Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1768: Slash the old ape

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A large hand of magma with a radius of several hundred feet, like a red sky, covering the sky and covering the sun, heavier than the mountains, rumbling across the sky, grabbed Ye Tian.

When the palm is out, the surrounding air also seems to be absorbed by invisible force, and all of it is thrown into the magma hand, continuously converging and condensing.

After that, as the white-haired old ape took a palm shot, the compressed air sucked into the palm of his palm suddenly turned into scorching heat, like a billowing stream of air, surging towards Ye Tian with a force of overwhelming waves.

Before the lava hand arrived, the scorching high-pressure air wave had already arrived, instantly shaking the Chaos God Realm, burning it red, and feeling that it might collapse at any time.

Seeing the scorching air waves scouring like a torrent, and the magma hand that covered the sky and fell like a mountain, Ye Tian's eyes were indifferent, without sorrow or joy, without dodge or avoid.


Accompanied by a loud shout, Ye Tian squeezed out a magic trick with both hands like lightning, and then slammed the sky-shaking mark on the top of his head.


Endless thunder and lightning, ten thousand feet of purple light, accompanied by turbulent chaotic air, suddenly surging out of the great seal of the sky, drowning a large area of ​​the world in an instant, as if to melt into a sea of ​​thunder.

It is dazzling in the eyes, even standing far away, you can feel the force of destruction.

The white-haired old ape suddenly had a violent heartbeat, and gave birth to a bad premonition.

The real five-element chaotic divine thunder can destroy hundreds of miles of the world in one blow, and only the Jindan-level powerhouse can use it. Ye Tian is now at the peak of the **** realm, and can only simulate the power of a trace of the five-element chaotic divine thunder, which can barely be called the "small five-element chaotic divine thunder."

But even if there is only a trace, the power is still unimaginable, enough to destroy everything.


As Ye Tian pinched his tactics again, he saw thousands of thunder and lightning surging out of the Heaven-shaking Seal, as if a flash flood broke out, impacting in all directions.

The place where this chaotic **** thunder passed, whether it was sand, gravel, soil, or even air, quietly annihilated, like ice splashed in boiling water.

Those lava knights swarming in from all directions seemed to be squeezed in mud. As soon as they were washed by the Chaos God Thunder, there would be a missing piece of their limbs. In the end, the whole person, the entire war horse, was directly destroyed by the Chaos God Thunder, turned into a place of magma, billowing.

"go with!"

With another burst of shout, Ye Tian will turn into a chaotic thunderball-like earth-shaking mark, and directly smashed away at the big hand that covered the sky that was pressing down out of thin air.

Although the thunder energy left in the Heaven-shaking Seal is not much, if it bursts out with all its strength, it will be enough to razor a hundred-zhang mountain to the ground and blow it into dust.

Seeing the dazzling "Chaotic Thunderball" and feeling the terrifying and destructive power of the thunderball, the white-haired old ape did not dare to neglect, and with an angry rebuke, the magma hand quickly collapsed, shrank, and turned into one in a blink of an eye. Large lava fireball on the millstone.

The lava fireball looked inconspicuous, but the extremely compressed energy inside was comparable to a super volcano, and not weaker than the Chaos God Thunder in the Heaven-shaking Seal.

What's more, this area of ​​legal space could have blessed the white-haired old ape's magical spells, while suppressing Ye Tian's magical spells.


The chaotic thunderball-like sky-shaking mark and the lava fireball violently collided, and a loud noise erupted, and even the space shook cracks. The strong light shock wave like a nuclear explosion, like a boiling tsunami, impacted in all directions. Sweep Cyclonus, swallow everything.

This was a scene of unparalleled horror, Ye Tian's Chaos God Realm burst into pieces in an instant, unable to hold it at all. The thousands of feet of law that the lava battle banner turned into was also riddled with blemishes, almost unsupported, and the power of space suppression was greatly weakened.

Under the blast of the shock wave, Ye Tian's body was thrown out involuntarily, golden blood sprayed like rain, and the gorgeous crystal scales also showed small cracks.

