Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1591: Fight against the enemy


Ye Tian sat still, but suddenly a terrifying breath erupted in his body, like a hurricane whistling, rolling the turbulent flow in the sinkhole up to a hundred meters high, shaking everyone in the audience with blood and blood, and his body was crumbling. Constantly staggering back.


Ye Tian opened his eyes abruptly and shot out two sharp golden lights. There were avenue runes rising and falling. The ultimate condensing, like two heavenly swords, penetrated the void and broke all obstacles. The cone thrown by the elder of the Guangming Palace Stabbed to pieces.

At this moment, Ye Tian finally woke up, covered in golden light, as if ten thousand super volcanoes were resurrected at the same time, rushing into the sky, rolling up thousands of waves and flooding the world.

"Teacher." Mengyao shouted, with a worried expression on her face.

She was worried that Ye Tian would be disturbed in enlightenment, accidents would occur, the blood in the body would be disordered, and he would go crazy, etc.

"Ye Xiaoyou, are you okay?" Li Chundao asked with concern.

"It's okay. I've been waiting for them to arrive." Ye Tian replied, the tiger's body shook, and he stood up.

He raised his hand and threw a divine jade plate, which was Xuanguangtai, and urged a space domain gate to be launched.


Xuanguangtai fell at Mengyao's feet.

Several other people also stood nearby.

"This will become the Shura Field. Go ahead and hide in other places." Ye Tian said, his voice is very magnetic, but it is full of death, making this world a piece of ice.

"Want to escape, when we don't exist? No one wants to escape today, all of you have to die!" The elder of the Guangming Palace snorted coldly, and his figure rushed out like lightning when he spoke, raising a giant palm, directly He blasted away at the Xuanguang Platform, trying to break this magic weapon of transmission.

There were also a few other elders of the Earth Immortal who were shocked, and they had to do it, each holding a sword soldier in his hand.


Some elders of the earth immortal burst into a burst of qi and turned into a fire man, raising a hand to roll up a fire dragon, who was born with fire spirit roots.

Some Earth Immortal elders roared, raising their hands to freeze a piece of heaven and earth, and they were born with ice spirit roots.

Some elders of the Earth Immortal held a battle sword, and the swords rang across the sky, and lightly slashed, cutting out a dark crack in the void, for the master of swordsmanship.


No one is a person with excellent roots and roots that can achieve the fruit of the immortality.

At the level of Earth Immortal, all abilities are superbly transformed, and the energy that destroys the sky and the earth can erupt with every gesture.

But just when a group of elders of the earth immortals were angry and ready to fight their own lore, a basin of cold water poured down.


Ye Tian slammed his fist, the flames surging into the sky, the burning of the embers void, a Suzaku screamed, transformed by the pure fist strength, rushed out from the tip of the fierce flames, and ran across the void in an instant.

The immortal elder of the Guangming Hall who raised a big iron palm and was rushing towards the Xuanguangtai like lightning, just took two steps before he was struck hard by Ye Tian's Vermillion Bird Fist.

"It's impossible!" The elder of the Guangming Palace shouted, his pupils suddenly shrank into large eyes, and the whole person almost scared to pee.

Not only did he find it impossible, but the other elders of the earth immortals also found it impossible, each of them widened their eyes, as if they had seen a ghost.

Ye Tian's fist mark was too fast, and it truly shattered the void, spanning hundreds of feet in an instant, blasting in front of him, unable to react at all.

Ye Tian integrated the void avenue he had felt into his boxing technique, which had a flashing effect, so much so.

"Save me!" the elder of the Earth Immortal of the Temple of Light screamed.

It’s a pity that everything is too late. Ye Tian’s invincible fist imprint has the power to explode the nine heavens. The iron-like solid and immortal earth fairy body is as fragile as tofu in front of it. , Broken bones and flesh and blood splattered in all directions.

In the presence of dozens of big earth immortal elders, an earth immortal elder was killed in this way, a real instant kill, without the power to fight back.

"What kind of boxing is this? It can crush the void?" The elder of the earth immortal screamed in exclamation, cold all over his body.

Ye Tian stood on the damaged road platform in the center of the tiankeng, and with only one punch, he easily killed an earth fairy like this, which made people creepy.

"This is a big demon. I will destroy this teleportation weapon when I take action together. Don't let one escape." said the first elder of the Heavenly King Pavilion.

"A bunch of trash, get out!"

At this moment, suddenly a cold voice came from behind everyone.

The Qingyun Sword Master came with the flying sword, wearing a Qingyun sword robe, the sword pattern was shining, bright and dazzling, the whole person seemed to be turned into a sharp sword, and the aura was forced.

The Jianzi Lichen killed by Ye Tian was his own son. This is an unshakable hatred.

"Children of the secular world, die for me!"

In the roar, Qingyun Sword Master drove the flying sword and rushed into the sinkhole at once.

The Sky Cloud Sword swelled to more than one foot long, like a flying skateboard, bringing a silver light to train, faster than everyone.

The sharp point of the sword, the sharp killer light, which is more than ten feet long, tears the void and directly pierces Ye Tian's head.

This is an extremely fierce offensive, not to mention the invincible offensive of the legendary holy soldiers, the lightning-like speed of a single flying sword, it is difficult to dodge, and it is inevitable.

In the world of comprehension Feijian has always been a fierce killer, and one of the rare killers that can take people thousands of miles away.

Ye Tian stood on the broken road platform, did not dodge, his flashing supernatural powers are not easy to use in the turbulence of the void.

He only stomped his foot gently, and the turbulent flow that was originally calm, suddenly resembled a volcanic eruption, bursting out a huge wave.

"Sword Master Qingyun, be careful! This is a turbulent flow of void, there are void fragments inside, which can deprive people of their cultivation base and life span." Divine Master Jiuli reminded loudly.

But it was too late. The Azure Cloud Sword Master came recklessly, thinking about killing Ye Tian, ​​never expected something like Void Turbulence to exist, thinking that this was just ordinary heaven and earth vitality, and was immediately involved. In the turbulent void.

However, the Sword Master Jiuli is after all the Sword Master Jiuli, and there was a loud shout among the sparks:

"Sword Domain!"


He burst out with infinite treasures of light, rushing out of infinite sword energy, and in an instant, a realm formed. It was the sword realm he called out to condense and immortal sword intent for sword energy, isolating the turbulence of the void.

At the same time, the flying sword under his feet slashed out, slashing into the vast void and waves like mountains and seas, opening a way out of desperation.

As for Ye Tian, ​​where did he dare to make an idea, his own escape is the most important thing.

At this time, on the shore, other earth immortals attacked Xuanguangtai once again, and Ye Tian had to give up the good opportunity to kill the Sword Master Qingyun, and took a few big strides to rush to the shore.


Ye Tian shone with golden clouds all over, like a human-shaped tyrannosaurus, full of blood and strength, and it was a lore by raising his hand.

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