Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1606: Lianjin 2 Realm


The sonic boom roars and rolls like thunder. The ten-foot-high violent bear descends from the sky like a meteorite. When the power of the sky is surging, a huge bear's paw with a diameter of one hundred meters emerges, just like the sacrifice of an ancient god. Turning the sky, facing the direction of Old Ning Dan Jiao, he slapped it down with a palm.

This is the flying bear in the sky, hitting a true palm of the dragon descending god, and he needs to slap the old pill to death with one palm!

Boom boom boom!

Before the giant palm arrived, the terrifying invisible palm power had already been pressed against the body of the old Ning Dan Jiao.

Seeing, the ground under Old Ning Pill Jiao suddenly sank several feet, and a huge bear's paw print with a radius of one hundred feet appeared. Ning Dan Old Jiao's huge body was also reflected in his palm prints.

Under the invisible palm power like mountains and seas, the void was sealed and solidified like a single piece of iron. The Condensed Pill Old Jiao suddenly felt like he was stuck in a quagmire, bound his hands and feet, and his actions became slow.


Ning Dan old Jiao roared, struggling hard, trying to break free from the shackles of invisible palm power.

The dozens of feet of Jiao's body is so powerful, but suddenly he couldn't break free, and was stubbornly pinched by the violent earth bear.

Puff puff!

It opened its mouth and exhaled a torrent of ice-cold air, freezing the void, trying to freeze the palm of the violent earth bear, but was shaken away by the sword aura emanating from the palm of the god, and the void was chopped into a thousand holes, even No icicle can freeze.

Seeing this scene, all the people were moved and stunned to themselves.

Although the old Jiao is also a condensed pill beast, he has finally entered the age of dying, his energy has fallen, and he is no longer at the peak.

But the terrestrial violent bear is different, just as a mature man, full of blood like a dragon, vast as a sea of ​​smoke.

Moreover, the blizzard bears are naturally good at fighting and can become the king of a domain no matter where they are.

This terrestrial violent bear is even more extraordinary. It has been repaired into an indestructible sword body, and its body is like a sword. Every pore and every hair can emit sword energy.

Seeing that the huge palm of one hundred feet was about to fall on his body, with the weight of a mountain of ten thousand feet, the old Ning Dan Jiao was frightened, but also angry, and shouted: "Do you really want to slap me to death? You too Arrogant!"

"If you can't die with one slap, then slap twice!" The Grim Bear is simple and rude, and there are not many words.

"Being a tiger, you can't keep it!"

In the voice of the words, the body of the old Ning Dan suddenly changed, the scales opened and closed, first bursts of purple gas, and then inexhaustible purple electricity, crackling and shining, as if suddenly charged. .

Infinite purple electricity continues to converge and interweave, forming a thicker purple lightning. When it splits, thunder bursts.

For a moment, Old Ning Dan's body seemed to have turned into a purple thunder sea, and purple thunders slashed against the fallen giant palm.

Surprisingly, the old Jiao Ningdan has practiced the Jiuli Divine Sect's Zhenzong's unique knowledge, "Hongmeng Ziqi Jue", this purple thunder is Hongmeng Purple Thunder.

As soon as the Hongmeng Purple Thunder came out, the banned void suddenly disintegrated, and the huge Jiao body twisted, breaking free from the shackles of the palm of the air, and fleeing desperately.

However, before the Ning Dan old Jiao completely escaped, the Hundred-Zhang giant palm fell down, slamming a solid on the lightning-scorched Jiao's body.


This was an earth-shattering collision, comparable to the strike of a meteorite. The huge body that was dozens of feet long and thicker than a water tank was shot into the mud and knocked out a dozen. Great pit of Zhangshen.

Around it, dense radiation cracks burst out, spreading to hundreds of feet away like lightning, as if the sky was collapsing and the ground was full of holes.

Ning Dan old Jiao's vitality is very stubborn, he will not be slapped to death by a palm. After recovering, he raised his head and twisted the giant body to rush out of the surface and fight to the ground violent bear.


At this time, there was another loud noise, and the ten-foot-sized body of the Earth Grumpy Bear also fell from the sky, and his **** was pressed on the Jiao's body.

In a close confrontation, all kinds of magical powers are not easy to use. The two giant beasts fight with bare hands, simple and rough, and every blow is earth-shattering.

The two paws of the tyrannical bear are as big as two iron doors, and one flap can wind up a violent wind, blowing sand and rocks. Each sharp claw on a bear's paw is six or seven feet long, more than the teeth of a giant excavator. It is like a cast of tungsten steel, and it can spray thin gold, sharp as a sword.


The terrestrial violent bear grabbed it with one claw, and with its feet, it could blast a tank with great power, and the scales on the body of the old Condensed Pill Flood fell like snowflakes, the skin was open and fleshy, and the blood was dripping.


Amid the painful roar, the huge body of the old man who was more than ten feet long was wrapped around the violent earth bear, tightening constantly, to cut the violent earth bear into a sausage.

This is a collision between giant pill condensate beasts, destroying landslides at every turn, and ordinary immortals can't intervene.

At this time, the ancestor of Jiuli came to the field, gathered his eyesight, and looked around.

Void and misty, a smog.

The sparkling drops of Thunder Tribulation Liquid disappeared, but I don't know if it was broken up in the collision of two giant pill condensing beasts.

"Are you looking for this?"

Suddenly, a sound came from the ground, very crisp and very magnetic. But to the old ancestor Jiuli, it sounded like a note of death. His nerves were tense instantly. When he lowered his head and looked down, he saw Ye Tianzheng swallowing a drop of Thunder Tribulation Liquid.


Ye Tian swallowed, as if he had eaten Qiongye Yuye, his face was intoxicated.

The Thunder Tribulation Liquid contained endless power of resurrection, allowing his broken and withered body to suddenly revive a lot of vitality.

The last chaotic thunder tribulation caused him severe damage, his bones were shattered, his flesh and blood and internal organs were almost necrotic, and the whole was a remains.


Until now, there are still arcs overflowing in his body, crackling and shining like being charged, looking very scary.

That was the aftermath left by the powerful Thunder Tribulation in his body, which had not completely dissipated.

Now, after swallowing the Thunder Tribulation Liquid, it was as if he had eaten the Divine Grade Nine Transformation Great Huan Pill. His broken flesh healed his injuries very quickly, revived, his body was glowing, flesh and blood was filling, and his broken bones creaked. , Is continuing.

In almost an instant, most of the injuries on Ye Tian's body healed, and his energy was rolling like a dragon, and he went straight to Xiaohan, his broken bones healed, and his integrity remained as before. Every bone of is like a **** of gold and glass, with lustrous luster, and flesh and blood like chalcedony, flowing with powerful vitality.

The aura on his body is also rising steadily, from the transformation realm to the **** realm, to the earth immortal, and finally surpassing the early earth immortal, and suddenly climbed to the middle earth immortal.

With one effort, he broke through a big realm, and then promoted to a small realm. It was just like myths and legends, very unreal.


"Kill, kill!"


Behind the ancestor of Jiuli, a group of earth celestial celestial celestial beings fished in.

The ancestor of Jiuli took a big breath, and finally grasped the Tiger Soul Sabre in his hand, his body shape collapsed, and the eagle falcon swooped down and launched a fierce blow.

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