Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1597: Dead bodies everywhere

Ye Tian was not in a hurry, as he fought the robbery while beheading the fish that slipped through the net.

From the eruption of Thunder Tribulation to the present, in just a few minutes, a dozen people have been killed by the big immortals, and some of them were seriously injured. Ashes are gone.

Ye Tian experienced seven waves of thunder tribulation during his previous life, and he became a top-grade earth fairy.

And at most, someone who can survive nine thunderstorms is the most complete congenital immortal.

The number of times the thunder catastrophe falls is related to a person's overall quality. The higher the overall quality and the more accumulation, the more thunder catastrophes will fall, and the more violent the thunder catastrophe.

Thunder Tribulation is not so much a harm as an opportunity. It is not really about letting a person be wiped out, but about making a person, reborn, and a new level.

Of course, there are indeed many people who have been wiped out in the thunder tribulation, or have been hit hard. This is a natural selection of things, and the strong survive. People who do not have real materials will be selectively eliminated by the will of heaven and earth.


The sound of billowing thunder almost pierced the eardrum of a person, shattering the soul of the person, and it was vast and boundless, like a nine-day galaxy pouring down, with one shot that could not be controlled, and an indiscriminate attack.

Looking around, the void is dilapidated, the earth is anxious, and the real world is shattered.

Fortunately, Ye Tian sent Mengyao and others out in advance, otherwise it would be cannon fodder to stay. This kind of thunder disaster is not something they can bear.

"Sword Master, save me!" a Qingyun sword gate elder screamed, **** and almost blasted into a piece of coke, but he didn't want to die and was still resisting fiercely.

"It's too painful for you, I'll send you on the road, die early and overtake your life." Ye Tian rushed over with the sky of thunder.

He didn't make a move, but after walking, the roar disappeared, leaving only a few scorched bones in place.

"How did you find me? No! I am not a member of the top ten sects, and I have no intention of killing you. I am really forced by the Divine Lord Jiuli. Please let me go, I don't want to die!"

"That's also unforgivable, send you on the road."


The golden palm of chaos was suppressed, and five thick fingers circled five thunder lights with different colors. An elder of the earth immortal who was hiding with a secret treasure was shocked to death on the spot, his head was broken, brain fluid splashed, and his soul was shattered. In the thunder light training again, it turned into fly ash, and nothing was left.

"Made, I played with you!"

Not far away, a humanoid lightning rushed towards Ye Tian, ​​holding a big sword in his hand and lifting it high.

In the humanoid lightning, there was an old man with skin and flesh, bones and burnt flesh. Only half of an old life remained, and he had to pull a back before he died.


Ye Tian clicked a finger, and a slender thunder light burst out from his fingertips. It was condensed to the extreme, sharp and unmatched, and he suddenly pierced the eyebrows of the old man of the earth immortal, leaving a blood hole that was transparent before and after.

The void was blazing, completely submerged by the sea of ​​thunder, the earth was scorched, there were countless pits, and even more lava was flowing ragingly.

This is the Jedi of life, the thunder sea of ​​death, and everyone in it is unavoidable, passively following Ye Tiandujie, being bombarded by countless sky thunders.

Unknowingly, the thunder tribulation tide has reached the fifth stage, one is stronger than the other, and it becomes more intense and boundless, and gradually makes Ye Tian a little difficult to control.

"Mad, is this still the Thunder Tribulation of the Earth Immortal? Isn't it the Golden Core Thunder Tribulation?" Ye Tian felt a little hairy in his heart, but felt that the thunder Tribulation was a little too strong, even more so in his previous life.

In the previous life, Ye Tian had gone through seven thunder tribulations, and how many of them would be in this life is still unknown.

The scorched corpses on the ground were in pieces. There was not a single intact corpse, all of which were covered in flesh, and even many bones were absent, leaving only a human-shaped burn mark on the ground. Among them, only half of them died by Ye Tian's hand, and the other half were struck to death by the sky thunder alive, or strangled to death by the Jindan killing array.

This is a closed space, full of thunder, everywhere is killing light, there is no escape, there is no way to hide.

There should be about ten surviving earth immortals, all of whom were concealed with sacred goods and secret treasures, able to fight against the catastrophe, and could not die in a short time.

Among these surviving earth immortals, the one that Ye Tian wanted to kill most was the Ten Thousand Pharaoh Holy Lord, because he had a divine weapon on his body, which was the most dangerous factor in the next triumph.

Because the thunder robbery became more and more violent, exceeding Ye Tian's expectations, it gradually became difficult for him to control, and he had to devote himself to it. If the Lord Wan Pharaoh, regardless of life and death, suddenly attacks, then he is likely to happen unexpectedly.

Then there was the God Lord Jiuli, and there was an unshakable hatred between the two.

Such a big siege operation was also initiated by the God Lord Jiuli. Ye Tian vowed to kill him.

Of course, this person is also strong enough to hold the Saint Weapon and have to guard against it.


Suddenly, a thick thunder fell from the sky, with a diameter of more than ten feet, piercing through the sky and the earth, suddenly splitting Ye Tian thousands of feet away, knocking a mountain in half.


The young man vomited blood, his whole body was scorched, blood stains lined up, golden blood was flowing, and he suffered unimaginable damage.

Although very embarrassed, he stood up tenaciously, with his long hair standing upside down, like a madman.

Although his skin was broken and fleshy, his blood and energy in his body became more and more vigorous, and his fighting spirit became more and more vigorous, fighting against the sky and fighting hard.


A cold light suddenly appeared, and the sharp sword light fell from the sky, extremely thick, and smashed into Ye Tian's head, trying to split the sky spirit cover and kill him with one blow.

"Child, go to death!"

The Qingyun Sword Master appeared, with a jade plate of sword talisman on top of his head, dotted with twelve pearls, and the infinite sword aura fell down to form a sword domain guard.

This sword talisman jade plate was a big killer that had been urged by the two earth immortal elders of Qingyun Sword Sect outside the Golden Core Great Enchantment before, and it was unexpectedly in his hands.

This object integrates offense and defense, and can be used to kill the enemy immediately or to protect the body.

Even so, the Qingyun Sword Master was also covered in wounds, and his Qingyun sword robe was riddled with holes and rags. His hair was scattered all over his head, and there were dense bloodstains on his body.

Taking advantage of Ye Tian being smashed by the sky thunder, he wanted to kill Ye Tian with one blow to relieve the disaster.

"Finally can't help but shoot? You are the one waiting." Ye Tian sneered, showing two rows of white teeth.

Seeing his scorched body shining brightly, UU reading's golden blood is like a **** flame, almost burning, where there is a little blood withered, and the appearance of being severely injured, it is clear that a powerful war **** like a dragon .

Qingyun Sword Master knew that he had been fooled, and hurriedly backed away, but it was too late.


The big sword dripped blood across the sky, the sun, moon and stars lingered, drawing a sword light that was brighter than a comet, and beheaded the head of the sword master Xiang Qingyun.

Ye Tian's eyes were bright and dying, and his body was as pale as smoke, as if he wanted to blend into this world.

This is a great killing technique, a peerless sharp sword that cuts through the sky, and the sky is filled with thunder, leaving only the sun, moon and stars transformed by the surging sword gas, covering the sky, gorgeous and boundless.

The Qingyun Sword Master changed color, and he really felt the biting coldness of the sharp blade on his neck, and a death energy instantly surged across his body.

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