Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1780: Fierce girl

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The white-haired old man's body has more waves of divine power like the sea. If it is not deliberately suppressed, it will definitely erupt like a volcanic eruption.

When Ye Tian's Spiritual Mind swept over, he unexpectedly had a trace of alertness, frowning, looking in all directions. But Anna was not at all alert.

In order not to be noticed, Ye Tian had to collect his spiritual thoughts very carefully.

The white-haired old man was suspicious for a moment, but after all he relaxed his vigilance, and did not find Ye Tian peeping.

This white-haired old man is no one else, but the Brudo-sama mentioned in the collar of the female general. He has the power of condensing pill and has a demigod lineage. He has followed Anna's grandfather and was the first general in the kingdom.

Anna is very strong, but she mainly relies on her talents. She doesn't stand out in terms of martial arts. The subtle movements and mysterious martial arts are basically invisible to her.

Anna is not the only one, this is the "common problem" of the Olympus gods, with the blood of the gods, born and powerful, gifted with supernatural powers, and neglected to temper the martial arts.


Anna took a deep breath, slammed her right foot on the ground, and with a bang, stepped on the marble floor with a footprint more than an inch deep.

With the powerful rebounding force, she flew to Master Brudo like a predatory female leopard.

As he flew by, there was a burst of sound in the void, and the white wave of air was tumbling, and it was a sonic boom caused by the body breaking through the sound barrier.

When she flew in front of Brudo, the five fingers of her right hand suddenly spread apart and pressed down under Brudo's head.

In the palm of the palm, the ice crystal particles were covered with a layer, the icy breath was raging, and the world was frozen, making this palm look like an iceberg falling down, extremely heavy, and everything passed by was frozen.

However, Bulu was expressionless, not evasive, and his whole body exploded with qi, and his body was converged, only rushing out from the top of his head, like a volcanic eruption, blowing directly on Anna's ice crystal palm, unexpectedly giving birth to this palm. Supported in the air, the palm of an iceberg cannot fall.

Anna seemed to have anticipated this, her expression unchanged, her other hand clenched a fist and blasted out at extreme speed, like a blasted cannonball, with a thunderous sound effect, blasting towards Brudo's chest and abdomen.

This punch, breaking through the speed of sound, is absolutely as powerful as a cannonball, enough to penetrate a tank.

However, Brudo only slightly raised his hand, gently flicked his five fingers, and used a mysterious force-relief technique to gently pull her fist aside.

After pulling off Anna's fist, Brudo took the opportunity to push her elbow again, and then sent it away. A huge force instantly surged over her body. Anna suddenly couldn't help herself. Under inertia, she staggered back ten. Many meters can stand still.

"Come again!" Anna gritted her teeth angrily, with a determined look, stomped her feet on the ground suddenly, and rushed up again.

This time her body speed is faster, and the power of her fist is stronger.

But Master Brudo repeated the old tricks, pushing and sending them seemingly understatement, and suddenly she rose from the ground and flew upside down ten feet away, hanging on the wall like a mural.

"Okay, that's it for today. Anna, you have to learn to control your strength. Although one strength is reduced for ten times, if you can use your strength in your strength, you can often get the effect of four or two strokes. Your combat effectiveness will also be due to this. A great improvement." Lord Brudo said to Anna.

"Master Brudo, who did you learn from? It's amazing." Princess Ann asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"This is the essence of martial arts from the east of the secular world. I also saw it in an ancient book, but unfortunately it is not comprehensive. I only learned a little."

"Secular world? East?"

"Yes, in the legend, that is a fairyland country, a civilization that is the opposite of our Western Shinto."

"The Eastern Fairy Way, I really want to take a look!" Anna's eyes were full of fascination.

"The boy you brought is exactly like the Eastern race in the secular world, and it is very consistent with the portraits I have seen in ancient books."

"Really? But he can never come from the secular world, because I heard that the teleportation platform leading to the secular world on the Wanshen Mountain has been destroyed, and the small world is completely isolated from the inside and outside."

"Not necessarily! I heard that the teleportation formation on the Wanshen Mountain has been repaired, and the Wanshen Mountain has sent people to pass away from the secular world."

"That's impossible. I was in the Southern Territory when I saw him, far away from Wanshen Mountain. If he really comes from the secular world, he should appear on Wanshen Mountain. Shenbing God will definitely arrest him. Up."

Brudo nodded, agreeing with Anna's statement, and said: "I only mentioned that, and I am not sure that he is from the secular world. However, bring a strange man into our secret realm, Anna, you still It's not considered, it's very dangerous."

"Don't worry, I will look after him. I believe that he is a good person. Like us, he is fighting for the equality and freedom of all beings."

"Anna, alas..."

Brudo wanted to say something more, but after shaking his head with a sigh, he finally didn't say anything and walked away step by step.

After Brudo left, Anna continued to practice alone in the training ground, lively and vigorously, with fists and feet. Every punch and every kick can explode the air and blast the sound barrier. The power is as powerful as a treasure out of the chamber, with any blow. Destroy the destructive power of a tank.

As a born demigod, Anna is really strong, agility, endurance, resilience, anti-strike ability, and reaction ability. They are all extraordinary. In battle, she can destroy the enemy and crush the enemy. She is simply the goddess of war.

However, the combat skills she learned were too rough, light, negligent, and not flexible enough.

At this time, in a small wooden house deep in a secluded mountain range, Ye Tian was in retreat.

The aura escaping from the divine power crystal and the spiritual crystal, UU reading filled the entire cabin, like a thick fog, so dense that almost dripping water.

As he breathed in and out, the air in the cabin repeatedly contracted and expanded, and the tide generally slapped the walls, making a roar of thunder. If it weren't for the small wooden house to be strong enough, it would have been washed away.

In the jungle outside the cabin, a pair of eyes peeped, monitoring Ye Tian's every move.

Some of them were bold enough to walk outside the cabins and peek inside through the cracks in the door.

"Enough, come in if you want, sneaky, sneaky, what is it?"

Suddenly a low drink came from the cabin, and the cabin door opened.

"Just come in, I'm afraid you won't make it."

A young woman who was courageous for a lifetime, walked into the cabin with her head upright.

It was the female warrior named Ellie, but today she was not wearing a battle armor, but a decent long skirt, which outlines her delicate and moving body in undulating curves, which looks very moving.

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