Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1546: Kill King Sea


Ye Tian yelled. After blocking Wang Xinghai’s storm-like attack, a thick **** qi rushed up from the sky, shattering a large cloud, his eyes were as bright as a torch, and two golden rays were shot out. The light beam penetrates the void, as if to look directly at the origin of the heaven and the earth.

At this moment, the young man was extremely brave, and the golden body was opened to the extreme. The whole body was as bright as golden glaze, especially the two arms, every pore was puffing up golden clouds, just like two god-level warriors, gently shaking , There are tens of thousands of equal power, shaking the ground.

However, Wang Xinghai is mundane. As the great elder of Jiuli Divine Sect, he is the pinnacle of the old land immortal, and the elder generation cannot come out. His combat power is second only to the Jiuli Divine Lord, and he can enter the whole Kunxu. Top five, even top three.

   The spear in his hand is called the Spear of Killing the Gods, which has been passed down for thousands of years in the Jiuli Sect. It contains five stigmata, only two fewer than Ye Tian's Sun Moon God Sword.

   Ye Tian has been fighting countless masters from Tongtiantai until now, and he has consumed a lot of money. In addition, he was completely lower than Wang Xinghai by a big level, and Wang Xinghai waited for work, so when the battle between the two began, he was crushed.

   Of course, it's more than that. The crowds of earth immortals watching and grazing also put pressure on Ye Tian. They stared at each other, although they didn't make a move for the time being, it didn't mean they would never make a move.

   Ye Tian and them have feuds, as long as they find a flaw, they will strike Ye Tian a fatal blow.

   There is no war of gentlemen here, there are just endless killings, either you die or I live.

   bang bang bang!

Ye Tian launched a fierce counterattack. The long sword in his hand was stained golden yellow by blood, and the stigmata revived one after another. With the fluctuation of life, the rotating sun and the moon became larger, and the number of stars was more. Waved like a sea of ​​stars.

   Two shots of Saint Soldiers collided continuously, and the sky broke and the earth broke, blasting out flaming lightning, tearing the sky apart.

   "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

  Unable to attack for a long time, Wang Xinghai also roared, the war spear in his hand danced more violently, a spear pierced out, everything was destroyed, and he couldn't bear it.


A **** killer mang and Ye Tian passed by. It was as thick as a water tank and brighter than the lightning in the night sky. It hit a dan pagoda dozens of feet high with a bang, and the entire Dan pagoda was wiped out in ashes, leaving only the place. A piece of flat land, a piece of ruins.

   Boom boom boom!

   The **** war spear trembled, Wang Xinghai fought madly, and he was determined to kill Ye Tian and avenge the Zongmen divine son. He burst out one after another, swallowing the mountains and rivers, making the world change color.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Ye Tian's foot stepped on the floating light and shadow step, walking around in a roundabout way, avoiding as much as possible if he could avoid, and slashing with a sword if he could not. Many Dao Shamans passed by with him, exploding the Dantalin in the back mountain one after another. There were endless potholes on the ground, and some innocent people died.

   "So strong!"

   Everyone was stunned. At this time, they can't get in if they want to intervene, and if they don't pay attention, they may be injured by mistake and die on the spot.

   This is the first time everyone has seen Wang Xinghai's peak combat effectiveness. It can be called a horrible cry, even the Lord of Heavenly Mystery, Wu Wentian, thinks he is inferior.

   Jiuli Sect is the most adept at fighting, the heaviest killing, adhering to the style of moves, killing blood.

   This can be seen from Wang Xinghai's fierce attack.

   "Brother Wang Dao is only half a step away from the condensing pill. With the help of the Nine Ranked Alchemy Great Dan, there is no suspense, and he can condense the pill at any time." The elder of the earth immortal praised.

   "But, this young man does not seem to be weaker than Elder Wang! He is obviously just a god, he has seen a ghost."

"It's not surprising. The young man only relies on the benefits of weapons and the strength of his flesh. His Sun and Moon Sword is even above the King's God-killing Spear. His physique seems to be a golden indestructible body, better than a king. Elder Dixian’s treasure body is only strong or not weak. However, the gap in a big realm alone cannot be made up. As long as the battle continues and consumes him, he will definitely die in the end."


   Wang Xing Hai battles to the point of madness, his eyes are bloodshot, his eyebrows are raised, he doesn't even care that this is the back mountain of Shen Medicine Sect, and he doesn't even care if he kills his friends.

   "You **** it!" He shouted angrily, stepping on a mysterious step, quickly narrowing the distance with Ye Tian, ​​slamming the war spear in his hand, and smashing it down like a big stick.


   The void roared, as if a sky had collapsed. Suddenly, five chains of gods flew out of the God-killing Battle Spear, and the sky glowed with glow, like five dragons, wrapped around the spear shaft.

   After a while, the Spear of the Killing of Gods suddenly seemed to be alive, filled with an awe-inspiring power, and it was so terrifying and creepy.

   In the brilliance of the sky, there are faintly visible mountains of bones, blood flowing like a river, endless killings, and the world is bleak.

   This is a masterpiece!

   "The five stigmata are all urged to emerge. Elder Wang desperately struck out a full blow." Elder You Dixian horrified.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   It is true, Wang Xinghai tried his best, wanted to make a quick fight, use his power to overwhelm others, and smash Ye Tian to death.

   "What a peculiar soldier, keeping it is also a curse, ruin it!" Ye Tian shouted.


   A white tiger leaped out of his body, gushing out the sky full of Gengjin Qi, did not kill Wang Xinghai, but instantly merged into the Sun Moon God Sword.

   He poured the divine power of a white tiger body into the Sun and Moon Divine Sword, and instantly revived all the seven stigmas of the Sun and Moon Divine Sword.

   Otherwise, relying on him to infuse mana will not only consume a lot of the It may take a certain time.

   Sacrificed the White Tiger Dharma Body, but it could still be cultivated, not the real Tao fruit destruction.


   The Sun and Moon Divine Sword also exploded with a terrifying power, and the stars all over the sky were being drawn, and it fell over the sky.


   Swords screamed like a dragon, like a phoenix, all seven stigmata were revived, and seven great chains of divine light emerged. Starting from the sword body, one was wound around Ye Tian's arm.

   At this moment, Ye Tianren and the sword merge into one!

   A terrifying air is overwhelming, as if the end of the world is coming.

   "It's not good, stop him!" The elder Earth Immortal yelled, his expression terrified.

   A lot of the elders of the Earth Immortals shot together and attacked Ye Tian, ​​even if they might accidentally injure Wang Xinghai, because the two stood very close.


   Ye Tian slashed out with a sword, and the sword aura fell like endless stars. The heaven and the earth were splendid, giving people the illusion of being in the universe. A sword glow penetrated the sky and cut the sky.

It is impossible to describe the strength of this sword. All attacks are shattered by this sword. Wang Xinghai’s God-killing Spear, under this sword, is as fragile as tofu. It is cut in two, even five stigmata. It was chopped.

   The metal tremors vibrated in all directions, a thick crack on the ground spread to the distance, and several mountains were directly turned into ashes.

   Wang Xinghai flew out, spurting blood from his mouth, and the broken spear shot out.

   Click, click!

   On his body, cracks spread out, like cracked porcelain. In the end, the whole person turned into a blood mist with a bang, and died.

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