Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1672: After the war

[Net] "The Young Demon King has won!"

The whole world is dead, and billions of sentient beings have turned into stone carvings and wood plastics.

"How come? Even the Golden Core Blood Ancestor is not his opponent?" A Western transcendent shook his head and murmured, his expression full of sorrow and disbelief.

The seven blood ancestors, Quetzalcoatl, Anubis,..., this one, or earth immortal, or condensate pill, or golden pill, is a world-renowned powerhouse, and any one of them is enough to dominate this star. But under the palm of a young man, he was easily crushed to death like a chicken but a dog.

Especially the second blood ancestor, but a living golden core, a true immortal and true **** who was as high as the sky, claimed to be able to overwhelm the solar system, but also fell.

No one will understand what this means.

What is invincible?

This is truly invincible!

The blood of the strong has stained Dongshan and Tianhai City.

Today's battle is destined to shake the entire dark world and frighten the entire world.

The blood of the second blood ancestor stained the sky, and the red blood was like a burning cloud, which was extremely desolate and gorgeous.

Against the background of this burning cloud, the young demon king also turned into blood, a little more devilish.

His face was pale, even his crystal hair was much whiter, his body trembled, and he coughed up a mouthful of blood from time to time. It was shockingly that the sacred soldiers had consumed too much energy, and his body was also traumatized, and he was truly at the end of a powerful crossbow.

The Ziying Longsword in his hand was also introverted and turned into a sword pill, which he swallowed in his belly.

If there is a super strong player at this time, there is a high probability that he can be killed.

However, no one dared to take action, not only because of his bravery and invincibility, but also because there were five earth immortals guarding him, Qinghan, Taro Miyamoto, Xiao Qingtian, the old pope of the Holy Church, and the old elder dragon.

And, the Dongyue Taoist in the Secret Realm of Mount Tai seems to be in the same camp with him.

This is a force that can't be ignored, it can sweep the stars invincible.

Unless there is a Jin Dan shot, otherwise no one can get close.

"When did the young demon king win over so many powerful men?" People exclaimed.

"Is this going to build the world's largest sect? It wants to be equal to the current great powers?" Some people doubted.

"From now on, the earth is afraid that it will enter the age of the young devil."

"Already entered, didn't you?"


All kinds of discussions came one after another.

The Western world is panicking, and the Eastern world is also a little trembling.

Because the strength of the young demon king today is too strong, no one can restrain him. The world can only hope for his kindness and treat this blue star with kindness.

What is even more speechless is that his girlfriend turned out to be the reincarnation of a god, thundering the whole world, and billions of believers expressed their confusion.

However, the old Pope of Shengjiao has already expressed his position, and personally admitted that Qing Han is the empress, and has already confirmed the matter, which cannot be changed. Even if billions of believers have ideas, they must keep them.

God knows everything, God is omnipotent, God is omnipresent!

Compared with the world's fear of the young demon king, the fear of the female emperor by billions of believers is not inferior, and it touches the depths of the soul.

All signs show that the rise of the East is unstoppable. For a long time in the future, the entire world will be ruled by the East, not by human will.

"Where is the first blood ancestor? Why doesn't it appear?"

Countless people in the West cried loudly, begging the first blood ancestor to be born soon, killing the young demon king by surprise, and turning the tide in the Western world.

In fact, Ye Tian was also waiting for the birth of the first blood ancestor. His spirit was released, his nerves tense, and he was extremely cautious.

In order to restore the body's functions as soon as possible, he even used the blood spilled by the second blood ancestor as nourishment and desperately absorbed it.

Yes, he is sucking the blood of the second blood ancestor!

Behind him, the golden light was immense, and a chaos furnace appeared in it, absorbing all the blood of the second blood ancestor.

The blood water of the golden core is as precious as the great medicine of Lingshi.

A drop of Huashen’s blood can slash the Nascent Soul, because the Huashen’s blood contains fragments of the law and the will of the Huashen, which has a powerful miracle of destruction.

Similarly, there will be traces of Dao in the blood water of the golden core, and there will also be destructive energy. If it is used well, it is a big medicine, and if it is not used it is a poison.

I saw that the blood water of the second blood ancestor was crystal clear in the scarlet, which was exceptionally gorgeous under the sun, and a small amount of law fragments could be seen floating in it.

This powerful blood water containing fragments of law, if not preserved well, will soon dissipate as a rain of light and return to the source of heaven and earth.

It is because of the fragments of the law that make the mighty blood water have terrible toxicity.

Ye Tian's golden sacred body does not invade all poisons, and is not afraid of the poison of the blood of the second blood ancestor.

Of course, it is mainly because the fragments of the law contained in the blood of the second blood ancestor are very rare and the toxicity is not strong.

At the same time, Yimu vitality with a radius of hundreds of kilometers was also inspired by his golden body, roaring, turning into surging spiritual energy, nourishing his physical body.

Changbai ginseng ancestor, under the coercion and lure of Qinghan, reluctantly offered a drop of crystal clear liquid to restore Ye Tian's injury.

"Knowing you, human brother, I really have lost my blood for eight lifetimes!" Changbai Ginseng sighed to the sky, wishing to cry without tears.

"Do you think it's better for me to Changbai Longchi? Would you like to go back with me?" Old Jiaowang laughed.

"A raccoon dog, there is no good thing." Changbai Shenzu resented.

Every minute and every second, Ye Tian's body was getting stronger.

His golden body is one of the most powerful physiques in the universe, and it has powerful healing and recovery capabilities.

However, as time went by, the first blood ancestor never showed up.

Westerners are becoming more and more desperate.

Ye Tian's heart was also full of doubts. Thirteen brothers had been beheaded. There was no reason for the first blood ancestor not to come forward. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

You know, as the most powerful existence among the thirteen blood ancestors, the first blood ancestor is capable of revenge for brothers.

It can even be said that as long as he shows up, Ye Tian has a high probability of being killed.

Even if Ye Tian got the golden core of the second blood ancestor, he swallowed it in his abdomen and hid it in his body. Using secret methods, he could use part of the golden core.

In order to obtain this golden core and prevent the second blood ancestor from exploding the golden core, Ye Tian also took great pains and deliberately showed weakness. He struck the second blood ancestor with his fist a few times, and then smashed people to death with a sword.

This golden pill was of great use to him, and was the only capital to defeat the first blood ancestor.

At this moment, his body is weak, his face pale as paper, and there are also elements of weakness, deliberately lure the first blood ancestor out, or other ancient gods with unpredictable hearts, and then use the power of the second blood ancestor's golden core to kill him.

However, not only did the first blood ancestor not show up, but there was no other ancient **** that might exist in the legend, which made him very puzzled.

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