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Ye Tian pressed harder step by step, his rickety back gradually straightened, his head full of gray and white hair dancing wildly, domineering, and the young bandit kept backing away.

"It seems that your Excellency insists on being an enemy of my Heifengzhai. That is to say, don't live this today, and I will come to learn in the future. I hope you will be as brave as you are today, and don't be a turtle."

The hero didn't suffer the immediate loss. The young thief knew that he was not Ye Tian's opponent. His eyes swept across the villagers in Taohua Village like a knife, revealing a murderous look.

This made a group of villagers feel that something big is going to be bad, and the end is coming.

At the same time, a group of thieves spread out like birds and beasts, and they didn't dare to attack Ye Tian again, but they looked at the villagers with murderous eyes, and even the thieves made a move to wipe their necks.

It's not that they haven't done anything about slaughtering the village. It's like drinking and eating vegetables.

"Broom star, really a broom star."

Many villagers couldn't help but complain about Ye Tianlai.

Offending Heifengzhai is an unsolvable problem that makes them desperate.

"Stop for me? Come as you want, leave as you want. Have you asked me to agree?" Ye Tian suddenly shouted, his voice like thunder, shocking everyone's hearts.

A group of thieves who were about to take the road and flee were even more dazed on the spot, not daring to take another step.

It seems that there is a magical power in Ye Tian's words, which shocks people's hearts. He speaks Tianxian and speaks the law.

"What do you mean?" The young thief's expression changed drastically, and he looked at Ye Tian coldly.

After all, he is the young master of Heifengzhai. He is well-informed and cannot be frightened by Ye Tian's words.

"Kneel down and kowtow to the old man and Xiao Yue'er." Ye Tian said lightly, still asking just now.

"I am the young master of Heifengzhai, and apologize to an old countryman and a yellow-haired girl. Do you think it is possible?" The young thief stared and furious.

Although Heifengzhai is not a famous sect, not even the Pope, but a thief hilltop, he is the only overlord in this huge mountain with a radius of hundreds of miles, like a native emperor.

As the young master of Heifengzhai, the young thief was like a prince, and it was better to kill him if he knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Why don't you just forget it?"

"Yes, the young master of Heifengzhai is a daughter of a daughter. It is too difficult for him to kneel down."

"The enemy should be settled but not settled. Our Taohua Village has already forgiven him."

Some villagers stepped forward to persuade Ye Tian, ​​not wanting to really offend Heifengzhai, and they couldn't afford the consequences.

They thought they were justifying the young bandits, and if they said a few good things, Heifengzhai would let them go.

Some villagers winked at Grandpa Qin and asked him to persuade Ye Tian.

"Either kneel or die!" Ye Tian stepped forward abruptly, shaking the ground.

The young thief who sat down on the horse was shocked with shaking his legs, and then fell to the ground with a plop.

Ye Tian insisted on teaching this group of thieves some lessons, and refused to listen to anyone's persuasion.

It was his greatest kindness to let them kneel down and beg for mercy.

"Huh, nosy old thing, do you really think I can't help you?" The young thief suddenly sneered with a gloomy face.


Ye Tianli ignored it, and slapped him like a blazing sun. The golden light slammed and beat the young bandit away.

"Give me to die!" The young thief also roared, and suddenly took out a five-colored orb from his cuff, about the size of an egg, and slammed it against Ye Tian.

"Uncle, be careful!" Xiao Yueer shouted. Although she didn't know what the five-color orb was, she felt terrible.


Sure enough, accompanied by a loud noise, the five-color orb burst into the sky, turning into a terrifying five-color flame, like five fire dragons. It swallowed all the space in a radius of ten meters in an instant, and the grass and trees were burned to ashes. Even the rocks melted into magma.

However, Ye Tian couldn't escape and was swallowed by the fire on the spot.

This attack was comparable to the Xiantian Dixian's full shot, and it was equivalent to a heavy missile in the secular world.

"The Five Elements Lihuo Orb is Lihuo Cult’s proudest killing weapon. Although it takes a lot of materials to refine, it is very powerful and makes the enemy difficult to defend. The most powerful Five Element Lihuo Orb even makes gold. Dan are all jealous. Although this Orb from the Fire is only an ordinary orb, it is more than enough to kill a god." The young master of Heifengzhai stood proudly in front of the sea of ​​fire and said to himself.

The change in the situation was so sudden, a group of villagers were dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

A group of thieves laughed loudly.

"court death!"

However, less than three seconds after they were happy, a voice came from the sea of ​​fire, and then a golden figure came out from it, like a god, terrifying.

