Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1789: God of War

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The trail of Paradise Valley was discovered, and many people came to Wanshen Mountain.

In the sky, dark clouds rolled, drums shook the sky, and flags fluttered. Ancient chariots and warships rumbled across the sky, crushing the sky, and the cold shining on the iron clothes.

This is the most dangerous moment in the history of Paradise Valley. It is possible for a bad little world to be overturned.

"My dear sister, don't hide anymore. I know that Paradise Valley must be hidden in this mountain forest. If you surrender now and take the initiative to come out, I can make a decision for Lord Father God and forgive your subordinates. Lao does not die. If you do not listen to my advice, I promise you that Paradise Valley will surely turn into a sea of ​​corpses and blood." The second lord **** Helinos said loudly, with a voice like rolling thunder, spreading far away, in the mountains and forests. Reverberating for a long time, shocking soul.

This person is in charge of war power and is the **** of war. He has the strongest killing energy and is extremely aggressive. It seems that he has surpassed hundreds of millions of living creatures, bathed in a sea of ​​corpses and blood. From the beginning, the world is cold in all ten directions.

The reason why Wanshenshan succeeded in pulling out the two lairs of the fire ape tribe and the ancestor of the Yin Mo, Helinos exerted a lot of strength, dispatching troops, platooning troops, and showing the war. Energy.

Among the twelve main gods, he was originally second only to the first main **** of Thunder King Occas. Now that the Thunder King Occas is dead, he is promoted to the first main god. In the future, he is likely to inherit the position of the king of gods and rule the mountains of ten thousand gods. God.

In Paradise Valley, people are panicking, and everyone is like ants on a hot pot, sitting on pins and needles.

However, everyone can do nothing but pray that the enemy will not discover the secret realm of Paradise Valley and leave as soon as possible.

Princess Ann blamed herself very much. She underestimated the enemy. Although the strength of Wanshen Mountain had fallen to the lowest level, it was not something she could contend with in a small paradise valley.


In the evening of the same day, a loud noise suddenly came from the sky of Heaven Valley, as if a sky sword fell down, cutting a hole in the sky.

"Hahaha, Anna, you can really hide, so I'm easy to find my brother!" A jealous laugh came from the sky, full of gloomy breath.

A tall figure, holding a scarlet saber, mounted on a black dragon-horned brutal beast, hovering in the sky above the heavenly valley, like a **** of death outside the sky.

Behind him, there are densely packed with uncountable number of divine soldiers and generals, as well as the main gods, all wearing iron clothes, holding war soldiers, some mounted on brutal beasts, some driving chariots, and some are in warships. The shouting and killing sound shook the sky, and the murderous intent was so powerful that he was in a mess.

At that moment, thousands of people in Paradise Valley raised their heads, all of them changed their colors.

None of the twelve main gods of the Wanshen Mountain is easy to provoke, but the most brutal and bloodthirsty is the second main god, Helinos, who frequently launches wars and suppresses all alien forces. It would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let go. After one, I don’t know how many thousands of innocent casualties were caused before and after.

"This is the God of War Helinos?"

The people in Paradise Valley exclaimed, all of them pale, almost shocked, as if a group of ants were facing a giant dragon.

Everyone felt that a killer **** came from outside the sky and couldn't resist at all. He could only surrender to the ground and be slaughtered.

"Helinos, my Paradise Valley is not a place where you can come. Get me as far away as you can."

A man's voice resounded through Paradise Valley, full of majesty.

Then, I saw a figure rising from the ground, holding a warrior, and attacking the **** of war Helinos through the torn gap in the sky.

It was Akasi who shot, and his armor was still stained with wet blood. The cold light was faint, and he pierced the sky with a single shot, killed thousands of times, came out overwhelmingly, and stabbed more than a dozen all at once. A **** soldier, a brutal beast with a mount, one shredded.

The crowd in Paradise Valley was excited, did not sit still, and quickly reacted. A strong bow and ballista were pulled out, and several feet of explosive arrows were placed on the ballista, pointing straight to the crack in the sky.

There are also several figures flying into the air, with a tyrannical aura, followed by Akasi, rushing into the sky, intercepting the enemy.

Although Paradise Valley suffered heavy casualties, it was still able to fight and would never admit defeat.

"Akas, this trash of you is still alive. Since you are not my opponent, you have died of suicide, I can leave you a whole body." Helinos lowered his eyelids, looking down at Akas like an ant. .

"Looking for death!" Akasi roared.

"As a demigod, it is a capital crime to dare to be disrespectful to the true God. Since you really want to die, then I will fulfill you."

Jie Jie sneered, God of War Helinos directly slammed down with a punch. His combat power was astonishing, his domineering and his fist marks pierced through the air, as if a mountain fell down.


The sky rioted, and there was a tremor, fist marks like a mountain, erupted with the mighty power of the mountains and the sea, and slammed down Akasi down.

Akasi is not afraid, he is full of blood like a dragon, shrouded in splendid splendor, and his hands are raised high, like a great rod, smashed against the fist of Helinos. .

A bang came out, and the fist mark was successfully blown out, turning into a storm of vitality in the sky, stirring up the membrane of the small world of Paradise Valley.

Akasi backed up a few steps and coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, but it didn't hurt.

However, the few Heavenly Valley masters who followed him were all swept away by the storm of vitality.

"Akas, come on!"

All the people in Paradise Valley are cheering for Akasi, their eyes are full of eager anticipation.

But at this moment, a sneer from Helinos came, and then his back, his figure like a phantom of light, appeared on top of Akasi's head instantly, and he slammed down with one foot.

The dazzling divine light shrouded his right foot, and countless **** patterns emerged, revealing a trace of immortality, like a giant foot stepped by an ancient giant spirit god, one foot can step on the mountains and rivers.


Amidst the roars of countless people in Paradise Valley, Hellinos stepped down with one foot, and Akasi was stepped on one foot, and the sky was blood-stained in a moment, like a shooting star. Like falling to the ground.


Paradise Valley shook, and a huge pothole was smashed into the ground, measuring tens of meters in radius and about 100 meters deep. Akasi was lying on the bottom like a puddle of mud, his body still twitching.

"Damn it!"

"Kill kill kill!"

"Ahhhhhhhhh, fight with them."


In Paradise Valley, all people are extremely sad and angry.

Many figures leaped into the air, but before he got close to Helinos, he stomped their feet gently, and they all fell to the ground like dumplings, and a few others were shattered into the air and turned into A rain of blood and fog.

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