Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1728: Life is hanging by a thread

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"Hey, kid, be scared, I'll see you off!"

In the palm print pit, the sun **** child let out a sneer, his eyes widened, bloodshot, full of fierce aura.


When the fighting spirit was in full swing, his body suddenly exploded into a raging flame, like an erupting volcano, shaking the sky. Amidst the flames, there were strands of scorching electric light that shone like a dragon, which was so blazing that people could not see it.

Accompanied by a surge of blood rushing out of the sky spirit cover, his long golden hair stood upright, flying in the golden flames of electricity, like an arrogant and unruly battle flag.

At this moment, he seemed to have turned into a Super Saiyan, with full firepower, and he was so violent and domineering that it made people palpitation.

After drawing strength from the decree of the **** king, he became stronger than before.

At this moment, everyone is like being in the realm of the decree of the **** king. This realm is friendly to the sun **** son and the **** servant elders, and can bless them with combat power, while the others are all suppressed.

"What is he going to do?"

In the eyes of countless people in shock, the Sun Godzi sank his waist as a horse, and slammed a punch to explode Ye Tian.

"God, wait a minute, spare his life, bring him back to Mount Olympus, everything will be up to the gods," said the **** servant old man, thinking that he would eat Ye Tian and bring people back.

However, where is the Sun God child willing to listen, he was almost beaten into a dog by Ye Tian just now, and he was suffocating in his heart, wishing to smash Ye Tian into pieces.


Amid the roar of a heavy rocket launching, waves of flames and air exploded under his feet, blasting smoke and dust everywhere, and the scorching high temperature melted the earth and rocks and turned it into billowing magma. Big waves of magma.

Next, with the earth-shattering roar, the Sun Godzi really flew up like a rocket, and the flames under his feet rose like a high-pressure tail fire from a rocket engine, bringing him huge thrust into the air.

A crimson fist was condensed on the tip of his fist, as big as a grinding plate, and the unparalleled condensing, almost turned into essence.

As he slammed a punch, the fist gang was like a comet, dragging an illusory light tail, amid the roar of a train whistling, straight to Ye Tian's floating golden palm.

There was a Divine Soul Forbidden Curse that was transformed by the decree of the God King flying over, and the Invincible Divine Fist of the Sun God Child crits down. Ye Tian was hit by a double blow and fell into a desperate situation.

"Ye Tianren, be careful!" Xiao Qingtian shouted, his face full of anxiety.

A dragon spear in his hand was raised with difficulty, trying to stab it fiercely, but he had more than enough energy.

Taro Miyamoto struggled to cut out a hand knife and cut out a sharp blade, but less than ten feet away, the condensed sword energy collapsed.

The Old King Jiao was also trying to make a move to spur the Yuan Dan in his body, but the Yuan Dan was so imprisoned that he couldn't really mention the slightest divine power.

Only the Taoist Dongyue successfully threw the Diamond Cutter.

This thing is indeed extraordinary, the runes are shining, and the light is shining, and it broke through the coercion of the Yuan Ying and slammed out vigorously, facing the rune of the **** king's decree.

However, the result was not satisfactory. King Kong cut through it, and failed to hurt the rune stream.

At this moment, the palm print giant pit was flying up into the sky, the Sun Godzi suddenly shrank, and he saw an incredible scene.

Ye Tian's imprisoned golden palm palm suddenly split a hole, like a black hole, swallowing his crimson fist that was enough to explode a hundred meters of mountains, disappearing like a mud cow into the sea.

"The world in the palm, you actually cultivated the world in the palm! No wonder my solar warhammer was just crushed by you, and did not explode like a forbidden device. The energy should have been absorbed by the world in your palm." The sun **** son shouted in shock. As if seeing the most incredible thing in the world, I finally understood why the Warhammer didn't break out just now.

"Congratulations, you got the answer right." Ye Tian responded, with a hint of joking in his voice.

Just as his words fell, a blazing white light suddenly flew out of the black hole in his palm.

The spot of blazing white light grew rapidly, turning into the size of a fist in a blink of an eye, and the divine energy overflowed, like a small sun, flying straight towards the sun **** in the palm print pit.

This blazing light group was the energy that was sucked away by the world in Ye Tian's palm in the solar warhammer just now. It was not too powerful, only equivalent to a nuclear weapon with the equivalent of one million tons.

However, the Son of the Sun was not afraid, and said: "I am the sun god, you would be too naive if you want to burn me with my fire. Moreover, you have to think about it, once this flame erupts, how much will there be? The innocent die."

A nuclear weapon with the equivalent of one million tons would be razed to the ground within a radius of several kilometers, and tens of thousands of people at the foot of Dongshan would inevitably be buried with them.

But Ye Tian didn’t care, the blazing white light ball turned into a beam of light under his control, like a blazing white spear, spraying out, spanning a distance of more than ten feet in an instant, and pierced the sun god’s son. Body.

