Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1654: Attract worldwide attention

The Alliance of Ancient Gods traversed the Central Plains without encountering any resistance, such as entering the land of no one, getting closer and closer to Tianhai City.

They also kept their promise, Qiu did not commit any crimes, and came only for the young devil.

My great eastern country can finally breathe a sigh of relief, but a sword of Damocles is still hanging on the top of my head, so I can't take it lightly.

"Xiao Yu, don't you go?" In the Dongshan Villa, Gu Xiaoman scolded his daughter Ning Xiaoyu.

"Mom, I can't go, my brother hasn't come back yet." Ning Xiaoyu said stubbornly.

"Stupid girl, you are leaving because your brother hasn't returned yet. It's too dangerous to stay." Gu Xiaoman persuaded.

"I'm about to develop my inner strength soon, and I'm also a member of the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect. Now that the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect is in trouble, I have to make a contribution and can't be a deserter." Ning Xiaoyu said seriously, still holding hands. Two small fists were clenched, with a solemn expression on his face.

"You..., what is a small external force? This time it's an immortal." Gu Xiaoman yelled without anger.

And she only just developed her inner strength.

But I don't know, in front of the earth immortal, not to mention the inner strength, the transformation realm, and the **** realm can not withstand a single blow, and a slap can slap to death.

"Oh, since she wants to stay, let her stay. It's hard for her to have this heart." Dad Ning Haifeng said.

"Ning Haifeng, what are you talking about? I'm just this daughter. If there is a long and two shortcomings, I will be anxious with you."


In Dongshan No. 8 Villa, many people gathered, including members of the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect, people from Longwei, and so on.

Long Xiaoyun, Sima Xuankong, Liang Fei, the three have been cultivating on Penglai Fairy Island, and they have made rapid progress in a year.

Both Long Xiaoyun and Sima Xuankong successfully promoted to the gods.

Liang Fei also broke through the world.

In addition, there are Taro Miyamoto, Xiao Qingtian, two old immortals, Qinghan, Zhao Tianlong, Jinjiashiwang, Wuya real person,...

"Qinghan, don't you really go?" A middle-aged beautiful woman cried with rain.

"When my daughter grows up and can make her own decisions, let's not hold her back." Said a very elegant middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, wearing gold glasses, and forced to be calm.

It was Qinghan's parents who also came here, knowing that this was a serious and dangerous matter, and wanted to let her daughter leave.

"Mom and dad, don’t worry, I’ll be fine. Your daughter is now an immortal, capable of shaking up and down. Moreover, Ye Tian believes in me, spreading my supernatural powers, and even more to Beiming. Give Jiye to me, I can't let him down." Qing Han said with a light smile, wearing a white dress, her skin crystal clear as suet jade, her black glowing light, her red lips bright and shiny.

Since she embarked on the road of Xiuxian, her original beauty has changed several times. She is gorgeous and peerless, and she can be said to be an allure, elegant and graceful as a fairy.

Now, even standing in front of Su Mengyao, she would not be inferior.

"Dad, Qinghan is an immortal. You can protect yourself by staying. You are a little warrior who hasn't even cultivated his internal energy. What are you going to do? Let's go quickly. If we don't leave, it will be too late." Qin Ershu told Qin. The old man said, the old man will stay here too, he wants to fight the enemy with his granddaughter.

"What's wrong with the little warrior? The little warrior also has the strength of a little warrior. It's not a shame that this old bone of mine is dead, and I can use as much strength as I can stay." Old man Qin said loudly, taking himself cautiously.

"Don't worry, uncle, with me, grandpa won't have anything to do. You all go quickly." Qing Han said, urging everyone to leave.

"Oh, okay, okay!" Qin Ershu flashed away helplessly.

Her parents also reluctantly left.

At this time, Gu Xiaoman was still persuading his daughter to leave, so he almost didn't do anything.

"Auntie, Xiao Yu, if she wants to stay, please stay. You can go to Penglai Island and hide together. It is safe enough there and there should be no problem." Qing Han walked over and said.

"I don't want to go to the island, that is a deserter, I want to stay here and fight with you." Ning Xiaoyu immediately stubbornly said.

"This is an order, you have to go if you don't go!" Qing Han suddenly raised his tone, his voice uttered a powerful majesty, "People below the gods are not allowed to show up and hide on Penglai Island. I don't want to see any fearlessness. Sacrifice."

During this period of tempering, she has been able to stand alone, faded the young girl's youth, became sophisticated and courageous, and looked like a sovereign, helping Ye Tian to manage Beiming Penglai well. Even Taro Miyamoto and Xiao Qingtian were very convinced by him.

Ning Xiaoyu originally wanted to speak and fight for it, but when he saw Qing Han's majestic face, he quickly closed his mouth again, feeling a little frightened in his heart.

"The three of you, go in and hide." Qing Han said to the three of Longwei.

After all, they are not Beiming's people, and Qinghan does not want to involve them.

"Miss Qin's remarks are out of the question. We have been on the island for so long and we can't just ask for it without paying. Moreover, we have all been advised by Ye Tian, ​​and we can be regarded as half of the North Mingren. Let's go, Liang Fei arrives. Hiding on the island, Xuankong and I stayed behind." Long Xiaoyun said both pertinently and decently.

