"I, Ye Tian, ​​never take the initiative to make trouble, but I am never afraid of it. Since you are here against me and against my great eastern country, don't blame me for killing you and slaughter you clean." Ye Tian said loudly, facing each other. In the ruined city, those living spectators, especially those extraordinary who are going to join the Western Shinto Alliance with the help of the reception.

Ye Tian did not continue to take action. These so-called transcendents are like ants to him. He can't even pick out a few from the gods. There is no threat. If they kill them, they will dirty their hands. They only threaten. Enough.

Even the servants of the goddess brought by the goddess, Ye Tian didn't hurt the killer, but let them go.

Soon, his voice spread all over the world through various media methods, shocking the world.

Of course, there is also his invincible record, the sea **** Black Jiao who killed the Atlantic, the golden **** of South America, and the goddess of Olympus, all of which are also known to the whole world.

After two years, the young demon king returned, once again proved his power to the world by **** means, and swore the sovereignty of this star!

The land of the east is cheered and excited!

The land of the West is wailing and weeping!

"Why can't we produce a hero like a young devil in the West?" Some Westerners shook their heads and sighed.

"Is this guy really the immortal Xiaoqiang? Why is it that every time it is said that he dies, he will eventually come back alive and become stronger?"

"The protagonist of the era, the son of luck, can't accept it."

"He came out alive from the sea of ​​blood this time. In my opinion, the first blood ancestor may have fallen."

"So what? We also have the Olympus Pantheon, as well as other ancient gods that have not yet been born. This time the young devil will be doomed. Let's wait for a good show."

"Yes, I just heard the goddess say that her ancestors left the earth through the starry sky teleportation array and thrived in the depths of the cosmic galaxy. These are the forces that I can use in the West. Even we can also use the starry sky teleportation array. , Go to the cosmic starry sky and leave this deserted planet."


Even if Ye Tian uttered tough words, the land of the West would not be frightened. The heart of killing him and the heart of perishing the great power of the East would never die.

This time, they have high hopes for the Olympus Pantheon.

This is a legendary Western Shinto organization that once dominated the world. It can even be said to be the most powerful Shinto organization ever seen on earth. It is by no means comparable to the blood race and the thirteen blood ancestors.

"It's over, the young devil has offended the Olympus Pantheon. Will it hurt me? This guy, with well-developed limbs and simple mind, is so impulsive that he shouldn't kill the goddess at all." An oriental person said Worried and complained about Ye Tianduo.

"Made, what are you talking about? If you dare to slander the national hero, believe it or not, I will let the relevant department arrest you and sentence you to ten or eight years?"

"There is a lot of worry upstairs. In my opinion, the Olympus Pantheon is not to be feared at all. After all, the legend is only a legend, with exaggerated elements. The true Pantheon can never be as powerful as the legend. Inheritance So far, the Pantheon will only be weaker, not stronger."

"The hero sees the same thing. I haven't heard the goddess say that they can't even make up the twelve main gods? I want to pull our young demon king over to make up the number."


The battle between Ye Tian and the Olympus Pantheon had not yet begun, and all kinds of discussions were already flying in the sky. Netizens from the East and the West once again stood in line to support their heroes.

After killing the goddess, Ye Tian left calmly, together with Zhao Tianlong, Sima Xuankong, and Long Xiaoyun, using the black scale eagle as a mount, and did not wait for the people from the Pantheon to find fault.

Although Ye Tian didn't try his best in this battle, it was also very exhausting. A fool would wait for the Pantheon to find fault. Going back and rejuvenating is the wisest choice.

In other words, the Pantheon actually has a starry sky teleportation array. Even if the Pantheon does not come to find his fault, he will personally visit it in the future to see how true the goddess said.

"I said you four, can you go down two? I'm exhausted from riding a horse, and I can't fly." Black Scale Eagle complained loudly and wanted to pick up.

The four people were sitting on its back, as if pressing a big mountain, they couldn't even want to fly fast.

Ye Tian took out a palm-sized purple spiritual spar, snapped a corner, and threw it to the black scale eagle. Then the black scale eagle closed its mouth, his eyes gleamed, as if he had seen the rarest thing in the world.

"I'm going, Purple Spirit Crystal, such a big piece? Where did it come from?" Black Scale Eagle asked Ye Tian loudly.

"You don't need to know, fly yours."

Click, click!

Ye Tian divided the remaining purple spirit crystals into three pieces, one for each of Zhao Tianlong, Sima Xuankong and Long Xiaoyun.

Although the three of them saw the spirit crystal for the first time, they grasped it in their palms and felt it a little bit, and knew that this thing was extraordinary. The huge amount of spirit energy was incredibly abundant, and the quality was far higher than ordinary spirit stones.

The first time they got the spirit stone, the three of them practiced non-stop, absorbing the energy from the spirit crystal.

The seemingly small spirit crystals, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is enough to push their cultivation base to a small level.

The black scale eagle also swallowed the purple spirit crystal in its belly, flying while refining, as if eating a strong pill, its speed suddenly soared several times, breaking through three times the speed of sound.

The black scale eagle was flying, and suddenly a golden glow came from his back, soared into the sky, folded in the air, and flew towards the east.

"I'm going first!"

Ye Tian's voice still reverberated in the void, but the person disappeared suddenly, like a glimpse of light, sinking into the clouds.

With his current cultivation base, the speed almost surpassed human imagination. From the western land to the eastern coast of the East, a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers took less than an hour, and the person arrived.

Jianghai Province, Tianhai City!

Two years later, Ye Tian came here again and couldn't help feeling full of emotions and feeling guilty.

Because of the war two years ago, the city was almost destroyed, and the damage caused was incalculable, hundreds of billions.

Today, the city is being rebuilt, but the scars of the battle are still visible everywhere.

After all, only two years have passed, reconstruction has just started, and many places are still in ruins.

Especially Dongshan, once a four-star scenic spot, the Xiufeng is tall and straight, the grass is lush, the lake is clear, and the scenery is pleasant. It was almost completely destroyed in the battle, and dozens of mountains collapsed. Two years have passed, and many places It's still a barren land, with gravel everywhere, cracks everywhere, shocking.

This is the case, the reputation of Tianhai City today is far greater than before, and it is attracting attention all over the world.

Every day, many domestic and foreign tourists come to travel and make pilgrimages to the ruins of Dongshan.

Just because this was once the dojo of Beiming, and the place where the sacred empress once appeared.

The first release of this book is from 17K Novel Network, the first time to read the genuine content!

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