Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1554: go away

After a great battle ended, the Medicine God Sect was almost wiped out, whether it was the Dantalin area in the back mountain or the palace area in the front yard, only a dilapidated area was left, with dead bodies everywhere, and devastated.

   The sun **** fire is still raging, the magma is still raging, the heat wave hits people, and the heat is unbearable, but everyone in the field is chilling in their hearts and can't help but shiver.

   Everyone was dumbfounded, quietly looking at the figure of a young man in the field.

   The young man stood proudly in the ruins, holding a broken sword in his right hand and back of his left hand, his whole body was full of golden flames, shining with immortal brilliance, like a demon god, daunting, and could not help but want to worship.

   A total of dozens of earth immortals, most of them were killed or injured, and less than ten remained.

   This kind of impressive record is unprecedented in the history of Kunxu, and it is difficult for anyone to come back.

  Although there were other people who took action in the process, the desperadoes in the arena also participated in the killing in order to win the Nine Ranks Pantheon Great Pill.

  Especially the Eight-armed Blood Demon, when the Sun God Furnace was not released, he was almost invincible on the spot, and almost snatched all the Nine Ranks of the Great Pill.

   However, these are just side-effects, and they can't hide the glory of the boy.

   was an eight-armed blood demon, but he was also beheaded by the young man with a sword.


   Undoubtedly, Shen Yaozong suffered the greatest loss in this battle, almost to the point where the sect was destroyed, and it would be difficult to restore its former glory.

   "Boy, I played with you!"

   The elder dragged his tired body, staggered, and rushed towards Ye Tian, ​​his eyes red, not only murderous, but also full of resentment.

  All of his mana was used to spur the sun **** furnace, now there is only an empty shelf left, and his spirit fell to the bottom, so that his steps were staggered.

   "Elder Su, don't." Other elders tried to stop him, but they couldn't stop him.

   They are all at the end of the crossbow, because they urged the Sun God Furnace, all their mana was exhausted. If Ye Tian wanted to kill them, one slap could slap everyone to death.


   Ye Tian relentlessly clicked a finger, and a golden glow shot out, sharp as a sword, and a blood hole was pierced in the center of the eyebrows of the earth immortal elder. The person fell to the ground instantly and died violently.

   "Is there anyone else who wants to make a move?" Ye Tian looked around at the other land immortals who were still panting, and snorted.

   Everyone lowered their heads, and didn't even dare to open their mouths. It was almost a fear.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   They repeatedly overestimated the youth's combat power, but in the end, after all, they underestimated them, so that they were defeated, and there were no pants left.

   "It is the God Lord Jiuli, I am afraid that it is not the opponent of the young." An earth fairy muttered to himself, sighing secretly. From now on, Kunxu, Xindao, may change the sky and start a new era.

   Of course, Ye Tian still has a long way to go if he really wants to dominate Kunxu.

   I have to admit that today's battlefield, the top masters in Kunxu are not there.

Because the eight-armed Gorefiend made a **** storm in the middle area, the big figures dare to go to the middle area, like the **** master of Jiuli Sect, the old master of Ten Thousand Fazong, the sword master of Tianxuan Jianzong, and the abbot of Nanwu Temple. ,and many more.

   Moreover, Jiuli Sect and Wanfazong each have a magic weapon.

  Especially the Jiuli Sacred Sect, there is not only a mountain beast in the condensing period, but also a condensing elder.

   Other sects, do not rule out that they also have hidden backgrounds.

   Now Ye Tian has killed so many elders of the Earth Immortals, Son of God, and the top ten sects have offended almost all of them.

  The road ahead will be more bumpy, full of blood and bones.

   "It's too powerful, it's like a god. Ling'er, who is this friend of yours?" Little fat girl Lulu asked Bai Ling'er among the crowd watching the battle in the distance.

   "I don't know how he is so strong. When I saw him last time, he was obviously not so strong." Bai Ling'er was shocked, and her small chest was ups and downs, feeling that everything was unreal.

"You said you have such a powerful friend, so what else do you have to learn alchemy? Just learn the exercises from him. You will surely be able to beat the invincible hands all over the world, sweep those goddess sons, goddess saints." Little Fat Girl said, quick talk .

"That's what you said! Now that the God of Medicine Sect is gone, I'll just follow him to learn Kung Fu. Also, I don't know how Mengyao is going, I'll go and see." Bai Ling'er's eyes lit up, and she suddenly opened her eyes. Look like.

   Then, she really rushed towards Ye Tian and trot. The little fat girl yelled, but failed to stop people.

"You stupid girl, I'm just talking about it, you really went there. You can't just go to a teacher at this time! An obvious big pit, you jumped into it, and you can't hold it." Xiaopang The sister shook her head again and again.

   Anyone with some brains can see that Ye Tian is now the common enemy of Quankun Ruins, and whoever approaches him is unlucky. Unless he is able to turn the tide and sweep all enemies, Kunxu will not have his place to stand.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   This place is not suitable to stay for long. After holding the audience down, Ye Tian took out the Profound Light Stage, propped up the domain gate, and was about to leave.

   "Master, wait for me." An old man's voice came.

   In addition to Bai Ling'er, there are people who dare to approach Ye Tian on their own initiative, which is incredible, and they look around.

   This old man is no one else, but Jiujue old man.

   Just halfway through the battle, he saw that the situation was not good and drove off early.

However, he did not go far, but walked around in the front yard of the Gods of Medicine Sect. The Great Medicine Hall, the Weapon Pavilion, the Spirit Stone Library, and other treasures were all left behind, relying on the wonderful means of empty hands. , Earn pockets bulging.

   You need to know that the Medicine God Sect is the richest sect in Kunxu. There are countless elixir, and spirit stones are rare. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

   Jiujie old man only hates that his pocket is too small to hold all the treasures.

   "Damn, that Ninth-Rank Lotus Terrace is the treasure of our God of Medicine Sect. It is placed in the treasure chest, how can it be in his hands?" An Earth Immortal elder of God of Medicine screamed, almost vomiting blood.

   "Hey hey, your Shen Medicine Sect defeated, this lotus platform is treated as compensation." The old man Jiujue smiled, holding a big lotus platform, and rushed past the elder of the Medicine Shenzong Earth Immortal.

   "Why do I think this old man is familiar?" A whisper sounded.

   "I know who he is, Jiang Yang thief, Jiujue old man."

   "What? Old man Jiujue? No way? Why did he call Xiaodan King Master?"


   The famous but infamous Jiujue old man called Ye Tian as his master, surprised everyone and surprised everyone.

   Jiujue old man has done a lot of bad things, burned, killed, and robbed, doing almost everything. He approached Ye Tian and called Master Ye Tian, ​​which made people have to think about Ye Tian also bad.

   Ye Tian didn't care about these.

   Jiujue old man rushed into the domain gate and passed away in a flash.

   "Where is Mengyao?" Bai Ling'er came over and asked timidly.

   "I sent her to a safe place in advance. If you want to see her, go in." Ye Tian pointed to the domain gate.

   Bai Ling'er nodded, and without thinking, entered the domain gate.

   Then Ye Tian also left. When he reappeared, he came to the periphery of the old place of Sun Moon Sword Palace, where the old man Jiujue had made a passage for decades. Ye Tian engraved the coordinates here in advance.

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