After Qing Han groaned, he nodded.

"I..." Liang Fei was reluctant.

"Wait for you to reach the Divine Realm, then fight alongside us." Sima Xuankong patted Liang Fei's shoulder and said lightly.


In the end, Gu Xiaoman, Ning Haifeng, Ning Xiaoyu, Father Qin, and Liang Fei returned to Penglai Fairy Island. The rest stayed.

"If you really can't stand it, don't try hard and return to the island. Don't let anyone have an accident. When Xiaotian comes back, you must show these people a little bit of color." Gu Xiaoman warned.

"Okay, Auntie, I see."

In the Dongshan enchantment, a teleportation gate beside the thunder pond, Gu Xiaoman looked uneasy, but still walked in.

In fact, Bei Ming's power is also very strong.

Miyamoto Taro, Xiao Qingtian, Qin Qinghan, three earth immortals.

Zhao Tianlong, King of Jinjia Corpse, Wuya Real Man, Long Xiaoyun, Liang Fei, five gods.

However, compared with the nearly ten earth immortals of the Ancient God Alliance, the gap is too big.

Although he knew that he was lost, Bei Ming would never give up easily.

With the approach of the Ancient Gods Alliance, Tianhai City gradually became an empty city.

A year ago, many people still remembered the battle in Tokyo. Ye Tian fought against the Great Western God General, the world was broken, the ghosts were crying, and half of Tokyo was destroyed.

Dixian's full blow can burst out with the destructive power of a nuclear explosion, and a city with millions of people can easily be destroyed.

However, Tianhai City has become an empty city, and there are more and more people shaking near Dongshan Scenic Area.

These are extraordinary people from all over the world, some of them follow the Alliance of Ancient Gods, and some come to watch the battle.

"A lot of people! What a strong murderous aura! Seeing that the kid is not too old, how can he offend so many people?" A ghostly old man with white hair generally appeared on the top of a mountain, watching the onlookers scattered around Dongshan, and said to himself Talk to yourself.

The old man's beard and hair are all white, his appearance is clear, his eyes are clear, wisps of divine brilliance overflow from the body, lingering around the body, there is a kind of fairy wind and bones, fluttering like an immortal, and he is an extraordinary person.

He held a ring-shaped magical instrument in his hand, exquisite and unusual, about one foot in diameter, silvery white in color, densely covered in gods, and natural rhyme, simple and natural.

This person is the sect master of the Dongyue School in the Secret Realm of Mount Tai, the Taoist Dongyue, a half-step immortal, and the magical tool in his hand is the famous Diamond Zhuo.

Hearing that the Western Ancient Gods Alliance was going to offend me, the East, he couldn't help but come out and take a look.

Ye Tianzeng committed a crime in Dongyue's secret realm, looking for the road to heaven, and the relationship between each other was very stiff, and Dongyue Taoists would not easily take action.

"Child surnamed Ye, how do you end up now?"

Not far away, several figures landed again, all wearing gossip robes and embroidered with a dragon and a tiger.

The people from Longhushan are here.

It was the head teacher of Longhushan, the real man of Tianji.

Longhushan and Ye Tian's hatred is not shared. This time, they are naturally watching the show and will not act.

Of course, at this level of battle, they are not qualified to take action.


Suddenly there was a violent fluctuation on the west line of the sky, and the divine light rushed into the sky, illuminating the sky.

There is an auspicious cloud there, like a turbulent ocean, turning into a huge ark, coming into the sky. There are many people standing on it, with extraordinary breath.

The Ark shines brightly, and the divine mighty nine heavens, wherever it passes, there are patches of light and rain. All the creatures infiltrated by the light and rain are refreshed and all diseases are eliminated.

"The people of the Holy See are here." Dongshan cried out and recognized the person who came.

Yes, it is the people of the Holy See who are here, and the ark that is being steered is a flying magic weapon cast by sentient beings’ belief and power.

The leader is the Pope of the Holy See, Francesco, an old fairy.

Many people are no strangers to him. They once fought Ye Tian and lost terribly. The base camp of the Vatican City was wiped out, and then he was displaced to another holy city, Jerusalem.

The other people on the flying boat, either the saints, or the bishops, have strong combat power.

"Hahaha, it seems that the Holy See is coming to beat down the dog." There was laughter from the crowd, believing that the Holy See was here for revenge. UU Reading

However, the people from the Holy See didn't say anything when they arrived, and stood quietly on the side, not seeing the intention to make a move.

Over time, more and more people came to Dongshan, thousands of them.

I can't believe that there are so many extraordinary people in the world.

All eyes were on Villa No. 8 in Dongshan, where there was a breath of life coming out, very powerful.

"It's all over here, why doesn't the Young Demon King show up yet? This is not in line with his high-profile personality."

"Is it in retreat, the most critical moment of breaking through the earth immortal?"

"Isn't there any fraud?"

"Huh, what can be tricked? In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracy and tricks are paper tigers. This time the young devil is dead."


There was a lot of discussion among the onlookers, and finally, the Alliance of Ancient Gods arrived. _

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