Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1774: Strong enemy

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This blow was equally matched, and both the Thunder Warhammer and the Seal of the Sky flew out.

"Come again!"

Thunder King Occas suddenly flew out of the Thunder Beast, like a condor leaping in the air, holding another warhammer in both hands, holding it high above his head, forge ahead with the power of the whole body, and critically hit the Nine Heavens Domination Powerful, smashed down to Ye Tian.

The void trembles, and the explosion keeps coming!

The monstrous thunder light surging around his body, crackling and shining, the whole person is like a human-shaped lightning, the strong light is dazzling, the blood in the body flows like the Yangtze River, erupting with a deafening roar, every inch of flesh and blood is surging with powerful divine power. It seems that one hand can destroy the world.

Thunder King Occas was really angry and wanted to die with Ye Tian.

"You can concentrate on dealing with Lei King, I will deal with this Lei beast." Anna's voice came, sticking out the tip of her tongue, licking her lips, a cold and fierce aura appeared on her handsome face.


She took a deep breath, her white, slender, and strong beautiful leg muscles tightened, and her right foot slammed on the ground with a bang, and stepped on a large hole in the ground.

When a large amount of magma sputtered behind her in a fan shape, she had flew several meters away with the force of an explosive rebound, like a predatory female leopard.


Accompanied by the sound of the machine, the two sawtooth discs were connected in her hand and turned into a sawtooth war knife.


When the knife sounded, Princess Ann rose into the air, soaring for more than ten meters, just above Leiju’s head, holding the serrated sword in both hands, slashed straight down, and brought up a sharp knife with a length of more than ten feet. .

The more than ten-foot-long Xueliang Knife Gang, like a landslide, a thick thunder pillar shot from the unicorn of the Lei Beast's forehead, slashed down at the Lei Beast's head.

"And me!" a man's voice sounded immediately.


Suddenly, there was a sound of the sky and the earth cracking, and a **** figure stood up from the magma pit by the feet of the Thunder Beast. There was almost no human being, but the mana was overwhelming, and the fighting spirit was surging, like a bloodthirsty. Devil, terrifying and terrifying.

It was Princess Ann's follower, Akasi.

Just now Akasi was stepped into the underground rock by the Thunder Beast. With his strong physique, he survived. Although he was scarred, he was still able to fight.

A Zhan Ge, extremely heavy, was slammed by him suddenly, because the force was too strong, the handle was bent, shaking waves of terror, and slashed straight to one of the thunder beast's feet.


A killer mang of tens of meters long rushed out of Zhan Ge's head, like a horse training, scarlet as blood, murderous, and the cold air made a hot air wave chill.

At this time, Ye Tian also shot, the red light in his eyes skyrocketed, his figure swayed, and the hurricane flames rushed in, unexpectedly holding him up out of thin air. He seemed to have turned into a burning man, driving the hurricane flames and rushing towards the Thunder King.


During the rush, his right hand suddenly clenched into a fist, simple and rude, directly blasting the Thunder King's warhammer.

The golden fist burst out with golden light, and even more raging flames gathered, like a comet passing by, bursting out with a thunderous roar.

This punch, I don't know how many times the speed of sound has broken through, the power is absolutely comparable to a heavy missile, that is, a main battle tank can explode, and a hill can be leveled.

With the help of the field blessing of the lava battle flag, he made up for the lack of cultivation, and easily played the battle power of the peak of the earth immortal, without fear of the thunder king Orcas.


The flame fist and the thunder sledgehammer violently collided, erupting a violent sound like a meteor hitting the earth. The entire lava battle flag field shook, and the shock wave swept in all directions. Many lava knights could not hold on, falling apart and turning into magma. It was rolled up again and turned into a big wave of magma.

The blazing strong light shines, like a thousand volcanoes bursting, magma is chaotic, and like dozens of suns shattered and raging in all directions.

The power of this blow was too powerful. Fortunately, the lava battle flag was a secondary artifact. Otherwise, even a legendary holy artifact would be shredded by the violent shock wave.

Ye Tian frowned, Lei King Occas's warhammer was really extraordinary, as strong as his golden sacred body, with a full blow of the martial arts fist, it failed to smash the warhammer, but it shook a little.

The Thunder King Occas, even more shocked, couldn't help but regress after landing.

His Thunder Warhammer is made of magical materials, and there is a small piece of immortal gold left by his ancestors, which is hard to find in the world. The forged warhammer can shake the earth and is indestructible. Not only did no one of his peers dare to receive his warhammer, but even among the older generations whose realm was higher than him, few dared to shake his Thunder Warhammer hard with bare hands.

But today, not only did someone block his Thunder Warhammer with their bare hands, they also left a clear fist mark on it.

"How could it be..." Lei Wang was shocked.

Ye Tian ignored him, quickly shot, fierce and domineering, courageously crowned the world, instantly disappeared from the place, through the void, straight to the Thunder King.

Thunder King's new warning sign, thunder patterns appeared on his body, countless thunder bursts out, a dazzling, and suppressed with the warhammer in his hand.

Although it is his own main field, it has the power of the domain, but the Thunder King is capable of condensing pills and is extremely alert, and it is impossible to be attacked by surprise.

When, when...

No matter what, Ye Tian directly raised his fist to kill, hitting the thunder hammer, and the hammer clanged loudly and deafeningly.

Every punch he drops will leave a fist mark on the Thunder Warhammer, terrifying, and if this continues, sooner or later, the Warhammer will be destroyed.

"Damn it!"

The Thunder King Occas was furious, and the Thunder Warhammer was a magic weapon for his life, which could not be destroyed.

Moreover, as the first main **** of the Pantheon, the future king of all gods, he has always been invincible and oppresses others. He has never been so insulted by others?


The vast thunder and lightning rushed out of Lei Wang, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is like a thunderous ocean, surging and surging, flooding Ye Tian, ​​bombarding them indiscriminately, attacking and killing indiscriminately, terrifying.

At the same time, the Thunder Warhammer rose again and turned into a size of tens of meters, covering the sky. Thousands of thunders intertwined on it, suppressing the top of Ye Tian's head.

Without fear, Ye Tian shouted loudly: "Do you think that only you can control thunder and lightning?"


He stomped his foot suddenly, and the earth-yellow thunder light burst out of the ground, rising up like a fountain, and rushing forward like a torrent.

When he opened his mouth, there was a blazing white golden glow, which turned into a platinum thunderbolt, bombarding indiscriminately in the thunderous ocean erupted by the Thunder King.

As soon as he stared, there were two red gold thunder pillars, piercing through the void, and blasting at the falling Thunder Warhammer.

As soon as he raised his hand, the **** thunder of blue or red colors appeared and blasted towards the king of thunder.


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