Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1683: Secret collapse

[Net] Boom!

The chaotic golden light passed the palm of the god, the sea of ​​clouds shattered, and the sky rioted.

Below the palm of the god, the soul of the first blood ancestor screamed again and again, and was imprisoned by invisible palm power in all directions, as if being tied in a cage, and could not escape.

At the same time, in the palm of the giant palm, a tyrannical suction force surged out, like a black hole, trying to absorb him.

There is a small world in the palm, like a different-dimensional space, invisible to the naked eye, once a person is sucked into it, it can be difficult to figure it out.

"I am the first true **** of the blood sea secret realm, the only master, my soul has penetrated into every corner of the secret realm, you can't kill me, otherwise it will bring disaster to you!" the first blood ancestor shouted wildly, The sound is earth-shaking.

His body was trembling, and he was almost suffocated by the invisible palm force.

There has never been a moment in life like now, death is so close to him.

For a long time, he admired the dying struggle of others, but now the Feng Shui turns, and the retribution is on him.

"I didn't say I want to kill you. On the contrary, I want to grant you eternal immortality. Come and be my sword spirit. My magic weapon needs you." Ye Tian laughed and said, this time he finally had his first blood. Ancestor.

With the fake soul of the first blood ancestor as the sword spirit, the Ziying Sword will definitely undergo a transformation, at least it can produce a few stigmata. And if there are enough nine stigmas, it can be transformed into a stigmata.

"Damn boy, do you really think you've eaten me? You forced me, let me die together!"

As soon as the first blood ancestor's voice fell, a terrifying wave of divine power surged out of his body, spreading across the entire blood sea secret realm small world in an instant.

Then, an extremely terrible thing happened, and the entire secret realm shook violently, twisted and became unstable.

Click, click!

Above the sky, cracks spread out one after another, like porcelain, about to break apart.

Above the ground, the earth rumbling, not only showed more large cracks, but also raised and sunken in some places, forming huge folds, shaking the mountains for a while, and the mountains and rivers were broken.

An aura of destruction swept over, causing Ye Tian to strike a spirit.

How could he not see that the Secret Realm of the Sea of ​​Blood became unstable, it was about to collapse and to be destroyed.

The small world collapsed, the power of the void exploded, and the endless laws of the void collapsed. How could it be comparable to a nuclear explosion? Ye Tian was not enough to see the real golden core, and everything in the small world would be destroyed.

"Made, what did you do?" Ye Tian's expression changed wildly, and he roared.

"I said, let's die together, hahahaha! Patriarch I have lived for such a long time, and it is worth it." The first blood ancestor said very freely.

Once the collapse of the small world begins, it is almost irreversible.

It is like the chain reaction of a nuclear explosion. Once it is started, it cannot be ended. In the end, there is only one explosion.

Although the Blood Sea Secret Realm is very large, how quickly the time and space collapsed. In just a moment, Ye Tian could already feel the twisting power of the void and would tear him apart.

If you look at it from the perspective of God, you will find that the four walls of the Blood Sea Secret World are collapsing toward the center, like a balloon popping out of a hole, shrinking rapidly, and condensing into a single point.

Once condensed into a single point, the force of time and space is compressed to the extreme, and it will expand rapidly and explode.

It would be a huge explosion comparable to a supernova, and Dacheng Jindan would have to hate it, and Yuan Ying would not dare to risk it.

At this moment, Ye Tian couldn't even care about the first blood ancestor, thinking about how to escape.

At the beginning of the collapse of the Secret Realm Small World, it was his only escape window, although the chance was very slim. Because the ubiquitous power of space-time distortion will make it difficult for you to move, you must do your best to not be torn apart by the power of time-space distortion.


While Ye Tian lost his mind, the first blood ancestor suddenly broke free from the shackles of the chaotic golden light palm and rushed out.

"I'll go first!" said the first blood ancestor, rushing towards Ye Tian's earthshaking mark like lightning.

At the same time, his powerful divine consciousness was released, summoning the blood divine fruit.

At this time, the Heaven-Shaking Seal lost the blessing of Ye Tian Chaos Wutu Divine Thunder. Under the call of the first blood ancestor, it was overturned by the blood **** Tao fruit, and finally escaped by the blood **** Tao fruit.


Bringing a blood-light exercise, the blood **** Tao fruit rushed to the first blood ancestor, and the qi and mechanism of each other were matched, like magnetic poles of the opposite sex, attracting each other.

As long as the soul of the first blood ancestor is integrated into the blood divine fruit, the possibility of escape is very high, because the blood divine fruit, like the golden core, has the immortal nature of the diamond, and the powerful enough void twisting force can be shredded and burst with full force. Can penetrate the membrane of the small world.


Suddenly, a purple long sword flew, and when the lightning flashed, the sky was rolling, the thunder sound shook the world, the lightning was like a dragon, and it was extremely thrilling.


Blood God Dao Guo was knocked out again, and this time he was cut out of a striking wound.

"Damn it!"

The first blood ancestor roared and rushed towards the direction where the blood **** Tao fruit was smashed.

"Old things, even if you die, you will die before me."

The ship capsized in the gutter, Ye Tian was also extremely angry.


The void vibrated, and a white air wave cloud spread out in all directions.

Click, click!

The first blood ancestor was directly blown by Ye Tian this time, breaking into countless pieces.

"Child, I will never die with you! You'd better not be caught by me, otherwise I will burn your soul with the fire of **** for ten thousand years. You can't survive or die!"

In the Secret Realm of Blood Sea, the soul of the first blood ancestor was almost immortal. After being blown up, it quickly regrouped and roared at Ye Tian.

Of course, there is no real immortality. Every time the soul is broken, the aura of the first blood ancestor will be lowered by a layer.

Ye Tian guessed that he would explode his soul seven or eight times, and he must have finished his life.

However, Ye Tian would not do this, because the void was collapsing and he had no time.

After the reorganization of the first blood ancestor spirit, he did not fight with Ye Tian, ​​but rushed to the blood **** Tao fruit.

Ye Tian also rushed towards the blood **** Dao Guo, much faster than the first blood ancestor.

In the end, the Blood God Dao Fruit was snatched by Ye Tian and used the restriction to seal the master.

"Damn child, give me the blood divine Tao fruit!" The first blood ancestor Qiqiao was full of smoke, and was extremely angry.

Without the fruit of the blood god, he will undoubtedly die.

"Old things, fend for themselves!"

Ye Tian glanced at the First Blood Ancestor obliquely, rushed towards the collapsed sky, holding the Ziying Divine Sword, and shouting loudly, "Break it for me!"


The dazzling sword beam is thousands of feet long, piercing through the sky, unparalleled sharpness.


However, a twisted force of time and space came, and the Qianzhang sword light burst instantly.

Even the Ziying Sword in Ye Tian's hands was somewhat distorted.

Ye Tian's body also felt a strong sense of tearing. There was even a strong oppressive force, pushing him towards the center of the small world. Eventually everything in the small world will condense there, turning into a single point.

"Grandma's, you can't escape, right?"

A desperate mood suddenly filled Ye Tian's heart.

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