Eventually Ye Tian fell into a molten pool of magma and disappeared from the sight of the white-haired old ape.

"Hehe!" The white-haired old ape Jie Jie smiled, his figure flew out, the lava battle flag in his hand volleyed, and he snatched Ye Tian's earthshaking seal.

What he asked for was this heaven-shaking seal, and now he finally succeeded.

However, after taking a look at his hand, his brows suddenly frowned.

"Damn, it turned out to be just a holy artifact!"

In an instant, his mood fell to the bottom.

He thought that Ye Tian might have a divine tool on his body, causing the psychic jade horn to emit a dazzling light.

If the Fire Ape clan had a divine tool, its strength would rise sharply, and there would be no need to look at the face of the Pantheon.

"What a pity, what a pity!" The white-haired old ape was very disappointed and shook his head again and again.

At this moment, a sudden shout came: "Old dog, what do you think this is?"

As soon as the white-haired old ape raised his eyelids, he saw a magma pool on the ground. Ye Tian was holding a war spear in his hand, and his body was bent into a perfect bow. The spine of a dragon is arched, and his feet and hands are The bowstring, and the bone war spear in his hand is the magical arrow that shoots everything.


At the moment the white-haired old ape's eyelids lifted, Ye Tian furiously threw the bone war spear.

Because of the shocking explosion just now, the legal domain constructed by the lava battle flag was riddled with holes, and the suppressing force on Ye Tian was greatly reduced, even negligible.

With his current state of the pinnacle of the **** realm, the strength of the golden sacramental body, and exhausting the strength of his whole body, how powerful is this thrown spear?

Almost in an instant, the Bone War Spear broke through the speed of sound, erupting a harsh sonic boom, and also brought a long sonic boom.

Halfway through the journey, due to the violent friction with the air, the bone war spear even emitted fire, pulling out a long tail flame, like a comet hitting the moon, and a white rainbow piercing the sun. The momentum was extremely magnificent, and he went straight to the white-haired old man a hundred meters away. The ape went through the hole.

The white-haired old ape first narrowed his gaze, and then his expression changed drastically. It was not that he was shocked by the strength of this war spear, but that he recognized this war spear, a legendary soldier of the fire ape clan, and of the fire ape prince. Portable weapons.

Just now Ye Tian said that he killed the Fire Ape Prince, but the white-haired old ape refused to believe it.

Now that the Fire Ape Prince's portable weapon appeared in Ye Tian's hand, the white-haired old ape had to rethink what Ye Tian said just now.

If the fire ape prince dies, it will be an unbearable pain in his life!

Just as the bone war spear rushed in front of him at several times the speed of sound, with the terrible power of penetrating the world, he only flicked the lava battle flag in his hand, and the ten thousand gods burst into a flash, The bone war spear was suddenly taken in, and it didn't hurt the white-haired old ape at all.

After that, the white-haired old ape stuck out his hand and grabbed it out of thin air, and the bone war spear that had been put into the lava battle flag appeared in his hand.

It can be clearly seen that the white-haired old ape's hands are trembling, and his eyes are full of disbelief.

The spear is uneven, and the whole body is white in bone. At first glance, it is made from the spine of a certain creature, while the spear head is fangs.

It was the weapon of the Fire Ape Prince, the Bone Spear!


A terrifying breath suddenly erupted from the white-haired old ape, UU reading www. blew so much that the magma on the ground rolled, and the void was shaking.

"Child, you..."

The white-haired old ape suddenly glared at Ye Tian, ​​only to find that there was no one in the same place.


In the void, a purple electric light flashed out of thin air.

Almost in an instant, this purple electric light appeared to be teleporting, and it rushed to the white-haired old ape.

It wasn't until the sword qi tore through the bodyguard's qi and pierced the body that the white-haired old ape heard the sound of the sword clank, and the threat of crisis flashed in his mind.

However, it is too late.


In the soft sound of tearing thin paper, the Ziying sword passed through the white-haired old ape’s chest, and penetrated the thick chest through a large hole that was transparent before and after. The internal organs were also shot through Cyclonus’ sword energy. The next disappeared.

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