Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1643: Excalibur was born

Ye Tian may be about to break through the golden core. This time even the violent bear is unpredictable and uncertain, because the breath that comes from the mountain is too vast, far above its condensed core.

"I just said, Sect Master Ye Tianzong Wizard will break my unseen precedent in Kunxu Outer Hidden Gate for thousands of years, proving Dao Tianxian, and become a generation of Jindan Zhenjun." Li Chundao said, his eyes were hot, extremely hot. Excitement.

"Hahaha, Sect Master Ye was able to fight the golden core when he was still the earth immortal. Now that he has broken through the golden core, he can step on the golden core even more. Even if the hidden door comes, why are we afraid? "The old man Jiujue laughed, his posture was erect, and his body exuded the breath of a superior.

He obeyed Ye Tian's instructions and sent people to guard the boundary passage of the old place of Sun Moon Sword Palace. He was extremely cautious, but fortunately, there was no one there.

Perhaps as Ye Tian expected, the people over there believed that the deaths of the three golden cores were caused by the turbulent flow of the void, and they died in the boundary passage. They knew that the boundary passage was dangerous and did not dare to send another one in a short time. People come.

In fact, the Inner Gate sent five people over for the first time. Two of them really died in the boundary passage, and three people passed through successfully.

However, in the 500-year tidal cycle, the hidden gate will definitely send people over again, and the outer hidden gate must not be taken lightly. After the death of five golden cores, the hidden gate will not be left unattended, and will definitely investigate.

One after another, figures rose from Kunxu in all directions, rushing towards the direction of the North Ming Immortal Sect.

It didn't take long before the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect was full of people, and the cultivators of the Great Dao drove one after another.

Someone at the Waiyinmen wanted to prove the golden core. This is a grand event that hasn't happened in thousands of years, and it is destined to be included in the annals of cultivation.

Even Xuan Zichen, the supreme lord of Ten Thousand Fazong, came, and together with many elders and disciples of Ten Thousand Fazong, he drove a magnificent flying boat into the sky.

"What a strong breath! Is it really going to break through the golden core?" His old man stood proudly on the bow, staring at the direction of the mountain like a torch, muttering to himself, feeling very uneasy.

At this time, the auspicious clouds and all directions of the spirit of the mountain have turned into a storm, layered on top of each other, like turbulent waves surging, and occasionally electric lights shining out, filled with a breath that makes people tremble.

This is undoubtedly Jieyun, there will be a sign that Lei Jie will come to the world, and it means that Ye Tian is about to break through.

Xuan Zichen seemed to have seen the Arabian Nights and couldn't believe it.

Only when he reaches his level can I know how difficult it is to go further, and can I truly feel the invisible "fetters" that are everywhere between heaven and earth, which is like the top of the mountain, restricting the cultivation to a level.

"How old is he, and he has such amazing ability? Is he really a genius, or is he with a peerless cultivating technique?" said a Wanfa elder who was also on the bow, he was surprised, and his mood was also very uneasy. .

"If he can break through, it's not impossible for Elder Xuan to break through. Heaven is fair, and it is impossible to favor one and the other." Another elder said immediately.

"Difficulty!" Xuan Zichen said, shaking his head repeatedly.

He didn't know how many years he had been stuck in the condensate pill, a condensed pill was polished very round, but he could not sense the thunder tribulation, only felt a restraint, suppressed by the heavenly path.

However, seeing the sight in front of him, there was a glow of heat in his deep eyes, and a glimmer of hope rose up.

If Ye Tianzhen succeeded in preaching, he would definitely condescend to ask for advice.

A few days later, the scene that countless people expected finally broke out.

Suddenly a more vast aura burst out from the body of that big mountain, which could almost shake the world, and the whole mountain was shaking again and again, feeling that it would break apart at any time.

Then, I saw an extremely bright purple electric glow rushing out from the top of the mountain, like a pillar of heaven, revealing an incomparable aura of destruction, and it penetrated the mountain.

If you look down from the top of the mountain, you will find a large hole with a diameter of several feet and a depth of several hundred feet, which leads directly to the underground chamber from the top of the mountain. The cave wall is as smooth as a mirror, and red lava is dripping continuously.

After penetrating the mountain, the purple electric light rushed into the thundercloud storm with a momentum of a bullfighting. The thundercloud storms within a radius of a few miles were shocked and became more tyrannical. Suddenly, infinite thunder and lightning appeared and turned into a flash of lightning. Wang Yang, bombarded and shattered everything.

"this is……?"

Countless people were dumbfounded and looked up.

The speed of the purple electric light was so fast that almost everyone didn't see it clearly, so it sank into the thundercloud storm, and then was wrapped in the sky with thunder, slashing wildly.

"Old Xuan, have you seen it? Is that the boy?"

Many people asked Xuan Zichen on the flying boat of Wanfa. Everyone couldn't see it clearly, and there was a question in my heart.

He saw Xuan Zichen frowning tightly, narrowing his eyes, then shook his head and said to himself: "No, no. It's just a sword."

"What, just a sword?"

The people on the boat upstairs were stunned.

"A sword is crossing the robbery, how is this possible? Isn't it possible that Elder Xuan read it wrong?" Some elders dared not say anything.

"Why can't the sword overcome the catastrophe?" Xuan Zichen asked back, "If the level of a sword is high enough, the day the sword is completed, it will be able to provoke the thunder robbery. All magic weapons are like this."

"I have seen a record in ancient books that when a **** soldier was born, it could sway the thunder. Isn't this purple electric light a **** soldier?" An elder said, suddenly his expression changed.

Everyone on the boat upstairs was also shocked.

"Hahaha, the Excalibur was born, just today, it finally didn't disappoint me!"

At this moment, on the top of the mountain, a golden figure suddenly rushed out, following the vertical passage of hundreds of meters, with his hands on his back, looking up at the thunder sea in the sky, and a purple line in the thunder sea. Shadow. UU reading

All the people below were stunned. It was not Ye Tian who was about to break through the Golden Core Realm. The Thunder Tribulation was not his, and the vast aura before him was not his.

Many people don't know that at the Wai Yinmen, an indispensable soldier was born, just as terrifying and as incredible as a golden core.

You know, the magic weapon can only be refined by the Nascent Soul, and for tens of thousands of years, a new magic weapon has never been born in the outer hidden door.

So many people don't know that the birth of a **** soldier can provoke Thunder Tribulation.

"You also go through a catastrophe, it is a blessing to be struck by lightning, it is of great benefit!" Ye Tian raised his hand to call out the Heaven-shaking Seal, and threw it into the sea of ​​thunder.

The Heavenly Seal has just merged with a Magneto-Essential Mountain, and the thunder disaster can make the integration more thorough.

But he himself did not enter the Thunder Sea, because during this period of time the body was consumed too much, and he was in a period of weakness and could not withstand lightning strikes.

He thought that there were still a few left to take back to give away, but now he found that only the last two were left, and he ate all of them in one bite, so he could recover his vitality as soon as possible. _

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