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A group of time fragments that can slow down time merged into Ye Tian's body, freezing his physical body in nothingness, and even his mind became dull, his mind was chaotic, and it was almost impossible to think.

However, he did not have time to rejoice that this was a group of time fragments that slowed time, not accelerated the passage of time, and an extremely terrifying scene happened immediately.

A group of black storm, with countless gossamer-like crystal lights, is swiftly and quickly, and it is howling, and even the void is distorted wherever it passes.

Surprisingly, this is a group of void storms, and the crystal light that flashes like a gossamer is exactly the fragments of the law of void, which looks like broken glass ballast.

Ye Tian wanted to evade, but his body was not strong, and that group of time fragments was still working in his body.


He was immediately rushed into flight, his body engulfed in the turbulence of the void, farther and farther from the boundary passage, rushing into the endless and lonely universe, eternal darkness.

"It's over!" Ye Tian cursed secretly in his heart.

Fortunately, his body surface is covered with a layer of fine crystal scales. It is a body guard supernatural power he cultivated in the small world of Olympus. It has the attributes of the void and can resist the turbulence of the void to a certain extent, otherwise If so, his physical body is likely to be torn apart.

Boom boom boom!

Ahead, suddenly another blazing blazing storm like a big sun struck. It was also a void storm, but it also had the attributes of fire, so it would burn with sky fire.

At this time, Ye Tian's body was already partially active, and that group of time fragments that could slow down time was gradually consumed by his body.

However, that group of blazing void storms was too big, and Ye Tian's body's reaction speed was far from astute enough, and he couldn't avoid it at all.

"Made, I can only resist!"

Ye Tian took a deep breath and took out a bunch of magic weapons from the universe ring. There were talisman seals, shields,..., they were all captured from the enemy in the previous battle.

Bang bang bang!

A dozen pieces of protective magic weapons were used by him and turned into dozens of protective light curtains or protective shields, blocking his body.

In the end, he even took out the Heaven-shaking Seal and hung it above his head, dangling Chaos Qi to protect himself.

When he made these preparations, the blazing blazing storm just like the big sun just came, swallowing all the magic weapons that he brought with him.

The dozens of protective light curtains and shields that were enough to resist the full blow of the Golden Core, they only took one breath, and were wiped out in the blazing storm. The shields were all shattered and turned into dust.

Then the Heaven-shaking Seal was also washed away, and the Chaos Qi was washed away completely.

Entrapped by the Void Flame Storm and flew out at least tens of thousands of feet away, Ye Tian was able to get away and rush out of the Flame Storm.

At this time, the layer of fine scales covering his body had shattered into countless pieces, his clothes turned into dust, and the golden body turned into coke, which at first glance looked like a small African black man.

It is also fortunate that he has this layer of fine body protection scales, otherwise he would not be as simple as becoming a small African black, the golden Communion would be pierced and riddled with holes and even broken into countless pieces.

This body's protective scales with void attributes were tougher than he thought, and its protective power reached the level of a golden core.

"where am I?"

When he saw the void around him, Ye Tian looked dazed.

He was banished, unable to find the realm channel, surrounded by eternal darkness, from time to time there were void storms, and even time fragments appeared.

Ye Tian desperately urged his mana to heal his injuries, while avoiding the turbulence of the void and the fragments of time that might rush past him at any time.

His scorched body gradually became crystal clear, and he constantly shuttled in the turbulent flow of the void, breaking through a piece of nothingness, trying to find a way back.

However, there is no end at all, only eternal silence, darkness and coldness.

Suddenly, he thought of a thousand feet centipede, this little thing might help him.

He communicated with Godly thoughts and communicated with the centipede of the thousand feet.

As long as the Celestial Centipede is willing to take him out of danger, let it make a living.

"Despicable human kid, you killed my mother, and you want me to take you out of danger. It's just a dream. I want to see you fall in the dark and eat your flesh and blood." Tian cursed, his anger was extreme.

"Yes, I killed the Celestial Centipede, but I had no choice. She wanted to kill me first, and I was forced to do it." Ye Tian said, not begging, but telling the truth.

"I don't care about this. In short, you killed my mother. You are my worst enemy."

"Small things, stubbornness is good, but you have to recognize the situation. I want to kill you and turn your palms." Ye Tian said coldly, and then turned around and said: "No matter, without your help, I can still break through. Open this time and space and return to the real world."

"Hmph, you are not ashamed, if you can break through this dark time and space, let me be your slave. If you can't break through, let me go as soon as possible, and kneel in front of me begging for mercy." Qianzu Tianwu said.

"Hehe, a prisoner, dare to negotiate terms with me?"

Ye Tian didn't bother to communicate with Qianzu Tianhu again.

To be honest, he didn't worry about letting this little thing out. Once he escaped, it would be difficult to catch it again.

After all, his Thunder Gate's supernatural powers cannot be summoned at any time.

Next, Ye Tian was no longer anxious to return, but instead sat cross-legged, bathed in the chaos, reciting scriptures silently, and comprehending the Great Way of Time.

Time, space, together is time and space, complement each other, without one, the existence of the other is meaningless.

For a long time, Ye Tian went to the Avenue of the Void, and at the same time was dabbling in the Avenue of Time.

It's just that the Avenue of Time is more profound and more difficult to control.


One after another ancient characters flew out of the void, imprinted in his heart, and let the bright lights in his heart light up.

Soon he fell into a mysterious state of the unity of Tao and me.


Let the turbulent flow of emptiness rush madly, encumber him to move forward, and severely inflict his physical body, he also remained motionless, and his spirit could not extricate himself in a mysterious realm.

From time to time, the wind of time would blow by, or speed up or slow down the passage of time, and he also did not pay attention to it. When enough time fragments converge, it can even truly change its appearance.

"Boy, if you want to understand time and space, it's impossible."

"If you can't escape, you will definitely be buried here and become my belly Chinese food."


Thousand-foot Celestial Centipede ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ also observes Ye Tian from time to time, making sarcasm and threats from time to time.

At this time, Ye Tian's body was full of sores, bloodstained, and scarred, and the fragments of the law of the void almost pierced him into a hedgehog.

His appearance really became older, wrinkles appeared on his face, his hair turned gray, and even his vitality became weak, like a dying old man.

"You have too much nonsense!"

Time did not know how long it had passed. Suddenly, Ye Tian opened his eyes. There was time disillusionment in his pupils, and there was space to open up. Holding the Ziying Longsword in his hand, he lightly slashed at the dark void.

Suddenly, the endless darkness, in front of this sword, cracked for it, and a huge crack suddenly appeared, with light shining in.

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