Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1664: Hell cage

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At the foot of Dongshan, a golden human figure walked out of a gate of time and space, and was seen by countless people all over the world through live footage.

That golden light, so dazzling, so magnificent, like an invincible golden **** of war, fell from the sky, and the moment it appeared, it eclipsed the whole world.

"Huh, look, someone is coming."

"Who is it? Comes with special effects, such a showy bag?"


The whole world was talking, everyone's eyes widened.

The golden light is so flaming that it blurs the figure inside, but it can be vaguely seen that it is a man, not very old, very stalwart, with a face like a sword and a sword, full of blood like the sea, fighting spirit Ling Dong Jiu Xiao.

The endless light surrounds the body, centered on him, and shakes out waves of horror like a vast ocean, and the unparalleled divine power rolls up nine days and down nine quiets.

At this moment, he seems to have become the center of heaven and earth, the only one in the universe!

"I'm going, it's too strong! It won't be, is the Young Demon King back?"

Countless people thought of the same answer at the same time, and they were all startled.

The young demon king is also known as the Golden God of War. When the fighting spirit is in full swing, he can burst out with a monstrous golden blood, appearing in front of the world more than once, and many people are no strangers.

"It must be the young demon king, the invincible God of War of my great eastern country!"

"God, why are you coming back now?"

"Fortunately, it's better than not coming back."


Suddenly, the great eastern country was full of joy, and nearly 10,000 people were running around to tell each other.

The young demon king has become a belief-like existence for the great eastern country. No matter how difficult it is, how powerful enemies he faces, as long as he comes out, everything is stable and there is no suspense.

Because, the young demon king has never let the eastern power down.

But this time, is the Young Demon King able to turn the tide?

After the cheers, many people regained their senses, frowning and worried.

Now, the enemy that the young demon king has to face is extraordinary, far beyond the previous enemies, and even the Golden Core Ancient God has appeared, a real god-like existence.

The last time the Young Demon King appeared a year ago, when he was still a pinnacle god, a year later, how could he be the opponent of the Golden Core Ancient God?

Thinking about it carefully, it is really chilling!

The possibility of the young demon king turning the tide, after rounding up, is almost zero!

"Master Ye, is it really you?" Miyamoto Taro, who was flying by, whispered softly, dragging his disabled body.

"It's him, Ye Tianren, finally came back." Xiao Qingtian grinned, chuckled lightly, very excited, and all his tight nerves relaxed.

"Hey, what about it when he comes back? If he doesn't become a golden core, how can he be the opponent of the second blood ancestor? In secret, there is still the first blood ancestor watching him."

Xiao Qingtian was so excited for less than a second, he was completely cold by the old King Jiaowang's pot of cold water.

Pope Francis is also solemn.

Among the crowd watching the battle at the foot of Dongshan, Taoist Dongyue stood proudly with his hands, shook his head lightly, and said to himself: "What about showing up, being single and weak, is destined to be unable to change the ending, it only increases sorrow, and is not rational enough. If it were me, I would rather not show up, hide in a dark corner, practice hard day and night, and make myself strong enough to kill all the enemies in the world one day."

Fighting to this situation, there are very few people watching the battle at the foot of the mountain, and those who can stay at least have the cultivation base of the gods, and they must have the magic weapon for body protection.

The Dongyue Taoist's diamond cut silver gleam, with Dao patterns flowing, extraordinary magic, forming a halo, guarding him in it, even the shock wave of the nuclear explosion, the whole person is as stable as an old dog.

"Kill him!"

"A big deal!"


The western world is also boiling, full of vicious voices, roaring like thunder.

No one thinks that Ye Tian can turn the tide, because the strength of the Ancient God Alliance is strong enough.

You know, there is also a first blood ancestor behind the blood clan, the most powerful existence, not born, but may appear at any time.

"It would be great if Ye Tianren came here a while later, so that the Second Blood Progenitor and the Fallen Angels would suffer both defeats first. But in that case, Qinghan could be dangerous and might fall at any time." Xiao Qingtian said to himself, But found that no matter what, the ending is not good.

In reality, the Second Blood Progenitor and the Fallen Angels are indeed fighting hard. Although the golden core of the fallen angel was traumatized, it was outrageously strong after a great battle. Ye Tian's sudden appearance made the two of them stop fighting in an instant and looked over.

After all, this is their common enemy.

"Oops, Ye Shi didn't know the situation at the scene, and he might be caught off guard by the enemy." Taro Miyamoto also suddenly changed his expression, thinking of the bad consequences.

He was about to remind, suddenly the golden figure disappeared from the place.

A golden divine rainbow came out through the air, almost instantly appeared next to the **** cage on the sky, a golden figure appeared, two big hands slammed out, easily tore a hole, and then took a step Stepped in.

