Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1858: Girl Satsuki

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"You just woke up and your body is still very weak. It's best not to move. It will be very troublesome if you have an old injury."

Seeing that Ye Tian wanted to stand up, the girl Xiaoyue ran over quickly, very nervous, and wanted to help him.

Although the girl is only eleven or twelve years old, she is already very sensible and very good at taking care of others.

Poor people’s children headed home early, perhaps because of this.

Although this family is not a clique, but in Ye Tian's eyes, it is far from being rich. This can be seen from the clothes of the little girl and the things in the room. There are few valuables.

"No, I can do it myself." Ye Tian smiled faintly, very confident, but it was not without the intention of being strong.

Thinking of him as a young demon king, killing innate is like slaughtering a dog. Even Jin Dan doesn't know how many he has killed, and he needs a little girl to help him. Rumor has it that he won't make people laugh out of his teeth when he goes out.

But as soon as his tiger's body used force, a needle-like tingling sensation suddenly spread throughout his body, deep into his bone marrow.

"Damn it!" He cursed inwardly.

The power of the void and time still controlled his body like a curse.

This is a kind of stubborn illness that is close to Dao injury. It is not easy to heal completely, and it can even be said to be very difficult. It is more than the Dao injury that he has suffered in the sea.

He has saved his life now, but his injuries are still there. It takes time, effort, and recuperation, and he can't be anxious at all.

"I just said, don't move around." Xiaoyue supported Ye Tian and scolded.

Ye Tian gave a bitter smile in embarrassment, like a kid who did something wrong.

This is the first time he has been taken care of in this way since he was reborn, and he is very uncomfortable.

If the girl knew that she was taking care of a demon king, an invincible myth, she would not know what she would think.

"My grandfather said, your injury is very serious, and you have lost most of your life. He can't guarantee whether he will wake up. If he knew that you woke up so soon, he would be very happy."

"Oh, by the way, my grandfather is a pharmacist, but it's amazing. Everyone in this big mountain sees him for medical treatment. He went up the mountain to collect medicine. He has been there for two days and should be back soon."

Xiaoyue said to Ye Tian, ​​put him back on the bed and let him lie down.

Ye Tian was very uncomfortable, but seeing the sincere and worried eyes of the little girl, he did.

"Uncle, don't know what your name is? Why did you suffer such a serious injury? And why did you fall in the peach forest of my house?" the little girl asked Ye Tian, ​​Shuiling's big eyes flickered, like It's like two black gems.

Maybe it's because of the embarrassment for Ye Tian. The girl held her hands cautiously, and then said: "If it's not convenient to say, just don't say it. I'll just ask."

"It's no inconvenience. My name is Ye Tian, ​​a cultivator, you can call me Brother Ye. Of course, you can also call me Uncle Ye, but it's best to remove the big ‘character’." Ye Tian said.


As soon as he said something, Xiaoyue couldn't help laughing.

"You are so old, and you asked me to call your brother, not ashamed. Many people are now grandpas like you are." Xiaoyue said with a smile, not to ridicule, but to state a fact.

"Am I so old?" Ye Tian was speechless.

Xiaoyue ran out with a chuckle, and quickly returned with a mirror.

When Ye Tian saw himself in the mirror, he almost didn't frighten him, with a gray grandma, his face sallow, and wrinkles, thirty years older than his real age.

"Damn the power of time!" Ye Tian was annoyed, but he had nothing to do for a while.

In order to "rejuvenate", not only must the time fragments in the body be removed, but also a certain understanding of the avenue of time.

This is a great ability that many Nascent Souls and Transcendents cannot do.

In short, he wants to return to the top, a long way to go!

"Uncle Ye, are you okay? If you don't like others calling you uncle, it's not impossible to call you Brother Ye." Seeing Ye Tian's unhappy expression, Xiaoyue quickly comforted.

"It's okay, uncle uncle!" Ye Tian squeezed a smile on his face, and said: "I have gone wrong in my practice, and become so intolerable. This is not my real appearance. The real uncle is a handsome guy. ."

"Oh, that's how it is! I hope you get better soon and become like you were a handsome guy."

The girl didn't doubt anything at all, her mind was very simple and pure, she believed whatever Ye Tian said.

"Oh, by the way, I'm crazy about practicing, and I can't remember many things for the time being. Where is this place?"

"This is Taohua Village!"

"I'm not asking about this village, but this little world, is it called the inner hidden door? It's also called the fairy door?"

Did he come to the Inner Gate? This was Ye Tian's most concern. If you go to other worlds, then the fun will be great.

"What hidden door, fairy door, I haven't heard of it. I only know Taohua Village." The girl shook her head, her eyes full of ignorance, as if in the mist.

"Oh, that's right..." Then she said again: "When I was young, my grandfather took me to the city. It was hundreds of miles away. It was built at the foot of a mountain called Lihuotian City. There is another city in the city. The sect of Xiuxian, named Lihuo Sect, is home to many gods who can fly into the sky and breathe fire in their mouths, which is amazing."

"When I was eight years old, Li Huo Jiao recruited new disciples, and my grandfather took me to sign up. The result was that I failed the Linggen test, saying that I was a low-grade Linggen, which was too bad, and returned me. Otherwise, I can become a cultivator just like Uncle Ye."

"There is an eldest sister in our village who is cultivating from Huo Sect. She is a high-grade spiritual root. Last time she came back with a flying sword, she was amazing. The eldest sister treats me very well, saying that if she is waiting for her to become a core disciple, You can bring someone into the Lihuo Sect, or even the lower-ranking spirit roots. But the last time she came back was three years ago, I don't know when she will come back next time, and she can become a core disciple.

Speaking of this, there was a trace of bitterness on the girl's face, and she could see that she was fascinated by Xiuxian.

For a woman from a poor family like her, being able to join the Cultivation Cultivator and become a Cultivator is almost the only opportunity to change her destiny, which is equivalent to the secular world being admitted to college.

Linggen is divided into low-grade, middle-grade, top-grade, and top-grade.

Low-grade spiritual roots are the worst of all spiritual roots, not to mention that the inner hidden gate, even the outer hidden gate, are not to be seen, even if they study hard and practice hard, it is difficult to achieve success.

"The immortal door that Uncle Ye asked, isn't it the immortal cultivating sect Lihuo Sect?" The girl quickly calmed down and asked Ye Tian.

"Of course not, I'm just a casual cultivator, no school, no way." Ye Tian said, then raised a hand and grabbed the girl's bright wrist.

"Uncle, what are you doing?" The girl was startled.

"Don't worry, uncle is a good person. I'll take a look at your spiritual roots."

The girl’s eyebrows are clear and beautiful, UU reads, and her eyebrows are condensed into poems. She looks slim and vague, with aura around her, saying that she is a low-grade spiritual root, but Ye Tian doesn’t believe it.

People who are truly inferior to spiritual roots cannot have this kind of performance.

Ye Tian couldn't open the flame golden pupil because his body was still weak, otherwise he would know at a glance.

After the young girl knew Ye Tian's intentions, she let him hold her bright wrist and enter a breath of true energy.

Soon, Ye Tian frowned.

Seeing this, the girl was very disappointed, with a wry smile, her heart said that she is a low-grade spiritual root after all and she has no talent for cultivation.

"Xiaoyue, soon, it's not good, your grandpa is going to be beaten to death."

At this moment, suddenly a rapid voice came from outside the door.

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