Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1794: 1 foot trampled to death

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As if the world had collapsed, the void exploded like thunder, and a terrifying chaotic frenzy burst out from between Ye Tian’s fingers, making Ye Tian’s palm look like a comet, gleaming, dazzling and dazzling. The long light tail crosses the void.

This is the energy bursting out of the Heaven-shaking Seal, Ye Tian didn't deliberately urge it, it just spilled out naturally. His attack just wanted to rely solely on the physical attack power of the Heaven-shaking Seal.

The beast core of that thunder beast has been completely refined into the Heaven-shaking Seal by him, replenishing the thunder energy inside. When necessary, the "Skyshaking" seal can also explode with a "thunder" blow.


A loud and earth-shattering noise came out, like a giant hammer hitting a bronze bell, and the sky-shaking seal smashed a solid on the top of the head of the Titan Lord, which was two or three houses.

The horrible wave radiated from the heavenly spirit cover of the Titan Lord God, like a nuclear explosion shock wave, tearing the space apart. When the tsunami hits in all directions, it blows up rocks, destroys the vegetation, and destroys the land with a radius of thousands of feet. All were overturned.

If it weren't for the great priest Ula's move at the critical moment, even the Ten Thousand Gods Battle Formation on the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain would be crushed.

The small sky-turning seal exploded with terrifying power, just like an worm, which finally shook a large mountain, which was unbelievable.

"That is……?"

After a while, the dust settled and everyone was stunned.

Seeing that the mighty and incomparable Titan Lord God was smashed into the ground by Ye Tian's big seal, a huge body of ten feet long, with nine feet embedded under the ground, only a neck was exposed.

And the head on the neck disappeared.

There is a wound on the neck, but there is not much blood flow.

If you look closely, you will find that the head of the Titan Lord God did not burst, but sank into the chest cavity.

"So strong!"

Many people were shocked and let out an exclamation.

Some people marvel at the power of Ye Tian, ​​and some marvel at the tyrannical body of the main **** of the Titans.

In fact, even Ye Tian's gaze was condensed. Although he didn't exert 100% of his strength in this big seal, he was confident that he could blow the head of the Titan Lord. He didn't expect that the other party's brain was so hard that he didn't break it when he shot it into his chest .

The Titans are worthy of being one of the most powerful races in the universe, a race that even the true immortals of He Dao dare not easily provoke.

A true pure-blooded Titan is born with an earth immortal, and even the ability of a golden core, can grow up to be comparable to a **** of transformation.

However, the true pure-blooded Titans are inherited from the age of eternity, very rare, and Ye Tian has never encountered them in a previous life.

Most of the Titans that you usually see are impure, and they are the offspring of hybrids.


Suddenly, a roar came from the chest of the Titan Lord God, and the sound waves rolled and shook like a tsunami.

"I said, boy, you don't think I'm dead, do you?"

Click, click!

The ground around his body was constantly cracking, accompanied by a thick blood rushing into the sky, his whole body rose to the sky again, a huge head protruding from the chest cavity at a rapid speed.

"I am a Titan demon body, immortal body, even if you can defeat me, you will never want to kill me."

The main **** of Titan is extremely angry. As one of the twelve main gods of the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain, he is rampant in this small world. Why has he suffered such a big loss?

"Finally, Titan, you are not his opponent." said the Lord God of Helinos.

"Titan, I'll help you!" The Hundred-armed Giant Lord God said immediately, each of his twenty arms grasped a combat soldier, and his vigorous spirit was not weaker than that of the God of War Helinos.

There are several other main gods who are also about to move.

Even the entire Ten Thousand Gods Battle Formation is also gaining momentum, and all the soldiers are pointing towards Ye Tian.

"Fuck me! Who would dare to take action? His life is mine!" The Titan Lord roared loudly, two huge eyeballs, scarlet, almost free of eye sockets.

At this moment, he was almost in a state of rampage, turning his face to deny people.

In other words, in this state, even more terrifying combat power can erupt.

He was full of blood, and runes after runes appeared on him, so dazzling, they rushed up in the sky like a stormy wave, sweeping the world.

Numerous runes condensed, endless blood lingering, turned into a spear that was more than twenty feet long and more than one foot in diameter, golden light shining, cold light, sharp.


Facing Ye Tian standing above his head, he slammed out a spear.


As soon as this spear came out, the sky broke and the earth broke, and the ghosts were crying, causing the Ziying Sword in Ye Tian's body to tremble slightly, as if it had been greatly stimulated.

The Pantheon Array also seemed to be disturbed and became unstable. The Ulla High Priest had to make another move to stabilize the army.

He narrowed his eyes, but instead of looking at the Titan Lord God, he locked onto Ye Tian.

He hasn't seen through the hole cards of this young man until now, and there is a slight anxiety in his heart. However, he never believed that Ye Tian could escape today.

He even wanted to catch Ye Tian alive and search for his secrets.

At this moment, I heard Ye Tian suddenly say: "You are really thick-skinned and rough, as I can only see in my life. Since my 50% strength can't kill you, then I will burst out with all my strength."

After speaking, the aura on Ye Tian suddenly exploded, and the otherwise ordinary body suddenly became golden light, becoming more and more crystal clear, as if it had turned into a **** golden glass.

A golden light curtain instantly enveloped a space of hundreds of meters in a radius, turbulent chaos, earth fire, wind and water rotation, and thunder smashed down, as if opening up the world.

Ye Tian's whole body was shrouded in the chaos, and his body was steadily tall, and finally turned into a height of thirty feet, like a giant who opened up the world.

A wave that was several times stronger than before, filled the void, and the entire Paradise Valley trembled under its feet. The Ten Thousand Gods formation on the Wanshen Mountain became unstable again, and the formation of the gods and soldiers, as well as the several main gods, all surged with energy.

This time the Great Master Wula made a shot, but he couldn't control the situation for a while.

The breath surging from Ye Tian's body is not inferior to him, and there is a faint tendency to oppress him.

"Impossible, I am a golden core, how could it be back pressured by the breath of a condensed core?" The Ula High Priest went crazy and tried to urge the golden core to explode even more terrifying power.

At this time, Ye Tian stepped down from the void with one foot.

His thirty-foot giant spirit body is three times larger than the ten-foot-tall Titan Lord God.

The Titan Lord God, who was originally admirable, looks like a kindergarten child to adult adults, and is so weak that it is almost negligible.


Twenty feet long, UU reading www., the sky-reaching war spear with a diameter of more than one foot, under Ye Tian's foot, turned into powder from inch to inch.

The Titan Lord raised his head, and saw a shadow falling down, like a huge mountain, with great pressure.

He couldn't dodge, and was stepped on the ground by Ye Tian.


A mushroom cloud hundreds of meters high rose from the ground, like a volcanic eruption.

The earth in a radius of tens of miles was shaking, and the palaces in Paradise Valley collapsed like dominoes one after another, and many mountains also cracked.

After a while, when the smoke dissipated, the figure of the Titan Lord God appeared.


At this moment, everyone took a breath.

In a deep pit like a nuclear explosion, the Titan Lord lay on the bottom, a piece of blood mud and broken bones, only a human-shaped mark could be seen vaguely.

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