A round Xuanguang jade plate appeared in the same place under the feet of the young man, cracking, cracking, and finally bursting with a bang, turning into a pile of dust.

Xuan Guangtai finally died and ended his mission.


In the **** cage, the blood mist was misty, the sea of ​​blood rolled, the hurricane roared, and **** waves were set off, countless bones appeared, countless souls wailing, it really seemed like a ghostly **** reappearing in the world.

From the outside, this is just a cage, but it is a thousand feet big, but the inside is like a world of blood, vast and vast.

Above the sea of ​​blood, the blood is too thick to dissolve, like a huge cloud of blood floating, a huge face protrudes from it, wide-mouthed fangs, eyes like a magic lamp, overlooking below, filled with A powerful and terrifying evil aura, as if the will of heaven and earth was manifesting.

It is the blood **** of the third blood ancestor. I don’t know how high it is hundreds of thousands of meters. It’s too large. It seems to have embodied in this blood sea world. Only part of it can be seen. The whole body is formed by the condensation of rich blood, almost transformed into With a body of flesh and blood, supernatural power, terrifying, and become the only master here.

This **** cage and the blood sea realm inside are constructed by the third blood ancestor, the fifth blood ancestor and the sixth blood ancestor. They are so tightly guarded that they can be isolated from the heavens and the earth's vitality, so that they can be cleared. Inability to interact with sentient beings, and unable to attract external beliefs.

Qinghan's only reliance is the power of belief in sentient beings, which cannot attract the power of belief, just like a tiger with its claws pulled out.

As soon as Ye Tian entered, he felt a heavy pressure, as if he was wearing heavy shackles, and there was a Taishan mountain pressed above his head.

This is the coercion of the field, everywhere!

"Who?" The sixth blood ancestor shouted angrily, controlling the scarlet chain, turning into a **** cage, and he was torn apart easily.

Ye Tian didn't answer, walking through the sea of ​​blood, the blazing divine light circled his body, and walked forward step by step, wherever he passed, the mighty sea of ​​blood actually split a passage and let him pass.

The countless skeletons and undead in the sea of ​​blood, grievances and ghosts, were burned to ashes by the radiance that filled his body before they got close to his body.

The young man is like a round of gods, rising at the end of the sea of ​​blood, seemingly close in front of him, but it is impossible to touch.

At the very center of the sea of ​​blood, there is a piece of silver sacred light that evaporates, pure and holy, as if it is in harmony with Ye Tian's golden light.

In the transpiring silver sage, Ye Tian saw a graceful figure, controlling the silver sage, fighting against the evil spirits of the sky, had fallen into a disadvantage, and gradually lost its support.

The girl's face was pale, her hair scattered, and even her clothes were torn. There were bloodstains on the crystal body, but she was still suffocatingly beautiful, graceful and graceful.

"You're back." The girl chuckled, and two simple dimples appeared at the corners of her mouth, her beautiful face blooming like a fairy flower, bright and ethereal, beautiful and moving.

A sacred light law domain, constantly being eroded by blood, only five feet in diameter remained, shrouded in her body, and became her only support.

The **** cage cut off her contact with outside believers, and the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda was also shot flying. Now she can only squeeze the power of faith smelted in her body, which will not last long.

She was even ready for the death of the fish and the breaking of the net, and her physical body was sublimated to the fullest, and she used that drop of divine blood to bury the three blood ancestors.

Seeing Ye Tian come back now, she was happy in her heart, but more worried, because the enemy was incredibly powerful.

"You have to be careful," she shouted again.

Although they were far apart, Ye Tian could hear clearly, and he couldn't help but feel pain.

"Who on earth are you? This woman has a **** feud with my kinship. Is your Excellency UU reading still trying to **** someone from my kinship?"

A voice came from above the **** cage, like a thunder in the sky, deafening.

It is the blood **** of the third blood ancestor who speaks, Bao Xiangzhuang.

While speaking, a huge **** handprint protruded from the big **** cloud, with a diameter of a hundred meters, covering the sky, and grabbed Ye Tian in the blood sea below.

Before the **** handprints arrived, the terrifying coercion had already fallen down first, and the void almost solidified into a piece of iron.

However, Ye Tian seemed to be in a different-dimensional space, not under the control of this big **** handprint at all. With his hands on his back, he continued to walk forward. The blood was tossing, and he lined up on both sides to make way for him.

"Boy, ancestor, let me ask you something, can't you hear it?" The sixth blood ancestor said angrily, walking on the waves in a sea of ​​blood.


A chain of blood dripping, thick enough to have a bucket, accompanied by an angry yin wind, and a bitterly killing intent, under the traction of the sixth blood ancestor, also flew towards Ye Tian.

The chain is sharp, as if there is life attached to it, it is flexible and free, and under the control of the sixth blood ancestor, it has unparalleled power.

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