"It's useless, I'm wearing a scarlet flame armor, and I'm invulnerable." The Sun Godzi said arrogantly, fearless.


But as soon as his voice fell, an unbelievable scene happened. Accompanied by a loud thunder, the armor on his chest was penetrated by a big hole with a thick bowl.

Chaos Gengjin God Thunder is the best at attacking obstacles, hiding in the white flames, without knowing it.

Following the big hole in the bowl, the blazing white ball of light instantly plunged into the body of the Sun Godzi, the internal organs, the limbs and the skeletons,...


The tiger body of the sun **** child shook suddenly, his body swelled suddenly, the red flame armor on his body was stretched, and there were dense cracks, countless white rays of light gushing out from the cracks, let him see It looked like a sea urchin covered with white light thorns.

At this moment, he is equivalent to swallowing a nuclear bomb with the equivalent of one million tons.

"Damn it, don't..." the sun **** son roared, terrified to the extreme.

The **** servant old man also looked startled. He didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen at a critical moment when everything was under control.

Once the Sun God Child dies, he has an inescapable responsibility as a protector, and it is possible to be slapped to death by the king of the gods.

Not long ago, the goddess was killed by Ye Tian, ​​and one of her old servants of the earth fairy survived. When they returned to Mount Olympus, they were slapped into blood mud by the **** king.

At this time, the stream of light formed by the divine king's decree had flown in front of Ye Tian's eyebrows, and was about to pierce straight in.

This is a decree of Yuanying, which is forbidden by Yuanying. Under the lock of Qi, it is like a tarsus maggot, Ye Tian can't escape at all.

In a daze, Ye Tian seemed to have heard the chants of the ancient gods. There were ancient spells coming through the time and space of the ages. It was stern and sacred, awe-inspiring, and he couldn't help but worship.

With the singing of the gods, a picture slowly unfolded in front of Ye Tian.

It is a vast land, and there are countless mountains and mountains on the earth, each of which is the king of the mountain, the emperor of the mountain, and it is terrifyingly tall.

The tallest mountain is as high as ten thousand feet, towering into the clouds, full of golden light, like a mountain made of **** gold, majestic and mighty.

Towering ancient trees on the mountains, lush grasses, tens of thousands of flowers, there are many rare birds and animals living in it, a thriving and vibrant scene.

In addition, there are many tall palaces built on the mountain, each of which is very magnificent, reaching a height of tens of meters or even hundreds of meters. The tiles are flowing and shiny, and the walls are shining, like God's gold.

There are also carved columns and jade masonry, white marble stairs, ..., extremely luxurious and gorgeous, chaotic and misty, like a fairy family palace, a dwelling place for gods.

On the top of the golden mountain, a palace was built especially tall, towering like a heavenly palace, and inside it exudes an aura of supreme, supreme, supreme, supreme power.

The gate of the palace was wide open, and the golden light was radiant inside, and it was shining brightly.

It was a strong man, sitting on the golden throne in the center of the palace, full of golden light, overflowing with golden brilliance, could not see the true face, could only feel the coercion like a mountain like a sea. Under this coercion, the void around that figure was distorted.

Below the golden throne, the gods are worshipping, some are glowing, some stand in the dark, some are dazzling, and some can swallow the light,...

Every **** is an extraordinary generation, sacred and peaceful and dark and terror coexist, all worshiping the same person.

However, no one dared to raise their heads, all knelt down, bowed their eyebrows, and their eyes were full of awe.

"Olympus, Pantheon, King of Pantheons!" Ye Tian was shocked and made a guess about the picture before him. It should be right.

Suddenly, the tall figure on the golden throne raised his head and glanced at Ye Tian, ​​his eyes opened and closed, and two golden lightning bolts shot out from his pupils.

These two golden lightning bolts seemed to penetrate through the eternal time and space, like two invincible war spears, and suddenly pierced Ye Tian's eyebrows.

In reality, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com’s God King’s decree turned into a spirit restraint, just like a war spear, and it just pierced Ye Tian’s eyebrows and was about to penetrate.

Once the Divine Soul prohibition is successfully applied to the Divine Soul, it will be difficult to break it. It's like Monkey King's tight curse.

"No!" Qing Han yelled anxiously, and the mysterious yellow Linglong tower on top of his head, the body of the mysterious yellow qi falling down, was struggling to come.

At this moment, everyone else was watching, but there was nothing to do.

But at this moment, the old man of the **** servant suddenly shook his palms and made a pulling action, which actually attracted the prohibition rune and made it fly away at the sun **** in the palm print pit.

When the rune flickered, this stream of light once again turned into a Taoist talisman, the Yuan Ying's breath filled, rushing into the body of the sun **** child.

Some of Dacheng's golden cores are already capable of swallowing nuclear bombs. For Yuan Ying, swallowing a nuclear bomb raw is like eating a lollipop without stress.

The old man of the **** servant wants to use the primordial infant aura in this Taoist picture to obliterate the energy comparable to a nuclear explosion in the sun **** child.

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