Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1738: Dangerous transmission

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In the magnificent mountain temple, there are tall statues standing around them. Although they are a little damaged, they are still vivid and majestic, making people feel awe-inspiring.

In the center of the temple, there is a circular high platform with a diameter of about one meter. The surface of the platform is engraved with dense runes, which is very similar to the teleportation platform.

Ye Tian paced up and observed it carefully for a moment, and found that the teleportation platform was undoubtedly, but it was a bit damaged, crisscrossing several cracks, one of which penetrated the entire stone platform, dividing the stone platform in two.

Fortunately, although the transmission array is damaged, the array pattern is not missing, and all the array patterns can be connected together.

As a transmission array, the most important thing is the void transmission pattern. Even if a small part is missing, it may not be able to complete the transmission task, or various dangers may occur during transmission, or it may be transmitted to other places far away.

As for the engraved material, it is just a carrier. Although it is also very important, it is not the most important factor.

Some powerful immortal cultivators can even engrave the teleportation pattern in the void, opening up void passages anytime and anywhere.

In addition, Ye Tian found that the teleportation formation had been repaired. There are many stones scattered around the ground, which is similar to the material of the transmission array.

It's just that the repair method is hard to explain in a word and is very clumsy, so it is better not to repair it.

Ye Tian guessed that it might be those extraordinary people in the Western world who had made repairs after discovering the teleportation formation here.

Thanks to their abilities, they have not repaired the teleportation formation.

Various signs indicate that they not only repaired the teleportation formation, but also opened the teleportation formation, thus summoning the ancient **** of Olympus.

Even if they could open the teleportation formation, there was no reason why Ye Tian couldn't open it.

In a corner of the temple, Ye Tian found a passage, which was the entrance and exit connecting the temple to the outside world.

In order to prevent the transmission array from being destroyed and others unable to return in the small world, Ye Tian imposed several seals on the entrance and exit of the passage.

After that, he took out the spirit stone and tried to open the teleportation formation.

Most teleportation formations are opened with spirit stones, because spirit stones are more common.

There are also a small number of teleportation formations that are set to open with other energy spars, magic crystals, magic cores, star cores, star stones, golden cores, blood containing law fragments, and other energy objects.

Ye Tian took out a few high-grade spirit stones, cut them into shapes that were almost the same as the grooves, and put them into the grooves.

Initially, there was no response, but when Ye Tian injected a strand of true essence into the spirit stone, stimulating the spiritual energy of the spirit stone to overflow, the unremarkable teleportation formation shook and shook slightly.

It can be clearly seen that the psychic energy in the spirit stone is quickly absorbed by the teleportation array, and it spreads in all directions along the circuit-like rune route on the table.

In just a moment, all the runes on the table were lit up, bursting into bright white light.

Standing on the teleportation platform, Ye Tian was surrounded by blazing white light and dense runes, only to feel that the surrounding void seemed to be distorted, his body seemed to be torn, and his mind was dizzy.

Then, a weird and colorful tunnel like a kaleidoscope unfolded in front of Ye Tian.

However, Ye Tian didn't have time to appreciate the beauty of the void passage, and a terrifying storm of countless small space fragments gathered in front of him, like a tens of thousands of swords, terrifying and dangerous.

Void Storm!

Ye Tian was shocked, and quickly dodged.

The breaking power of space fragments can tear even the copper skin and iron bones of the golden core. Although Ye Tian has a strong body, if he is hit by a storm of space debris, there will be no good fruit to eat.

Although he had received the baptism of the void storm in the old place of the Sun Moon Sword Palace, and had certain resistance to the void storm, the void storm that rushed out of the ground there was very weak, and it was not the same as the void storm in the deep void passage.

"This feeling is wrong!" Ye Tian was mad in his heart.

If it is an ordinary short-distance teleportation, it will be completed in an instant, and the existence of the void channel will not be seen at all, and it will not be attacked by the void storm.

"It must be caused by the damage of the transmission array, the transmission capacity is limited, and it has not been able to open up an intact void channel." Ye Tian guessed.

It is no wonder that after the fall of the goddess, the Pantheon has been slow to send people out of the secular world to seek revenge. It turned out that the transmission channel could not go in and out at will, which was very risky. It is like the passage of the hidden gate inside and outside Kunxu.

Ye Tianguan's void passage requires at least the cultivation base of the Earth Immortal before it can pass.

Before the teleportation array was discovered and repaired by the Western transcendents, the ancient gods in the Olympus secrets might not even be able to open the teleportation array, so that the Western world never heard news about the appearance of the ancient Olympus gods.


The void storm roared in, even more terrifying than the rolling tsunami, and burst into a loud rumbling noise.

Ye Tian wanted to dodge and evade, but suddenly he felt that the sky was spinning, and the whole person rolled over involuntarily, his body was out of control.

"God's Domain!" Ye Tian shouted loudly, and a golden domain instantly formed outside of his body.

However, only persisted for an instant, and the domain was shattered under the erosion of the void fragments, disappearing like dream bubbles.

"Chaotic Golden Light Palm!" Ye Tian roared again, slapped out with a palm, and shot out a chaotic golden light palm.

In the palm of the god's palm, there was a black hole-like vortex, bursting out with infinite absorption power.

With the help of the recoil of the giant palm, his body sank rapidly.


Hearing a loud noise came out, the Void Storm and the Chaos Golden Light Palm collided. Although the world in the palm had absorbed a lot of void storms, the entire palm of the gods was eventually swept away by the void storms.

"Ah!" Ye Tian let out a scream. UU reading www.

The real palm of his palm suddenly opened and fleshed out, bursting out a bunch of blood, and a lot of space fragments could be clearly seen in the wound, gleaming like glass, and constantly invading into the body.

This is a wound left by the law. It is difficult to heal. A small wound can be fatal.

But Ye Tian didn't have time to heal his injuries. More void storms came in all directions, almost sealing all his life, and eroding the scarce security space a little bit.

"No, my cultivation base is still too low, I can't resist these void storms at all." Ye Tian's heart was shaken.

He thought it was just a normal void teleportation, but he didn't expect such an accident to happen.

"No matter, fight it!"

Ye Tian moved his palms together, shooting out chaotic golden light palms, shaking the void storm hard. Later, he took out the Ziying Sword and cut it horizontally and vertically.

In the end, he even turned into a Vermillion Bird, relying on extreme speed to shuttle in the void channel, left and right dwarfed, and moved forward with difficulty.

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