Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1803: The death of the old ape king

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The Xuanwu Faxiang opened his mouth, spitting out a 100-meter thick thunder jet, like a pillar of heaven, rushing towards the old ape king and the wolf-fanged stick in his hand.

This is the innate supernatural power of the chaotic guishui **** thunder, basalt magic image!

Boom boom boom!

The domineering thunder jet flooded the old ape king in an instant, and it bombarded like a torrent, spreading across the sky like a thunderstorm, thundering to the sky, blasting the sky a thousand times. Sore holes.

However, what shocked everyone was that the Old Ape King split the Thunder Jet with a big stick, as strong as a wild dragon, and continued to fly down.

He is accompanied by a sea of ​​fire, his feet are thunderous, his eyes are staring, and his mouth is spitting flames. His huge body is like a mountain. At this moment, he is like a demon upright and terrifying.

"Is it so fierce?" Ye Tian was shocked.

This old ape is really violent enough, like a killer!

No wonder Wanshenshan dared not easily provoke the fire apes.

Between the lightning and the fire, the basaltic magician can only lift a big claw, pat it hard, and shake the wolf's big stick.


There was a big collision without fancy, and there was almost the power of a meteor strike. The old ape king’s mace was almost shot and flew out. The whole person fell back and back again and again, the ground under his feet continued to collapse, and a big one was stepped out. The rift is coming.

The basal martial art of Ye Tian's incarnation was also declining, and the four thick iron legs were like ground piles, all submerged into the ground. If the mountain is not hard enough, if it is replaced by another mud belt, the huge body will have to be submerged in the mud.

Fortunately, the Xuanwu technique was strong enough to withstand this shocking blow, the body was still intact, only the giant claws were a little sore.

"Come again!" The old ape king roared, regrouped, and even rushed over again.

He is one of spirit, energy and spirit, and his blood is rushing into the sky, and his fighting spirit can split the sky.


At this moment, Ye Tian suddenly opened up the Xuanwu Domain.

Suddenly, a sea of ​​blood emerged, drowning the old ape king in, and instantly extinguished his flames.

Water can overcome fire, and the old ape king acts as a fire beast. This is why Ye Tian chose to use the Xuanwu Yuandan instead of other Yuandan.

This sea of ​​blood was refined by Ye Tian in the blood sea secret realm of the thirteen blood ancestors. It was tens of miles in radius, filled the void and enveloped the earth.

Every drop of blood contains the oldest principles, the blood of the earth immortal, the blood of the golden core, and even the blood of the Yuan Ying.

The old ape king was shrouded in this blood sea realm in an instant, and his figure suddenly became astringent, as if he was trapped in a mire, he felt the infinite power around him, crushed like a millstone.

"Open!" The Old Ape King also let out a loud roar.


A field of flame spread around his body, with a radius of a hundred feet.

This is a world of flames and lava. Fire spirits are dancing like elves. They are incredibly hot, and all of a sudden, they broke through the suppression of the blood sea field.

Although water can overcome fire, it takes time. Ren Xuehai was violent, and could not crush the flame field of the old ape king at once.

Immediately afterwards, the old ape king struck across the sky, tearing the sky apart, and even smashed a big hole in the blood sea domain. Then following this big rift, the Old Ape King rushed out at an extremely fast speed.

This is the first time the Old Ape King has retreated since the battle between the two.

It is only because Ye Tian's blood sea domain can restrain his flame domain. Although he can hold on for a moment, he has to make great consumption every minute and every second, and he will eventually be crushed.


How could Ye Tian let him leave, chasing him quickly.

Xuanwu is more flexible in the field of blood, like a fish in water, and its power can increase by three points out of thin air and become more powerful.


It was another earth-shattering blow, Xuanwu shot out huge mountain-like claws, and the old ape king swung a hundred-zhang spike to greet him.

This time, the wolf-fanged stick finally got out of his hand and was slapped by Xuanwu's giant claws and flew out.

"Old dog, you can't run away. Go and die!" Ye Tian laughed, and continued to suppress with his big paw.

"You are a little Ning Dan, want to kill me, foolish dreams!" The old ape king stared at the gold star, anger steaming in his chest.

He snapped his teeth, suddenly made a fist with his right hand, and greeted the giant claws shot down by the basalt technique in the thunderous explosion.

The fire ape family is born with a strong body, and the old ape king's body is made of steel, which is comparable to a holy weapon, can penetrate gold and cracked stones, can explode mountains, and is fearless.

"Come well, let's see who has the hard fist." Seeing Lie's joy, Ye Tian shouted, suddenly put away the basaltic technique, and the deity's thirty-foot-high giant spirit body appeared, shrouded in a layer of divine glory. , The hair is shining, like the emperor is awakening, swallowing mountains and rivers with anger.

Compared with the unfolding of the basalt magic phase, the giant spirit body consumes less energy. And the Xuanwu method will continuously consume Xuanwu Yuandan.

Of course, he didn't cherish this little energy either, he wanted to see if it was his fist or the old ape king's.

Although he had just condensed the pill, the golden body was small, comparable to the body of the golden pill, and he had never been afraid of anyone more than the physical body.

"It's daring to fight with me!" The old ape king's tyrannical eyes showed a bit of contempt.


