Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1688: Refining Dao Fruit

[网] After all, the blood **** Tao fruit gave birth to a magic fetus. Although it was only a rudiment, it also had the aura of life, and possessed a chaotic will, which would resist the destructive instinct of the outside world in order to protect itself.

Ordinary monks, even if they have obtained the fruit of the blood god, cannot use it, because the diamond is not bad, and it is stubborn, and it is even more difficult to control the golden core.

Just like many underdeveloped countries in the world of science and technology, even if they get a nuclear warhead, they are useless because they cannot be detonated at all.

But in Ye Tian's hands, the fate of the blood **** Tao fruit was destined to come to an end.


As the Golden Lotus of Chaos took root and drew strength, the originally peaceful blood **** Tao fruit suddenly became restless, like a wild ancient beast about to explode.

A sea of ​​blood, accompanied by a series of turbulent waves, suddenly rushed out of the blood **** Tao fruit, flowing in the void, shaking the sky and the earth, the scene looked more spectacular and terrifying than the real sea of ​​blood, like a living head Gorefiend, want to swallow the entire secret realm.

This is not a real sea of ​​blood rushing out, but a shocking blood, a projection, wanting Ye Tian to retreat.

It was terrible, just like a blood qi, it was almost comparable to the three thousand zhang blood sea in the secret realm.

The blood qi in the blood **** Tao fruit is more than thousands of ways. If all of them were released outside, it would be terrifying, it is simply unimaginable.

No wonder the Chaos Golden Lotus had absorbed so much power before, and the volume of the Blood God Taoist Fruit was only reduced by one tenth.

Ye Tian remained unmoved, imposing a series of prohibitions to stop the blood **** Tao fruit from restlessness, and at the same time not let the blood inside out.

Soon, the blood **** Tao fruit ceased, and no blood qi was released on its own, but the blood sea inside was still surging, like a super volcano about to erupt, a huge amount of magma roared and curled endlessly.

Jin Dan can explode, comparable to nuclear weapons.

The blood **** Tao fruit can also explode, the power is even more powerful than the golden core, and the nuclear weapons equivalent to billions of tons are not comparable.

If the blood **** Tao fruit explodes right now, let alone Ye Tian's life, the secret world can't keep it.

Therefore, Ye Tian must not allow this kind of thing to happen, constantly imposing restrictions, mainly suppressing the demon tire inside.

Without the chaotic will in the demon fetus, the blood **** Tao fruit will no longer explode.

Of course, it is because of the birth of the magic fetus and the chaos-like will that the blood **** Tao fruit will not easily explode, because it cherishes life, because it does not want to die, unless it is pressed, it is the moment of life and death.

Fortunately, this demon fetus was still in its embryonic form. When it was at its weakest, under Ye Tian's ban and suppression, it quickly fell into a deep sleep.


As the Golden Lotus of Chaos takes root, an incomparably pure ghost blood qi, like a blood diamond, is dripping with scarlet, a little bit of luster, blooming with the brilliance of the gods, and more vitality, which is drawn from the fruit of the blood god.

This ghost blood qi, even Ye Tian’s golden body, can’t be swallowed all at once, because the amount is too much, and the extreme cold, fierce, more toxic gas than poisonous gas, it needs to be refined and transformed into The liquid true yuan is stored in the Dantian.

And a little bit of refining, with the power of Ye Tian's golden body, a blood energy might have to be refined for several months.

Fortunately, Ye Tian has a Chaos Furnace, which is like an open plug-in, which can smelt everything in the world and directly transform it into Chaos True Essence.


The Chaos Furnace ran vigorously, rumbling, and it didn't seem to be the size of a washbasin, but there seemed to be a black hole inside, swallowing a whole gloomy blood all at once.

A steady stream of chaotic essence gushes out from the chaos furnace and is directly accepted by Ye Tian's physical body. A part of it is filled with limbs, corpses, and internal organs, washing and baptizing the flesh, and the rest is directly transferred to the Dantian for storage.

The five element attribute of the blood **** fruit is water, which is actually the attribute of blood, and the true element attribute after being refined by the chaos furnace is also water.

I saw that when the Primordial Primal Chaos was injected into the dantian, they were all accepted by the galaxy vortex guarded by the basalt beasts. The galaxy vortex shines brightly, and also spins more violently.

Although the Chaos Furnace is efficient, a ghost of blood gas has been refined for a whole day. But the Chaos True Essence that was refined was massive, which made Ye Tian's dantian inflated a bit.

One, two, three,...

One day, two days, three days,...

With the passage of time, more and more ghost blood energy is drawn through the chaotic golden lotus, refined by the chaotic furnace, and turned into chaotic true essence, which is continuously absorbed by Ye Tian's body, and finally injected into the dantian, and then by the Xuanwu Galaxy Vortex Swallow.

Unknowingly, a rice-sized particle was also conceived in the vortex of the Xuanwu Galaxy. The whole body was red and shiny like blood diamonds.

It is the embryonic form of Shui Xing Yuan Dan.

Just as Ye Tian had guessed, enough water movement essence supply was produced, and the water movement essence pill was formed.

Don't underestimate this yuan pill, which is only a grain of rice. It is transformed into a liquid real yuan, but it is massive, and if it is transformed into true energy, it is even harder to count.

That's why Jin Dan is so powerful, it is known as perpetual motion machine, and it will never dry up.

However, the embryonic form of the Yuandan with large rice grains is not stable, and may disappear at any time and become true essence again.

Yuan Dan granules must be continuously polished, carefully cared for, and continuously supplied with energy, and finally smelt the essence of the body to truly transform into a Yuan Dan.

At this time, the blood **** Tao fruit only reduced a little, and the eyesight of ordinary people could not even see the change.

"When I finish refining this whole blood **** Tao fruit, maybe it can really help me produce a water-prosperity essence pill." Ye Tian muttered to himself, a little excited, a little excited.

In the process of refining the blood **** Tao fruit, a phantom of Xuanwu gradually emerged on Ye Tian's body, and it became more and more real and condensed.

With sufficient energy supply, the Xuanwu **** form is also transforming towards the Xuanwu Dharma body.

This kind of dharma body is true and true, and can even attack and kill the enemy autonomously, almost like a clone, far beyond the ability of ordinary dharma. Once completed, it means that the body has part of the blood of the beast, and can display part of the talent and magical power of the beast.

After the Xuanwu divine form gradually became real in Ye Tian's body, he began to devour the blood in the secret realm on his own.

With its exhales and breaths, the blood in the three thousand zhang secret realm was aroused, and the mountains came with a tsunami.

Above Ye Tian's head, a blood cloud kept accumulating, spreading, and getting bigger and bigger.

The Xuanwu divine form on Ye Tian's body gradually emerged from the body, becoming one with the blood cloud in the sky.

At the moment of fusion, the irregular blood cloud turned into a huge basalt, which was a thousand feet long, occupying one third of the world of the blood sea secret.

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