Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1670: Jin Dan blew up

[Net] "Ah, the second blood ancestor, save me." The fallen angel's face changed wildly and shouted for help to the second blood ancestor.

However, the second blood ancestor's Baizhang style was too huge, and it was really inconvenient to move. He didn't even catch the shadow of Ye Tian. The **** slaughter sword cut through the world, but cut a loneliness.

At the critical moment of life and death, fallen angels can only save themselves.

"Grand arbitration!"

"Great collapse!"

"Darkness swallowed!"

"Fallen curse!"


The fallen angel desperately squeezed the whole body's potential, and instantly used several supernatural powers, each of which was incomparably powerful. It was known as the slaughter of the land like a dog, and blasted Ye Tian to help himself.

But under the sword-like edge of the thunder forest, these negative supernatural powers were naturally restrained and all fell apart. Even if some Yu Wei blasted in front of Ye Tian, ​​it would not hurt Ye Tian a bit.

Although Ye Tian is an earth immortal, his physical body is comparable to the body of the golden core, and can hardly shake the holy soldiers.

Puff puff!

A long and narrow sword mark spread on the fallen angel's body, breaking through the skin and flesh, revealing the bones, and the blood is flowing. On the edge of the wound, the glow of electricity shone, and the sword energy remained, and the wound could not heal.

"Thousand Feathers and Thousand Slashes!" The fallen angel shouted again, shaking for nine days, as if trying to desperately, his eyes were incomparably sharp, and he shot out a palpitating cold light.

His six-sided wings suddenly stood upright, and the feather feathers on the edge made a sharp clank sound, flashing a cold metal like cold light, each of them was as long as ten thousand, and the light was bright and murderous, like Countless peerless heavenly swords, all pointed at Ye Tian.

People exclaimed that the fallen angels were so terrifying, they sacrificed every feather into a heavenly sword.

Qiang Qiang!

Suddenly, thousands of Heavenly Sword Lingyu burst out, as if they were using the supernatural power of Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect, overwhelming the sky, and Qi Qi went through Ye Tian.

The fallen angel really tried desperately. He shot all the feathers clean in one breath, and all six wings shrank a big circle.

Thousands of swords shoot, piercing the sky and the earth, each sword light is as thick as a bucket, like a dragon, invincible, as if it can penetrate the sky. This was a shuddering offensive, and Ye Tian was immediately overwhelmed.

Everyone thought that Ye Tian would take back the big sword and make evasion.

However, Ye Tian did not.


A tiger roar suddenly resounded across the sky and the sky was full of roars.

A white tiger suddenly jumped out of Ye Tian, ​​bathed in divine brilliance, like a **** tiger descending from the sky, stepping on the sky, his figure suddenly enlarged, the blood basin opened, and he sucked hard, actually launching the fallen angel All the Lingyu Heavenly Swords that came out were swallowed up, completely clean.


The whole world was stunned.

"Where did the white tiger come from?"

Countless people have a forehead question.

"This is the white tiger-style **** of my Abe family." Ms. Abe Miki of the Abe family of Toyo made a bitter bitterness, her fists clenched, and the joints crackled.

"It's not anymore." Her father Amberon shook his head, his eyes filled with sorrow.

He could see that the white tiger now has only the original white tiger-like god's appearance, and its essence has long since changed. It is truly reborn, cutting hair and marrow.

And the glory of the Amber family also passed away. The first family of Onmyojis does not live up to its name.

"Ahhhhh! Blood ancestor, save me, I don't want to die!" The fallen angel roared like a trapped beast, struggling violently, not wanting to sit still.

The wings that he had shrunk several times violently joined together to form a huge spherical protection, in which his body shrank.

The wings of angels are naturally extremely strong, and the heavy ground penetrating missiles may be able to intercept them.

However, under the peerless blade of Ziying Sword, this protection was broken without even holding on for an instant.

But in the next second, an extremely frightening scene happened, which exceeded everyone's expectations.


Amid the earth-shaking roar, the protection formed by the six wings suddenly turned into a ball of light, and then the ball of light suddenly became larger, spewing out flames that burned the sky and the sea, and the shock wave that easily tore the steel into pieces. .

The whole world was bright, the dazzling glare not only blinded people's eyes, but even the lenses of all camera equipment became blind.

Suddenly, the battle scene disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Let's die together!"

The voice of the fallen angel reverberated between the heavens and the earth, but it was suddenly covered by the sound of the golden core blew, and not many people heard it.

Yes, the fallen angel blew the golden core, forced to go to Huangquan.

"Damn it!" The second blood ancestor cursed, his nerves tightened instantly.

"Blood escape!"

He desperately burned his essence and blood, turned into a blood shadow, and fleeed into the distance at an extremely fast speed.

He is the blood ancestor, the essence and blood contains infinite divine power, and the blood escape technique is much faster than other people.

However, he was also in the center of the field, only a little farther away than Ye Tian. Allowing him to perform the blood escape technique, he was still submerged by the sea of ​​fire, but he rushed out desperately to race against the shock wave.

A golden pellet is absolutely comparable to a nuclear warhead, with an equivalent of 10 million tons.

Although the golden core of the fallen angel has scars and defects, there should be no problem with nuclear weapons with the power of exploding millions of tons.

A nuclear warhead with a multi-million-ton equivalent detonates face to face, and the temperature in the most central part will instantly rise to millions of degrees, or even tens of millions of degrees. If no life can survive, it will instantly turn into molecular atoms.

The city of Tianhai below, which was already riddled with holes, was almost completely destroyed in the heat and shock waves of a nuclear explosion, as if being swept by a plowing house.

"Ye Tian!" Qing Han yelled, rushing towards the center of the battlefield like crazy.

"Don't go there, it's dangerous." Xiao Qingtian grabbed her.

Time has not passed for too long, the bright light between the sky and the earth disappeared, and the dust covering the sky and the sun has also dispersed, and the dust has settled.

The Dongshan Scenic Area and most of Tianhai City have turned into barren land, with ruins all over the ground, and almost all buildings collapsed.

The fallen angel disappeared, and Ye Tian had no trace.

"Hahaha, dead, all dead!"

A wild laugh came from the direction of the Science City in the development zone.

A piece of ruins there was smashed away, and a blood-colored figure came out, with a disheveled head and a **** body. UU reading www.uukanshu. com was seriously injured, but all the wounds were healing rapidly, and the blood was engulfed like a **** like a devil.

"It's the second blood ancestor!"

The land of the east was panic.

This is a golden pill with the power of destroying the world. If you go crazy, you don't know what terrible consequences will be caused.

"Who said I was dead?"

Suddenly another voice came out, but the figure did not appear, but a sword beam fell first.

This sword does not have the bright purple electric glow forest, nor the galaxy-like sword energy. All the sword power has been condensed into a length of sword glow, like it has created another purple sword.

If you look closely, you will find that there are countless extremely small purple electric glows condensed to the extreme on the sword glow, as well as star-like sword energy spots.

The sharp sword light cut through the sky, leaving a long black mark in the space, heading straight to the second blood ancestor.

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