Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1766: Immortal Xiaoqiang

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A bead the size of a dove egg, crystal clear, red and hot like a soldering iron, as if containing the energy of a super volcano, was smashed by Ye Tian's palm and exploded in the hollow of the white-haired old ape's heart.

"this is……"

The white-haired old ape's pupils shrank suddenly, his eyeballs almost popped out of his eyes, and his face was horrified.

Fire Spirit Orbs may not be recognized by others, but the Fire Ape Clan lives in the Flame Mountains and is most abundant in Fire Spirit Orbs. As it is one of the most precious cultivation resources, how can they not recognize it?

"Ah, **** it!"

The white-haired old ape yelled angrily, and for a moment only felt that the death god's sickle was resting on his neck.


Hearing an earth-shattering explosion, Huo Lingzhu suddenly exploded in the pit of his heart, bursting out with a bright white light that was enough to make Earth Immortal Da Neng blind temporarily.

Under the strong light flashing, amidst the thunder and rage, a raging flame, accompanied by a terrible shock wave, rushed out of the ocean, swelling and impacting, and instantly engulfed the white-haired old ape.

Fire Spirit Orbs are born from heaven and earth, hundreds of thousands of years, even millions of years, condensing the essence of fire between heaven and earth, it is one of the rarest fire heaven and earth treasures, which can be sacrificed and refined into magical instruments. , Can also be used as a forbidden weapon to kill the enemy, releasing energy at a time, and its power is comparable to nuclear weapons in the secular world. It can truly be called killing gods when encountering gods and killing ghosts when encountering ghosts.

After Ye Tian smashed the Fire Spirit Orb with his palm, he quickly displayed his supernatural powers and fled, because after the Fire Spirit Orb was exploded, he was attacking indiscriminately, and even he could not be spared.

After smelting the void law fragments in the realm channel, Ye Tian's flashing supernatural powers soared, and he tried his best to break through thousands of feet in one flash.

Therefore, almost in an instant, Ye Tian appeared thousands of feet away, far away from the center of the bombing.

But that's the case, he was still affected by a trace, his right hand, and his entire arm, were burnt as black as smoky. The fine scales on the palm of his right hand were even more shattered when the Fire Spirit Orb was smashed into pieces.

But there is nothing serious, and the trauma is far from fatal.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the broken crystal scales in his palm healed again.

And as a gust of qi was released, it rushed back and forth on the arm, and it seemed to be scorched by smoke, and the charred crystal scales were shiny again.


The earth-shattering roar of a huge explosion came, and it shook his eardrums humming.

He narrowed his eyes, watching the wanton impact and shattering all the shock waves, watching the huge flames rising up, expanding and enlarging, and devouring everything. He couldn't help but feel the blow that ignited the sky and caused the great earthquake. Amazed.

Fire Spirit Orb, overbearing!

"This blow is absolutely as powerful as a condensed pill strong, and even the full blow of the initial golden pill!"

It was that Ye Tianxiu's base did not fall, and he used two yuan pills to make a full blow of the Golden Saint Body, which was nothing more than that.


A huge flame ball, with a black cloud shaped like a mushroom cloud, rushed straight into the sky, tearing the dark sky, as if a sun had risen, and the earth in a radius of a hundred miles was bright, and the night turned into day.

Time didn't go too long, the series of thunder-like explosions ended, and the monstrous sea of ​​flames gradually extinguished.

On the ground, there was only a huge round pit, a hundred meters in diameter, and a depth of unknown depth. It was flooded with boiling magma, like boiling water, spewing out a scorching air wave from time to time.

And on the land with a radius of one thousand meters, all the rocks, plants and trees have been turned into dust, riddled with holes, scorched earth into flakes, and magma flowed freely.

And the figure of the white-haired old ape had disappeared.

Ye Tian's thoughts were released, but he couldn't feel the slightest fluctuation in his life.


On a mountain thousands of feet away, Ye Tian's eyes flashed with golden light, sweeping the scorched earth like a radar.

With a blow to the Fire Spirit Orb, he was confident that he could kill the White-haired Old Ape Town.

After all, that is the destructive power of a nuclear weapon, exploding against the body, it is the golden core power that will degenerate.

However, his heart was vaguely disturbed.

"I said... You don't think I'm dead, do you?"

Suddenly, a cold, deep and hoarse voice came from an old voice full of superiority.

When the sound sounded, the magma crater in the center of the huge explosion suddenly rolled up a monstrous magma wave and rushed straight into the air at a height of 100 meters. A huge figure with a height of one foot, rushed out of the magma wave, stood proudly out of thin air, and looked down at Ye Tian, ​​who was a thousand meters away.

It was the old ape with white hair, but it seemed to be a completely different person. His whole body was in tatters and there were burnt scars all over the visible bones. Even the cheek bones, frontal bones, and even skull bones were all exposed, dripping with blood.

In his heart, there is a blood hole that is transparent before and after, which is as big as the mouth of a sea bowl.

It was shocking to see the wound, but for the great power of the white-haired old ape, it was not fatal at all. As long as some energy was consumed, the wound could heal on its own.

"Fire Lingzhu broke out in your heart, you didn't die?" Ye Tian was shocked, really shocked.

If it were him, even if he didn't die, he wouldn't be able to jump around like a white-haired old ape. It's very possible that an old life would have been removed and most of it would be lying on the ground like a dead dog.

"It's just a fire spirit orb, why should I die?" The white-haired old ape was calm and his eyes were full of contempt, and said: "My fire ape clan is talented, feeds on fire, and uses magma as a lair. Like this kind of fire spirit orb, I have refined not a hundred, and there are dozens of them. You want to kill me with a fire spirit orb, it's a foolish dream."

"Don't pretend to be garlic anymore. UU Reading, you really have the power of the Fire Spirit Orb, but it is not your physical body, but the magic weapon of your body. Am I right?"

The white-haired old ape chuckled: "It's not important. What's important is that you didn't kill me with a Fire Spirit Orb. If you have poor skills, you will die!"

"It's not ashamed to speak, who is dead and alive, is it not necessarily?" Ye Tian gritted his teeth and said.

"What a stupid child, why is he so persistent? Do you want to fight to the death and fight to the death?"

In the light and fluttering words, the white-haired old ape suddenly burst out with burning golden light all over his body, like a shock wave like a star exploding, impacting in all directions, wherever it passed, the space was shattered and everything melted.

Then he waved his hand. The massive magma in the huge pit on the ground resembled an inverted waterfall, rumbling, thrusting up against the sky, overwhelming the sky, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into a river of magma, the first one was thousands of feet long with a diameter There are also dozens of meters, like a giant dragon, swept towards Ye Tian.

This mighty magma Tianhe, under the control of the white-haired old ape, is extremely powerful, and it can be blasted into powder in an instant.

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