Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1680: Can't afford

[Net] Ye Tian's body was also hurt a little, but it didn't hurt.

At this moment, he didn't urge his true energy to heal his injuries, but tightened the nerves of his whole body.

At the same time, his spiritual thoughts were also released outside, filling every corner of the blood sea secret realm.

The sky was gloomy again, and the blood mist in the blood sea filled out, wisps and mists.

The world was bloody, scarlet, and deadly silent, without a trace of life, full of death, as if it were the habitat of death.

"Are you dead?" Ye Tian said to himself after feeling for a while.

How powerful is his spirit, but he didn't find a breath of life, he didn't notice the existence of a living thing.

The Thunderyin riot just now, but a nuclear weapon equivalent to ten million tons of equivalent, the first blood progenitor area pseudo-primal infant spirit, there is a great possibility of falling.

Although Ye Tian wanted to capture the soul of the first blood ancestor and use it as a sword spirit, he was actually just thinking about it this way. There was no absolute certainty that his safety was the most important thing.

However, at this moment, in the dark, he always felt that he had a pair of eyes staring at him, making him like a thorn on his back.

At his level, the intuition in the dark is often very credible, rather than a simple illusion.

"Hehehe, you don't think I'm dead, do you?"

A light and fluttering voice suddenly sounded between the heavens and the earth, still carrying a strong sense of superiority, like a night owl, who is not the first blood ancestor?

"Get out, I know you are not dead!" Ye Tian suddenly shouted, the sound wave thunderous, and the sound shook the sky.


Suddenly, a bone war knife burst out of the air, bringing up a white streamer, swiftly like lightning, slashing towards Ye Tian.

It was the bone war knife that the **** and demon ghost held just now. The handle was a hideous skull, and the blade was a section of spine, as thick as a bucket, and it was several feet long.

Amazingly, this war knife was made from the head of an ancient **** and demon with spine bones. It was full of cold and dark flames. It was murderous and evil. It was a peerless soldier.

I saw that when the bone war knife was cut out, the wind suddenly rose, the fire of the ghost exploded, and a sea of ​​corpses appeared.

Ye Tian had seen the butcher knife in the thirteen holy artifacts of the blood clan. It was also a fierce soldier, but compared with this white bone war knife, it was insignificant.

"I have to admit that you are stronger than I expected. But what? Here, I have the immortal body, so you will undoubtedly die, destined to be taken away by me."

Accompanied by this voice, a void was distorted, and a huge phantom of the gods and demon emerged out of thin air, continuing to be condescending, looking down at Ye Tian.

At this time, the bone war knife had already been cut in front of Ye Tian.

Ye Tian didn't change his expression, and directly reached out a big golden hand and grabbed it.

"is it?"

In the light of laughter, Ye Tian grabbed the bone saber, the chaotic air in his palm was raging, and the five-colored thunder burst, and all of a sudden, most of the evil spirits in the fierce soldiers were destroyed.

This is the spine of the earth fairy gods and demon, the bones are crystal clear, hard as steel, and they are excellent materials for refining.

Ye Tian held a bone war knife, flashed, and then slashed out.

"You..., stop!"

The figure that the first blood ancestor had just revealed, the huge ghost shadow of the gods and demons, was instantly shattered.

The first blood ancestor roared and screamed again and again, and a blazing blood rushed from the sky. In this **** light, the broken shadow of the gods and demons regrouped again, and soon became complete again and changed. It has to be more condensed and real, as if it has derived flesh and blood.

Ye Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, a little surprised.

It is very unreasonable that the soul can be reorganized after being shattered!

"I said, here I have an immortal body, you can't kill me."

The first blood ancestor was angry, and this time he acted first, and a heavy blood halo flew up from his body, as if there were tens of millions of weights, turning into huge blood-colored cages, shrouded Ye Tian.

Then he shouted again, the void exploded, thunder was everywhere, and the sea of ​​clouds on the sky was broken inch by inch, huge cracks, shocking, and spider webs spread in all directions.

In that huge crack, various gloomy fires, water from the yellow spring, and wind from the overcast came and turned into a chaotic sea.

I saw that Ye Tian was shrouded in a dark prison, as if he were in hell, being burned by the fire of the dark, washed by the water of the yellow spring, cut by the wind of the lunar, etc., all kinds of surging death power, It eroded him like a tide.

Even though he was full of gold and vigor, he was gradually ignorant of it at this moment, and the golden light in his body became dim.

"Although you have the body of the golden core, the spirit of the golden core, and even stole a golden core, you are not the real golden core after all, and you don't have the power of the true golden core," the first blood ancestor said.

Suddenly, he chanted the ancient mantra again, like the chant of hell, every byte contained the breath of death in the underworld.

Following his spell, the surging death aura surging from all directions, stuffed into the nether cage.

He is the only master of the Blood Sea Secret Realm, and everything here can be controlled by him.

"Boy, now we start a great ceremony and sacrifice your golden body. Hehehe!"

Amidst Sen Leng's words, a more terrifying scene happened. The white bone knife in Ye Tian's hand suddenly turned into a bone of true energy, and it flew towards Ye Tian's body.

In this boneless qi, there is the thought of the first blood ancestor, there are thousands of them, and each one has spirituality, wisdom, power, and supernatural powers.

Everything is calculated.

The knife that the First Blood Ancestor had deliberately chopped just now caused the Bone Battle Sword to be snatched by Ye Tian.

The Bone Bone True Qi immediately surrounded Ye Tian, ​​and thousands of thoughts came forward and forth, trying to penetrate into Ye Tian's body, erode his soul, and occupy his body.

"First Blood Ancestor, is this all your power? It really disappoints me!"

After speaking, Ye Tian suddenly had a five-colored thunder on his body, and his whole person seemed to turn into a human-shaped lightning.

Thousands of thoughts of the first blood ancestor were blasted into shards and all fell.

"I don't invade a hundred evils, UU reading, the saint is immortal, just a few thoughts, and want to take me away?" Ye Tian sneered.

Suddenly, he stomped his foot


In the eyes of the first blood ancestor with great shock, his golden blood suddenly soared, and his whole body bloomed with immortal glory.

This divine brilliance is so dazzling, so dazzling, blooming from the inside out, making Ye Tian's body as crystal clear and dazzling as divine golden glaze, revealing a breath of vitality and growth of all things.

A golden divine realm formed within Ye Tian's body in an instant.

As soon as this realm of God came out, the death cage of the first blood ancestor was immediately destroyed.

"Come in for me, and feel the taste of my golden realm!"

Ye Tian quickly rushed away from the First Blood Ancestor, and at the same time, the Chaos God Realm was also expanding, eventually enshrouding the First Blood Ancestor.

Bi Lao Ye

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