Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1699: Sling blasting hammer

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"Ahhhhh, you actually hurt me. There is no redemption for a hundred deaths. I will use your holy blood to wash away my shame!" Poseidon roared and danced wildly, his expression extremely sad and angry.

His whole body glowed, and the blood in his whole body seemed to be burning, and a wave of terrible divine energy surged out, and his exploded palm fingers creaked and creaked, unexpectedly growing again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

There is also a layer of fine scale armor covering his body surface, black and shiny, shiny, like a battle armor made of ebony, giving people a sense of indestructibility and indestructibility.


A black water dragon rushed out from behind him, with legs, claws, horns and beards, and scaly, like a real dragon. It went up against the sky and entangled Ye Tian's yin and yang millstone.


The black dragon is thicker than the water tank, tens of meters long, fierce and infinite, and its divine power is endless. With a fierce force all over the body, it suddenly shattered the yin and yang grinding disc.

When the black water dragon turned into reality, the humanoid body of the Seagod disappeared, completely transformed into the water dragon body, and its aura exploded several times than when it was in the human shape.


The black water dragon's eyes were blood red, and a stern roar erupted, and the scales clashed, and the black light sprayed all over the body, as if forming a terrifying field, causing the world to shake violently.

Above the ground, blocks of buildings collapsed, and uncountable trees broke.

This is an astonishing aura, the black dragon seems to have melted into this void, in harmony with the Tao, and pulsed with the world.


Accompanied by another loud shout, the black flood dragon resembled a black lightning, pounced on Ye Tian, ​​opened his blood basin, and patted big metal claws, tearing the void into a fierce mess.


Void blasted, and the black dragon did not know how many times the speed of sound had been broken for an instant. Waves of air and clouds swelled in the air, and the ground was blown away by sand and rocks. The scene was extremely frightening.

At the same time, the Golden God was also launching a fierce attack on Ye Tian. The two golden wings were like two peerless heavenly swords, bringing two golden streams of light, splitting the void, and slashing towards Ye Tian's body.

"Be careful!" Long Xiaoyun reminded loudly.

However, Ye Tiankuo didn't move, as if he didn't know that a Heavenly Sword was slashing at him behind him.

In the shocking gazes of countless onlookers, the Golden God's golden wings really cut a solid on Ye Tian's body, aimed at the waist, and whizzed past.

But before the onlookers had time to cheer, all of them were dumbfounded, and their pupils suddenly shrank.

What the Golden God had cut was only a phantom, Ye Tian's true body seemed to shrunk into an inch, and instantly appeared hundreds of meters away, above the seagod Hei Jiao's head.


Ye Tian stomped his foot abruptly, and a huge mountain-like foot emerged, suppressing the body of the sea **** Black Jiao.

Suddenly a golden light curtain appeared at the feet of the giant golden feet, rapidly expanding, transforming into the size of hundreds of meters between the fingers of the fingers, sealing all the body of the sea **** Black Jiao inside.

In the golden light curtain, the golden divine power is surging, and the chaotic air is surging like a tide, and four spirit beasts, the Azure Dragon, the White Tiger, the Suzaku, and the Xuanwu, are manifested, roaring and roaring, trapping the black dragon in the middle.

Ye Tian's figure also rose sharply, and finally turned into ten feet tall, like a giant that opened up the world.

This is his giant spiritual body, a kind of giant spiritual power.

Seeing this scene, all the people changed their colors violently, as if facing a **** and couldn't help but want to worship.


Before the giant feet arrived, the terrifying golden divine power had already acted on the body of the seagod Black Jiao, causing the ground beneath it to sink several feet, revealing a huge footprint pit.

The huge body of the sea **** Black Jiao was also trapped in the footprints.

Under the dual restraint of the Chaos God Realm and the divine power of the air, the seagod Black Flood Dragon's movements became sluggish, as if trapped in a silted mud. Let it struggle hard, it can't break free for a while.

"Goddess, Golden God, save me!" Poseidon shouted, finally unable to remain calm.

The goddess of Olympus has deep eyes, and she has slender fingers like green onions flicking her golden hair. Her white and shiny face is very calm, and she doesn't mean to take action for the time being.

The Golden God couldn't make a single strike just now, flapping the two golden wings, chased Ye Tian again, and slapped a palm from far away.


With the palm moving out of the sky and the earth, a giant golden palm wrapped in infinite holy flames suddenly fell from the sky, like a big golden mountain, pressing down on Ye Tian.

On the giant palm, every pore, every silk pattern, is delicate, the golden light is blazing, the flames are raging, just like the palm of the Buddha.

"These are the golden palm and the golden fire, the two supreme magical powers of the golden vein."

Someone in the crowd watching the game exclaimed.


With this palm pressed down, the heaven and the earth seemed to crack and crack.

The horrible fluctuations shattered many buildings on the ground on the spot, and many onlookers couldn't bear this tyrannical force, vomiting blood and flying upside down.

However, Ye Tian didn't look sad or happy, and continued to step on his foot, deforming the body of the Seagod Black Jiao.


Facing the golden palm of the Golden God, he raised one arm and slapped a palm suddenly, outrageously stunned.

The chaotic energy was surging, the golden light was surging, and a huge palm of the gods instantly manifested in the void, like a **** of golden glass, shining brightly.

It is the Golden Palm of Chaos!

Many people are familiar with Ye Tian's magical power, because it is used in almost every war.

It seems that this magical power has not changed much, it is still a huge slap, shining bright golden light.

If there are people with extraordinary vision, you should be able to find that under the golden light, there is a dense layer of golden runes, as numerous as the sands of the Ganges, full of mystery.

This is the golden Dao mark. UU reading has a magical power to cultivate to a certain level, moving the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and imprinting it.

In addition, in the palm of the giant palm, there is a small hazy world, bursting out of black hole-like absorption power.

This is the embryonic form of the world in the palm, polished to maturity, it can become a secret space of the human body, and has the function of a universe ring.


In the shocking gazes of countless people, the golden palm of the Golden God that surrounded the golden flames collided with the golden palm of the Chaos Qi of Ye Tian.

Two golden palms that looked the same, but there was a difference between the clouds and mud, as if an egg and a stone were colliding, the golden palms of the golden gods fell apart every inch and fell apart in an instant.

But Ye Tian's chaotic golden light palm was like a broken bamboo, sweeping everything, without a trace of scars.

"not good!"

The golden face changed wildly, and he hurriedly retreated.

However, Ye Tian’s Golden Golden Palm of Chaos suddenly pierced the void of Baizhang, flashing out in front of him, and suddenly shot him out, like a cannonball out of the chamber, flying out thousands of meters. .

Fortunately, his golden body was strong enough, many cracks appeared, and many bones broke, but in the end it did not burst.

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