Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1601: Slaying the Old Lord

The Great Seal of Mount Xumi blasted out and turned into hundreds of feet tall, with thousands of Buddha's light, the power of belief and thoughts flowing from all living beings, and the vast sacred power swept the world and shocked people's hearts.

Boom boom boom!

The mountain was extremely swift and unstoppable, like a meteor passing through the sky, wherever it passed, the sky was shattered and it swept through nine heavens and ten earth.

The old abbot of the Nanwu Temple was full of compassion, but when he started his hand, he was relentless and hard to resist thunder and catastrophe, and rushed to kill him.

"What a powerful magic weapon!" Outside the Jindan Great Enchantment, a big land immortal exclaimed.

It is separated by a boundary membrane, thousands of feet away, just looking at the momentum of the Great Seal of Mount Sumi makes people feel suffocated and breathless.

"Old bald donkey, let me save you too much, let me leave you all four empty!" Ye Tian yelled and sneered, but he really didn't dare to take it lightly, his expression was extremely solemn.

Linking his ten fingers with both hands, he shook out a terrifying divine power, blessing it to the Great Seal.

At the same time, a sea of ​​thunder was also spurred by him, falling down thousands of thunders, and attacking the Great Seal of Mount Xumi.

"My child, you are deeply enchanted, and it is a great evil to stay in the world. The old monk is fighting his old life, and he wants to rectify you and return the world to a clean." The old abbot of Nanwu Temple also shouted, standing in morality. On the commanding heights, I found myself an excuse to kill.

He recites the scriptures, and his body is full of Buddha's light, like a vajra with a six-foot-long golden body, and he has a majestic and majestic feeling.

The Great Seal of Mount Xumi was also blessed by him, with his hands in the shape of the sky, a large seal of mountains pierced the sky, flowing the belief power of sentient beings, endless magnificence and vastness.

"Old bald donkey, don't be full of benevolence, justice and morality. Can you represent the world? If there is no justice in this world, I don't mind being a demon and asking for justice for myself!"


In the sound of the words, the two big seals collided with each other, and the sound waves were surging, like Huang Zhong Dalu roaring, shaking nine days and ten places.

Suddenly, the whole world seemed to be overturned, the earth undulated like oceans, the sky collapsed, and there was a world-destroying aura that shook in all directions, there were violent waves everywhere, and bright lights everywhere.

A mushroom cloud soared into the sky, causing the Golden Core Great Enchantment to be violently shaken like a piece of cloth, clattering, almost torn apart.


The two big seals flew upside down, collided with countless mountains, and plowed two big rift valleys on the ground, which was shocking.

This blow seemed half-hearted.

However, under the traction of Qi, the old abbot of Nanwu Temple vomited blood again and again, flew out hundreds of meters, and his chest collapsed.

But Ye Tian was still in the air, only trembling in his figure, hunting in his suit, unscathed.

Suddenly, Ye Tian picked up the big sword in his hand and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Where did he go?"

Outside the barrier, a group of big earth immortals exclaimed in unison, all eyes widened, looking through.

There was a bright light there, smoke and dust rushed into the sky, Ye Tian rushed in, and disappeared from the sight of the big immortals.

"Pharaoh thief, where to escape?"

Suddenly, a voice came from the strong light shock wave, fierce and inexplicable.

"The ants who do not live or die, want to kill me, in the next life!" The holy lord of Pharaoh uttered a clear whistle, and the sound wave thundered, shaking the void and roaring.

Taking advantage of the assistance of the old abbot of Nanwu Temple, he was driving a chariot to escape in the shock wave of strong light.

He did not hesitate to burn the original blood essence, urging the ancient chariot, the ten thousand divine light was surging, the divine mark began to recover, and once again formed a divine light law domain to isolate all damage.

Suddenly, he saw that a figure rushed towards him, driving a sea of ​​thunder, with a big sword dripping blood in his hand, as powerful as a wild dragon.

"Kill!" The Pharaoh Saint Lord also went out and drove his chariot into Ye Tian.

The essence and blood in his body is burning, he has no scruples.


The whole body of the Holy Lord of Ten Thousand Pharaohs is connected with the traces of the ancient chariot, as if walking with a mountain and a big mountain, the oppression of the world will collapse.

The endless divine light is intertwined, as if opening up the world, constructing a new order in the divine light domain, forming a small world.

In this small world, the Holy Lord of Ten Thousand Pharaohs is the only ruler, the whole body circulates the brilliance, the potential energy suppresses the nine heavens and ten earth.


The golden sword slashed out, cutting out a scar from the sky, and slashing towards Ye Tian's head.

At the same time, the ancient chariot brought a small world of the law domain, and the world was shattered, and the initial aura of the universe was also suppressed.

This is a fierce attack!

"Child, you can make me burn my original essence and blood, and hurt the root. Even death is enough to be proud." The Holy Master Wan Pharaoh shouted.


The spirit of opening up the world is permeated, the light of the gods, the chain of order flying, the world is shattered, and all the attacks are directed at one person.

"Kill!" Ye Tian shouted, not evasive, holding a **** sword, breaking through the chaos, cutting the void, and rushing to the small world of the law domain.

At this moment, the young man also took his risk. He was extremely powerful, driving the sea of ​​thunder. His body was scorched, but he was spitting out the gods. The blood was like a dragon, lingering around the body. The golden blood was flowing like the Yangtze River. Extremely tyrannical vitality.

call out!

Suddenly, he opened his mouth and inhaled, actually sucking a huge thunder sea into his body and swallowing it all at once.

In an instant, his physical body lit up like a magic lamp, a hundred times brighter than the sun, and it was extremely majestic.

At this moment, his aura was connected to the thunder tribulation, in harmony with the heaven and the earth, as if it had become the embodiment of the will of the heaven and the earth.


The big sword in his hand moved, and a sword slashed out, suddenly breaking the small world of the legal domain that enveloped the ancient chariot, and the star-like glow of the sword pierced all obstacles.

He swallowed a sea of ​​thunder, and turned into a human-shaped lightning, as if he had become the embodiment of the will of heaven and earth, and there was a roar of Dao sound in his body, permeating the original aura of evolution.

With a successful move, the young man was like a broken bamboo, rushing to the yellow dragon, and a sword flew the golden sword of the ten thousand pharaoh holy lord, the old holy lord also flew out, a striking wound pierced most of the body, blood spurted and stained red Sky dome.

"No!" Ten thousand Pharaoh Holy Lord lay on the ground, withered vitality, facing the strong young man like a dragon, he was really desperate.

"Child, stop! Everything is easy to discuss." The voice of the old abbot of Nanwu Temple came.

Even though the old bald donkey said that, the Demon Pedal in his hand threw it out and blasted Ye Tian's back.


Ye Tianzhen pointed out that the sun and moon divine sword turned into a magic light, UU reading www.uukanshu. com pierced the eyebrows of the Holy Lord of Ten Thousand Pharaohs, split his head, and crucified him to death on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian turned around, his eyes were extremely sharp, sharp as a blade, his right hand clenched a fist, as if he was shaking a golden grinding wheel, and blasted out suddenly.

"It was actually going to shake the Demon Peel with a fist. This is a legendary holy soldier. Is this guy crazy?"

In the exclamation of a group of earth immortals outside the barrier, Ye Tian's golden fighting fist and Jiang Mo pestle slammed into a solid.

Ye Tianzhan's fist was unimpeded, but Jiang Mochu was blown out.


Several cracks spread on the magic pestle.

Under the guidance of the Qi machine, the old abbot of Nanwu Temple vomited blood again and flew out.

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