Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1694: Shinto League

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The void storm raged around, bursting out nuclear-like destructive power, and wherever it passed, even the mountains and mountains would collapse, turning into dust and dust.

The Earth Immortal Killing Array was not enough to look at, and it was crushed by the Void Storm, all the flags of the Array were wiped out, and even failed to explode.

The two figures were all stunned by this sudden change. They stayed in place for a while, dumbfounded, motionless, watching the void storm like a big wave rolled up by a tsunami, swallowing them.

Although they are transcendents, they are not at the level of the Transcendent Realm, that is, the S-class transcendents, their combat power is not outstanding, so that the chain is dropped at a critical moment.

In a flash of lightning, Ye Tian rescued them, like an eagle catching a chicken, pinching his neck, one hand, and instantly flashing thousands of feet away. After a few big strides, Void Storm was left far behind.

On a snowy mountain, Ye Tian put them down.

"This difference, I didn't expect another two years have passed."

Looking at the familiar secular beauty in front of him, one grass and one tree, one mountain and one mountain, and smelling the extremely fresh air despite its thin aura, Ye Tian was full of emotion.

He stayed in the small world of Kunxu for one or two years, but he didn't expect that he would just come out of the small world and stay in the sea of ​​blood for two years. The good time of four full years passed in a flash. It sounds dramatic, as if good fortune is playing with people.

In fact, the life of a monk is like this, everything is centered on cultivation, often retreat, boring and monotonous.

"You are... the young devil? Are you really not dead?"

It is not difficult to recognize the two extraordinary people. The slightly deep-tempered young man in front of him is Ye Tian, ​​and his legs are all frightened and shivered.

"Aren't you just waiting for me? Why, are you afraid of seeing me now?" Ye Tian sneered, his eyes sharp as a knife, and he looked straight at them.


A great pressure came from his body, with a mighty breath that made the air of the entire mountain condense.

The two transcendents only felt like a behemoth was coming, causing them to suffocate for a while, even breathing hard, and every cell under their bodies was trembling with fear.

Plop, plop!

The two transcendents all knelt on the ground, knocking their heads like garlic, begging for mercy.

Facing the young demon king, they knew they had no escape, because this was a god-devil-like existence, capable of overpowering one star, so they could only ask him for mercy.

"It's all the Shenmeng wanting to target you. It has nothing to do with us. We are just two errands." One of the figures said, his voice trembling fiercely and crying.

"Shen League?" Ye Tian's expression moved.

"Yes, the Shenmeng is the Western Shinto Alliance, uniting all the West and the transcendents who are close to the West, in order to fight against the immortals in the East."


Ye Tian didn't ask much questions. In order to redeem their merits, the two transcendents were like pouring beans from a bamboo tube. They all explained.

The Western Shinto League was established at a cocktail party tonight, and the venue was held in the capital of a small neutral country, not far from here. At the reception, there will not only be extraordinary people, but also many celebrities and politicians, the heads of consortium families, and other distinguished people.

A small neutral country claims to be the most fair country in the world. It is impartial and believes in axioms as the only criterion. Therefore, many major and minor issues in the world like to be discussed and resolved here.

The last time Mengyao and the Holy See's paladin battled, they chose this place for this reason.

"Olympus gods, have they all come out? How many people are there?" Ye Tian asked, his expression slightly solemn, and he dared not take it lightly.

The Olympus gods in myths and legends are definitely a group of cruel stubbles, possessing the authority of gods, and dominating and suppressing the world with thunderous means. They are an important part of Western Shinto and a powerful branch.

The so-called Western Shinto Alliance, you don't need to think about it or know that when the Olympus gods are respected, the rest is cannon fodder, almost negligible.

The gods of Olympus today are definitely not the same as the gods of the ages. Ye Tian is not sure what the situation of the Olympus sanctuary is, and what level the gods' combat power is.

However, since they can call on the transcendents in the West, it is very likely that there will be more than one Jindan-level powerhouse.

"We only know that a month ago, the Olympus Sanctuary was discovered by Western transcendents, but what was going on in it, how many gods lived, and forgive us for our low status, without knowing it."

"One question and three questions, what's the use of keeping you?" Ye Tian snorted, his voice was cold, and a murderous aura emerged.

The two transcendents all shuddered, and they squatted their heads like garlic, and their foreheads were bloody.

"Our status is low, just running errands, we really don't know anything! In this way, we can take you to the Shinto Alliance reception tonight, and we will know everything by then."

The two transcendents pleaded bitterly and burst into tears.

"I have legs, and I can go by myself. For the sake of you being pretty well-behaved, I will spare you my life. However, the death penalty is unavoidable, and the living sin cannot escape."

As soon as Ye Tian waved his hand, a golden light fell off, peeling off the two supernatural beings on the spot, and the blood on their faces instantly disappeared, as if all their spirits had been sucked away.

"Since you are extraordinary for the West, most of you have done things that are detrimental to my East. Even if you don't do it now, you will definitely do it in the future. So, let the mana of your body give it aside, UU Reading to do one A mortal is fine." Ye Tian said lightly, without mercy.

The two transcendents all wanted to cry without tears, their whole bodies trembling, and they were obviously angry. They wished to smash Ye Tian's body into thousands of pieces, but Ming had to bow down in front of him, and thank Ye Tian for not killing.


Ye Tian's figure instantly disappeared on the top of the mountain, shattering and leaving, when he appeared again, it was already thousands of feet away. Then he rushed at several times the speed of sound, swiftly towards the capital of a small neutral country.

Because of an unprecedented cocktail party, a small neutral country tonight is destined to attract the attention of the whole world!

In fact, when Olympus was about to hold a cocktail party in a small neutral country to convene Western transcendents and ancient gods to discuss the establishment of the Western Shinto Alliance, when the news spread, the whole world was fried.

Everyone still remembers that a year ago, the Western Ancient Gods Alliance, headed by the blood ancestors of the blood clan, made the first eastern expedition to the great eastern country. It threatened to kill the young demon king and remove the foundation of Beiming, but it ended in failure.

Now that the Olympus gods are born, the ancient Western gods are going to make a comeback again, and it is hard to say who will come to the end of the Eastern power.

Because it is said that the gods of Olympus are far stronger than the thirteen blood ancestors.

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