Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1809: Invincible

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Clearing the field still has to use big moves, like Princess Ann, slashing one by one, tens of thousands of soldiers and gods do not know when to kill.

Princess Anna squinted her eyes slightly, watching the impact from all directions, like the Yellow River flooding thousands of thunders that could not be controlled, watching the huge mushroom cloud rising, expanding, and devouring everything, she couldn't help but feel this earth-shattering in her heart. Amazed with one blow.


I saw that tens of thousands of **** soldiers and gods are like harvested wheat, one pour a large piece, under the violent bombardment of tens of thousands of thunderbolts, under the domineering impact of the shock wave, almost instantly Ashes are gone.

"What a powerful magic weapon, this blow is as powerful as a Jin Dan blow!" Princess Anna was shocked in her heart.

At the same time, she had even more confidence in Ye Tian's victory over the King of the Universe.

Various signs indicated that the King of the Universe was injured and should not be light, so he would hide, otherwise he would go to Ye Tian after the battle with the Yin Demon ancestor was over.

Take advantage of his illness, kill him!

Now is indeed the best time to kill Taizhou.

The huge mushroom cloud rushed into the sky, accompanied by the sea of ​​fire, and accompanied by thunder, as if tore the sky apart, and the earth of the gods shook violently.

When the shock wave swept across, the ground with a radius of several thousand feet was riddled with holes and a piece of scorch. Only a huge round pit remained on the spot, the walls were as smooth as colored glaze, and there was lava surging at the bottom.

Tens of thousands of gods and soldiers will kill more than half of them, but the remaining small part is also shocked.

Ye Tian didn't kill them all, because it didn't make sense, under the leadership of Anna, they rushed to Wanshen Mountain together.

The sacred soil of Wanshen Mountain is covered by a huge magic circle, there are strong restrictions, and it is difficult to fly. Even Ye Tian could only run fast, unable to travel from the sky.

Walking here, like being walked in a cage, can make people feel uneasy.

This is only the periphery of Wanshen Mountain, rushing to the foot of Wanshen Mountain, and then from the foot of Wanshen Mountain to the top of Wanshen Mountain, there is still a long distance.

The gods of Wanshen Mountain did not give up resistance, but the closer they approached the palace of the gods, the stronger the resistance they encountered.

Qiang Qiang!

Arrows, sword beams, sword light, flames, thunder, and other attacks came from all directions, blasting down on Ye Tian and Anna.

There were even killing formations activated, one after another killing lights intertwined in the high air, forming a hellish killing field cage, wanting to refine Ye Tian and Princess Anna to death.

In addition, there are some great ancestor-level figures who are too powerful to make people palpitate and rush out desperately.

This is an ancient sacred land, which can be called an immortal orthodoxy. Yuan Ying has appeared in history, and the number of backhands left behind is simply uncountable.

In some killing formations, even Ye Tian couldn't help but take a breath, it was too terrifying.

"Anna, you bitch, do you know what you are doing?" A goddess yelled at Anna.

As soon as she finished speaking, a round of sawtooth discs in Princess Anna's hand flew out, cutting the air like a circular chain saw, making a sneer, and finally swept across her neck, a big good one. The head rolled down.

But the sawtooth disk was not exhausted, and rushed into a group of wise soldiers and generals, strangling flesh and blood, and more than a dozen lives were harvested in an instant.

Princess Ann is very strong, sweeping a large area of ​​the sawtooth disc, her body armor is stained with blood, and there are several more wounds on her two white and slender legs.

Princess Ann showed great power, mainly dealing with some small characters, supernatural soldiers and supernatural generals.

Ye Tian mainly deals with the powerful gods, breaking through the encirclement and suppression of the killing array, and the legionary battle array. Although there are restrictions here, so that his ten-success power can only show 70% to 80%, but he is also able to kill the powerful enemies one by one.

At the foot of Wanshen Mountain, legions appeared in pieces, waiting in arrays, densely packed, like a tide, and there were tens of thousands in number.


Ye Tian directly threw the sky-shaking seal, which turned into hundreds of meters in size, and ran into the Ten Thousand Gods Legion like a big mill, and released the primordial light, thunder, chaos,...

As soon as it was crushed, bombarded, and washed away, the Pantheon Army had not had time to explode, and it hulled down in pieces, scattered into pieces of blood and bones.

The gods of Wanshen Mountain were much more fragile than Ye Tian imagined. Taking the earth immortals as an example, they were incomparable with the earth immortals of the secular world. They had a realm in nothingness, but their strength was much inferior.

Ye Tian guessed that this group of gods might have been used to pampering themselves, drinking and meat all day long, singing, singing and dancing, which belonged to the tempering of their own combat power.

In addition, the martial arts and martial arts they cultivated are relatively backward, going straight forward, more than arrogant, and insufficiently changed.

As a result, before Princess Ann had time to show off her talents, the Pantian Legion at the foot of Wanshen Mountain was completely destroyed after being crushed and washed by the Heaven-shaking Seal.

This made Princess Ana couldn't help but slap her tongue and her hair was terrified. She thought she was cruel enough, but compared to Ye Tian, ​​she was simply a compassionate Bodhisattva.

One move destroys tens of thousands of lives, and so is the **** lord!

Princess Ann could not keep calm.

"The so-called Pantheon Army is just a group of higher-level cannon fodder, why waste time with them? Just crush it to death!"

Ye Tian held the Heaven-shaking Seal in his hand, strode up to the Ten Thousand Gods Mountain, and headed straight for the palace of the **** king on the mountain.

Princess Ann sighed and followed.

This is almost the last line of defense of the Wanshen Mountain. After climbing on the Wanshen Mountain, there will be much less resistance.

"By the way, UU reading, don't you have any big tricks to clear the field? Tens of thousands of gods and soldiers, how long do you have to cut?" Ye Tianbian asked as he walked.


Princess Ann's mouth twitched slightly, and she was a little depressed and said, "Of course I have the big move to clear the field. However, to use the big move will consume the divine power in the blood of the gods. If it consumes too much, it will take a while to rest. Come here. The so-called ultimatum is mostly the last resort, being driven to desperation, or confident of using a ultimatum to defeat the enemy. I haven't even seen Taizhou's figure now, of course, I can't use it casually."

Ye Tian let out a big laugh. These gods made big moves, just like runaways. In the runaway state, their combat power will rise sharply, but once they leave this state, their combat effectiveness will drop sharply, and there will be a period of vulnerability.

So just like Princess Ann said, unless you are forced to a desperate situation, use a big move to fight the enemy to death, or have enough confidence to defeat the enemy with a big move, you don’t have to worry about the next period of vulnerability, and you will squeeze the blood power. Make a big move.

This is the biggest difference between Shinto and Immortal Tao. One power comes from ancient blood inheritance, and the other comes from self-cultivation. Although the power from self-cultivation will be exhausted, it has a long history and is easier to replenish than the power of blood.

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