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As the golden palm grasped, the void shook, and the face of the sun godzi changed slightly, only to feel that there were five mountains and mountains invisible, squeezing from all directions like a cage, the power of the gods was mighty and terrifying.

The void around his body became distorted and quickly solidified into a single piece, binding him like a mosquito in beeswax, unable to move.

Blocked in the air and controlled by the force field, this is a new ability and a new change that has been awakened by the chaotic golden light palm of the gods to a certain extent.

At this moment, the whole world was extremely shocked.

Just now, the Sun Godzi shot, how fierce and domineering, almost like a god, he did not change his face in the face of more than a dozen earth immortals and the joint crit of the gods, but now he is held by someone else's palm. It is too human. incredible.

The chaotic golden light **** palm that came out of this grasp is no stranger to the world, and you don't need to guess to know who is making the shot, the young devil.

Although the world knows the power of the young demon king, it is still unacceptable to hold the sun **** child with one palm, because the difference in the strength of the two is not so big.

"Yes, I have some patience, no wonder it can kill my undesirable sister!"

Although the Sun God Child was under control, he did not panic. After praising Ye Tian, ​​he then slowly said: "It seems that your Excellency is determined to be an enemy of my Pantheon. I just don't know, you are ready to die. Are you ready?"

Ye Tian's face was astonished, and everyone in the world also had the same expression.

"It's really interesting, you are a grasshopper that I hold in my hand. Where did you have the courage to talk to me like this? Why can you be so calm? Are you not afraid that I will slap you to death with a palm?" Ye Tian's voice deepened from the hotel. It came from everywhere, and asked instead.

Bang bang bang!

Accompanied by the sound of cold words, there is a sound of footsteps, full of rhythm, calm and powerful, as if every step is resonating with this world.

Soon, a young man full of gold and divine light appeared in everyone’s sight. He was dressed in a gorgeous red robe. He was in his early twenties. He had delicate eyebrows and a big hand. The horrible energy was intertwined in the palm. Press down with one palm.

The Sun Godzi glanced at Ye Tian and smiled faintly: "Sure enough, it is a hero who was born in a young age, and his cultivation base is amazing. But the most indispensable thing in the world is the young Tianjiao. As long as you don't really grow up in a day, Always the same as the ants. You shouldn't, you shouldn't, you shouldn't provoke my pantheon, and you shouldn't kill my undesirable sister!"

"Really? What if you kill? What if you provoke?" Ye Tian sneered.

"Hehe, mortal, vulgar ants, you wouldn't think that if you use a force field to control magical powers in a small way, you can pinch me to death, right?"

Amidst the ridiculous words, the qi burst on the Sun Godzi's body, and suddenly bursts of fiery red qi wave cloud rings, like the shock wave of a nuclear explosion, rushed in all directions in an overwhelming manner.

Moreover, at the time of the impact, the air wave instantly ignited, burning raging flames.

The Sun God Child became a fire man in an instant, without changing his color in the sea of ​​fire, like a **** who controls flames.

Although he is the **** of the sun, he also has some flame authority.

And this only part of the flame authority is far surpassing the strong flame ability in the world.

The void that was originally solidified into an iron plate, between the flicks of the fingers, seemed to be melted, and the power of restraint was drastically reduced.

"I'm the enemy of the Pantheon, there is only one death!" The Son of the Sun said viciously, his body suddenly moved.

"Everyone who said such big talk to me is dead, and you are no exception."


Ye Tian retorted his lips, and the power of the golden palm suddenly rose. Five-colored thunder lights suddenly burst out of the five thick fingers. The sound of wind and thunder was agitated, and countless electric snakes and thunder dragons roared out, gorgeous and horrible.

At the same time, there is a golden flame burning up, blending with the five-color thunder, and turning into a powerful chaos of energy.

Under the dual blessings of the Five Elements Chaos God Thunder and Chaos Golden Flame, the power of Ye Tian's Chaos Golden Light Palm suddenly increased several times. As the five fingers slowly closed, the flames erupting from the Sun God Child gradually closed and was Tethered to the body.

The void was twisted again, continuously compressed, and re-condensed into an iron plate, locking the Sun God Child into it.

"Damn it!" The Sun Godzi yelled, his face changed drastically.

"God, it's almost time, it's time to do business. You are probably not his opponent." The **** servant old man said indifferently, his eyes were like torches, and he stared at Ye Tian, ​​as if he could see something and act accordingly. So judge.

"I am a god, an omnipotent god, how can I lose to a mortal ant?" The Sun Godzi said stubbornly, constantly stimulating the vitality and blood in his body, and brilliant rays of light burst out of his body, like a volcano. The eruption is normal, and the **** can surging.

"You are not ashamed! If you are really a god, I will slaughter the gods to the world today. Let the world see with their own eyes how vulnerable the gods they believe in are so vulnerable!"


Just as Ye Tian’s voice just fell, the infinite energy chaos suddenly passed through a space of tens of meters in an instant, as if shrinking to an inch, appeared above the head of the Sun Godzi, once again turned into a big hand that covered the sky, and slammed it down with a palm. .

"not good!"

Almost the moment Ye Tian slapped his palm, the old man's face suddenly changed and he rushed forward.

He can clearly feel what terrifying power is contained in Ye Tian's palm?

Just like the heaven-shaking seal that the ancient gods sacrificed, with one blow, the mountains and rivers faded, the sun and the moon were dark, the stars collapsed, and the cosmos chaos would be split apart.

The huge golden palm that turned out, although only ten feet in size, was heavier, a hundred times, a thousand times heavier than a large mountain.

Right below the giant palm of the Chaos, the Sun God Child could clearly feel the pressure of the monstrous palm, the terrifying power that can shatter everything, but his expression was not too scared, but asked Ye Tian: " What kind of supernatural powers are you? How can the speed be so fast? Can't you master the Void Avenue?"

When he is in danger and not chaos, he naturally has to rely on it.

While he was speaking, the ancient bronze chariot under his feet suddenly changed, and thick protective armor spread out around them, which matched each other and quickly became one.

Click click click, UU reading www. uukanshu.com was accompanied by the sound of the machine, the "open-top" state of the ancient bronze chariot turned into a closed state of the "tank" armored chariot in a flash, the light was blazing, and there was a lot of flames. People feel indestructible and unable to start.

In the hands of Ye Tian's Zhetian, the ancient bronze chariot rushed from left to right, trying to fly up.

But it is of no use.

The palm of the Chaos God didn't rush, press down calmly, and close the five fingers, confining the entire ancient bronze chariot in the palm of his palm, making it impossible to break through any changes or conflicts.

The five-colored thunder in the palm of the Great Chaos Palm is surging like waves, constantly bombarding the ancient bronze chariot, and rushing into the chariot through the gap.

Crunch, crunch!

As the five fingers of the Great Chaos Palm closed, the ancient bronze chariot was deformed, condensed into a ball, and shrank continuously, as if it was about to be crushed.

At this time, the sun **** in the chariot was finally afraid, and finally realized the gap between him and Ye Tian.

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