The burly elder of Jiuli jumped off the city gate and slaughtered Ye Tian like a big Peng bird.


When    volleyed, the burly elder Jiuli slapped a palm suddenly, and there was a big scarlet dragon roaring out of his palm, accompanied by the sound of the loud dragon's roar, killing Ye Tian.

   The palm of Elder Li of Shenzong of Medicine Shenzong just now, the palm of Elder Jiuli, the burly elder, is more than ten times thicker, and all of a sudden the void is sealed, and it is condensed into a piece of iron. The ground under Ye Tian's feet sank again, six or seven feet deep, showing the marks of a dragon's claws, but not human palm prints.


   The golden protective light curtain on Ye Tian's body was suddenly slapped.

   "Little thing, die for me!" The burly elder Jiuli yelled, his voice sounding like rolling thunder, deafening.

   At this moment, the long sword in Ye Tian's hand suddenly came out of its sheath.

   The moment the sword came out, a round of sun and moon appeared, and the sky was surrounded by stars, and the dazzling glow suddenly flooded the vision of the burly elder Jiuli.

   With the long sword in his hand, the aura on Ye Tian's body changed, like a murderous **** from the underworld of hell. The terrifying aura made everyone in the audience throb.

"Do not!"

   The burly elder Jiuli changed his face and wanted to escape, but it was too late.

   Ye Tian slashed out with a sword, and the sun and the moon glared in the sky, dividing a piece of heaven and earth into two, revealing a striking black crack.

   The burly elder Nine Li’s earth celestial body, under this sword, is as fragile as tofu. It is divided into two, and the bright red blood spills over the sky, making it a bleak and beautiful one.

   At that moment, the audience was silent!

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