Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1595: Thunder Tribulation


Below the ground, a terrifying and monstrous great power suddenly erupted, and there was a shocking murderous opportunity, which suddenly broke through the soil, overturned the earth, and rushed to the sky.

It was a broken sword, with rust peeling off, extremely bright and dazzling, unable to look directly at it. In the hands of Ye Tian, ​​there were two divine scars resurrected. It is the most original chain of the great avenue of heaven and earth, and the rules of order stir the universe. , Like a wild beast coming out of the gate, the aura is tragic and terrifying.

The big brothers of the earth immortals who stood proudly on the spot all couldn't stop retreating, and even more people flew out with weapons, and their hearts were fluttering.

Even the Golden Core Killing Array covering the old ground of the Sword Palace was affected, violently turbulent, and the killer light shone like stars, which could fall down at any time.

Relying on the artifact, the Holy Lord of the Ten Thousand Pharaohs still stood in the void.


The Nine Fire Flame Dragon chariot continued to suppress, bursting out a more brilliant avenue of divine light, with thousands of runes, like a **** sun descending from the sky, and the ignited ripples like a huge wave toss, invincible, there are nine heavens and ten earths of suppression. The prestige.

The two avenue soldiers recover at the same time. This is what a shocking scene, as if the end of the world is coming, the tragic atmosphere is overwhelming, and a group of big earth sages are all hairy, and they all retreat quickly, so as not to be affected by the pond fish.


Sword Qi pierced through the void, tearing the sky apart, Ye Tian held the sword and slashed with one sword, cutting out a sword light that made all living beings afraid of the sky, endless murderous intent, shocking the world.


The Nine Fire Flame Dragon chariot was struck by a sword, and it uttered a loud cry, just like Hong Zhong Dalu, even the people outside the Jindan massacre array trembled when they heard it.

After all, the Nine Fire Flame Dragon chariot is an artifact of the Great Dao. With a shocking sword, it only cut a striking gap, not broken.

The luster of the chariot dimmed in an instant, and then it flew out directly, smashing a large mountain a thousand feet away, and it was not too embarrassing.

But Ye Tian was not so declining, his figure only stagnated, and then continued to soar up.

"What? The Nine Fire Flame Dragon Chariot was smashed into the air?" A group of Dixian Dadao was shocked, and their jaws were almost shocked to the ground.

"His broken sword revived two divine marks, and the Nine Fire Flame Dragon chariot revived only one divine mark, so that it is so." The old abbot of Nanwu Temple looked like a torch, saw the reason clearly, and said lightly.

"Yes, that's the case. Normally, it takes a huge amount of true essence to activate one divine mark. He activates two divine marks in one breath, and there must be very little true essence left in the body. It's just bluffing. You fellow Taoists follow. I'll go and kill him!" The God Lord Jiuli said loudly.

As he said, urging the two Dao Divine Marks in the Broken Army, Ye Tian's face was a little pale, and it was obviously very expensive.

However, the **** master Jiuli stepped out, but no one followed.

A group of big earth immortals are watching, and no one wants to be the first bird.

Although Ye Tian seemed to be at the end of the crossbow, holding the Daoist God Soldiers and desperately resisting, he was able to drag a few big earth immortals to the funeral.


At this moment, the sound of a chain breaking was heard from Ye Tian.


At the same time, a terrifying aura rushed out of the young man's body, as if a secret door had opened, and it was as if he had eaten Invincible Nine Turns Great Return Pill, and the aura of the whole person climbed to a new height.

The Divine Lord Jiuli shuddered, and the step he took suddenly returned.

Click, click!

Next, there were a few more sounds of chain breaking.

Every time the chain breaks, the youth's aura will skyrocket.

At the same time, the thundercloud storm in the sky will at least double.

In the end, the youth's aura climbed to the apex, the golden blood in his body boiled, rumbling like a big river bursting a bank, every pore of his body was opened wide, and a brilliant golden haze surging out, extremely dazzling.

"What is he doing? What happened?"

A group of big earth immortals were extremely frightened, and didn't understand what happened.


The sky was thunderous and the earth was shaking. No one noticed. At this time, the thundercloud storm almost enveloped the entire Jiangong Old Land, which was terribly large.

Dense black clouds, like a super large mountain range, lie across the sky, and drop endless pressure.

The countless spirit beasts on the ground were all shocked and screamed one after another.

At this moment, the figure of a young man became the only one in the world, standing proudly in the sky, with a thundercloud storm above his head, and his body shone with immeasurable golden light.

"Three years of rebirth, today, I finally prove innate again!" Ye Tian closed his eyes, stretched his limbs, and said slowly.

His physical body is gradually becoming blurred, as if blending with the heaven and the earth, the whole figure is like an immortal heaven and earth **** furnace, shining in all directions, smelting the heaven and the earth.

His body, flesh, true essence, and spirits are fusing together at an extremely fast speed, and are tempered by the furnace of the flesh, and finally condensed into one, becoming a brand-new existence, no longer separate from each other.

The surging true essence is filling the limbs, every inch of flesh and blood, every bone, and every cell.

At the same time, the soul is being broken up, blending into every inch of flesh and blood.

When the three are united, all the powers in the body will also be united. One move and one move will bring together the power of the body, the soul and the true essence, which is many times larger than before.

This is the horror of the innate and earthly immortal, the flesh incarnate into a kind of eucharist, immortal.

"No, he's going to break through! This is his Earth Immortal Thunder Tribulation. Don't you guys do it? Let me kill him, otherwise the consequences are unpredictable." Divine Lord Jiuli shrank suddenly and said loudly.

While speaking, he came forward with a gun.

"Kill! Never let him successfully break through." Qingyun Sword Master gave a soft drink, and flew out.

Then the old abbot of Nanwu Temple also rushed out.

Seeing this, a group of big earth immortals did not dare to neglect, all rushed out.

At this time, an ancient chariot rushed out of a rocky ruin thousands of feet away, like a bolide, and joined the battlefield.

"Open!" Ye Tian shouted.

When the immeasurable golden light is surging, UU reads www. All the forces in his body suddenly became one, as if transformed into a chaos, and the whole became an alternative life form.

Immediately afterwards, at the place of his heavenly spirit cover, a blood rushed into the sky, a soul leaped out of his body, sometimes transformed into a human form, sometimes transformed into a white tiger, sometimes transformed into a red bird, and finally merged into the boundless sea of ​​vitality, touching a brand new boundary of power. .


In an instant, as if the will of heaven and earth had awakened, the thundercloud storm completely erupted, turning into a boundless ocean of lightning, thunder surging like a tide, shattering everything in the sky and the earth, incomparably flaming.

In an instant, I don't know how many thunderbolts smashed Ye Tian, ​​and all of a sudden the world was flooded.

"No one told you, don't you just rush in when others are fighting thunder tribulation?" Ye Tianjie smiled, and with the thunder tribulation behind him, he rushed towards a group of big immortals who were rushing over.

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