There was another big collision without fancy, like two sky domes collapsed, and a breath of destruction swept out. The bodies of both of them bloomed with immeasurable radiance, as if they were burning.

"Come again!"

Before the smoke and dust dissipated, there was another blow between the two.

Ye Tian's fist was unparalleled, and it seemed to punch through the nine heavens with one punch. Various runes lingered on the golden palms, and the divine light gleamed, and even the sound of great roads and singing erupted.

The giant fist of the old ape king is also not inferior, like a comet, the flames are thousands of miles, the embers are in the void, and the aftermath of the giant fist shakes out the aftermath, destroying the mountains and rivers and exterminating all the vitality within a thousand kilometers.

In the sound of a huge explosion like Mars hitting the earth, the big clouds in the sky were shaken away, and the endless light shone in all directions. The sky and the earth were cracked like porcelain, with big cracks everywhere, and chaotic frenzy everywhere. .

The sky and the earth are bright, there is a bright spot, one punch and two punches cannot tell the winner, the two are constantly fighting, and the fists are like shooting stars in the sky, blasting without any gap.

Boom, boom!

The ground was shaking, and the faces of the two of them couldn't be seen clearly, only two dazzling outlines could be seen.

In the end, the two people collided with hundreds of thousands of punches, and the violent punches shook the space out of large folds. The shock wave like a nuclear explosion rolled in all directions, crushing all the involved materials, gravel, broken wood,..., all into pieces.

"Who has won?"

There was a dead silence in Paradise Valley, and everyone was stunned, looking forward to the final result.

There were smoke and dust rushing into the sky, and only two silhouettes could be seen vaguely, one standing upright and the other lying on the ground. It shows that the two people have decided the victory or defeat.

"It's a pity, no matter how strong the Condensation Pill is, how can it be the opponent of the Golden Pill?" The old man with Paradise Valley muttered to himself.

"He is too big, and he shouldn't fight hard with the old ape king. You must know that in a physical confrontation, even the old **** king of Wanshen Mountain is not necessarily the old ape king's opponent. This race is naturally strong and invincible."

"Yes, he should take out the magic weapon and push it desperately. There is a possibility of defeating the old ape king."


Gradually, there was a sound of discussion in Paradise Valley.

Many people are not optimistic about Ye Tian, ​​because the old ape king is too tall in their minds, almost invincible and invincible.

Even Princess Ann had a look of disappointment flashing in her eyes, her heart was anxious, and a heart almost jumped out of her throat.

"Why do you want to be brave and fight hard with the old ape king? Now it's alright, I was beaten into a dead dog." The girl's small chest was ups and downs, both sad and angry.

Just when everyone was in a low mood, Brudo's laughter suddenly came.

Swipe it!

Looking through a pair of eyes, I saw Brudo's eyes full of tears.

"what's happenin?"

"Master Brudo, don't be too sad."

"If you lose, you lose."


A word of care was thrown at Brudo, but Brudo remained silent, staring at the center of the battlefield with only a pair of eyes, and the surface of his pupils was misty.

Until a moment later, the smoke and dust gradually dissipated, revealing a stalwart figure. Everyone understood why Lord Brudo's eyes were full of tears.

The standing figure was a young man with black hair and black eyes. The divine light in his eyes was shining, and his appearance was as beautiful as a god.

His right hand was still clenched into a fist, stained with blood, drops of scarlet blood dripped down, every drop was crystal clear like a blood diamond, and hot like magma.

Under one foot of the young man, the old ape king was lying like a dead dog, with his arms folded back, and even his entire body was distorted.



"You won!"


For an instant, the audience was silent and silent.

However, after an instant, the exhilarating noise spread throughout the ruins of Paradise Valley.

"What about winning me? I'm a born alien, immortal, you can't kill me." Old Ape King said in a deep voice, his mouth constantly bleeding.

"is it?"

Ye Tian banged his fist on the old ape king's head, making a sound like a Hongzhong and Dalu, hitting the old ape king's scalp bursting and his bones bursting into gold stars.

Sure enough, the old ape king was unobstructed, his brain still intact.

Bang bang bang!

Next, Ye Tian violently violently slammed a dozen punches on the head of the old ape king, blasting the old ape king with a bruised nose and swollen face, but he only suffered a few skin traumas, and he couldn't blow his head at all, even the bridge of his nose. There is no crash.

On the contrary, the wounds of the Old Ape King are constantly healing, and his breath is soaring every minute and every second.

"Hehehe, I said, I have an immortal body, you can't kill me." Old Ape King sneered mockingly. UU reading

"Your bones are really hard, you are almost catching up with me. However, my fist is not good, I still have a sword!"

In a sneer, Ye Tian took out the Ziying Sword.

"The name of the sword is Ziying, it's a great soldier of the Great Dao. If you have an immortal body, you will die if you stick to this sword, and you will be injured if you touch it."

The old ape king suddenly shrank his pupils, his whole body suddenly exploded, and he broke free from the crush of Ye Tian's soles, limped, flew away towards the distance, and summoned the mace stick back into his hand.

However, it was too late.

Ye Tianren walked with the sword, a sword split the sky and cut through the world.


In the vast galaxy, a forest of thunder **** fell from the sky.

Under this sword, the old ape king's spiked rod was first smashed into the air, and then his body was as fragile as paper, and it was easily split into two halves.

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