The five elements are separated from the Fire Orb, and its power is not comparable to the Fire Spirit Orb. How can it hurt him?

"Isn't it dead?" The young thief took a breath.

"Die me!"

Ye Tian's face was ugly, and there was anger burning in his eyes.

With a big wave of his hand, the monstrous fire behind him was swept away and turned into a giant palm of flames, like a burning cloud falling from the sky, slammed down at the young thief.


The terrifying coercion came from the giant flame palm, pressing on the young thief like Tarzan, almost pressing him to his knees.

The young thief roared wildly, his robe gradually bulged, and the wind condensed on his body, and a crimson blood rushed out of his Tianling Gai.

"Fire spirit body, open!"


The young thief shouted, and suddenly a terrible energy erupted out of his body, like a volcanic eruption, and also like a dragon roaring, going up into the sky and devouring Ye Tian.

When the Qi broke out, the young thief's figure was also inflated, and in a blink of an eye, a young man turned into a tall, disheveled, muscular giant.

On the body, there are strips of red lines, like flowing magma, shocking, but giving people an extremely powerful sense of strength.

This is a cross-training technique he cultivated, the fire spirit body.


At the falling flame giant palm, the young thief slammed a punch. He has the cultivation base of the peak of the incarnation, coupled with the small fire spirit body, and there are several secret treasures on his body, and it may not be impossible to fight with a god.

However, the result was beyond his expectation. The palm he hit was easily smashed by the giant flame palm, as if he was smashed into a rock with fear and was vulnerable.

Immediately after the infinite power fell from the sky, it easily shattered his body protection Qi, along with all the body protection secret treasures.

Even he threw two Five Elements Lihuo Orbs one after another, but he failed to reverse the situation and was completely crushed.

With a bang, he was crushed to the ground, kneeling on his knees, and his five bodies worshipped!

"how can that be?"

People were surprised, all shocked.

Although the young thief only has the cultivation base of the transformation, the fire spirit body is small, almost comparable to the gods.

Although Ye Tian had the cultivation base of the gods, he had injuries on his body and couldn't even walk well. The young thief had no reason to lose to him, and was defeated in a crushing manner.

"Ah, let me go. I am the young master of Heifengzhai, you dare to kill me?"

The young thief roared like an angry lion, roaring again and again.

He was full of flames, and the veins on the surface of his body were flushed like a red soldering iron, and his blood was so strong that he could melt rocks.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of it.

A giant flame palm is like a large flame mountain, pressing on him, patted the ground on his body and sank, and printed a huge palm print.

The giant palm smashed gently, like a mosquito, the bones of the young thief were smashing, and the roots were breaking, and the powerful flesh became puffy, and he screamed in pain.


A group of villagers were shocked, and at the same time extremely afraid, because Ye Tian had completely offended Heifengzhai this time, and it was difficult to resolve the hatred.

Xiao Yue'er's two black jewel-like eyes were wide, her little hand covering her mouth, her eyes were full of surprise, as if she couldn't believe that the uncle who could not even stand still was so powerful just now.

As for the group of thieves, they all looked like a dead mouse, and their faces were so ugly and ugly.

"Looking for death, let Young Master go!"

"If you dare to kill, my Black Wind Village will never let you go, and you will die without a corpse."

The two thieves were courageous all their lives, and shouted at Ye Tian, ​​vomiting threats.


Ye Tianli ignored them and waved two fireballs casually, burning the two figures to ashes.


The villagers sucked in cold air.

The thieves were also really frightened.

"Your Excellency, maybe you don’t care about my Heifengzhai, but how much do you want to give for the thin noodles of the Huo Sect? To be honest, my Heifengzhai is very close to the Huo Sect. If you kill Shao Being a home is not only against my Black Wind Village, but also against Lihuo Sect.” Another thief came forward. Although it is also threatening, he is good to say, his tone is very calm, and does not cause people Hearing this, I want to puff my mouth.

But when he said this, the villagers were shocked as much as five thunderstorms.

Lihuo Sect, what kind of existence is that?

To the villagers of Taohua Village, they are simply unattainable gods who dare not offend them if they give them a hundred thousand courage.

The fairy was angry, UU reading www. uukanshu.com turned upside down!

Although in this small world, Lihuo Sect is not the strongest, and can only be regarded as medium, but for the villagers in Taohua Village, it is already supreme. Many of them have never been out of the mountains in their entire lives, and they can be happy for several years when they go to Lihuotian City. They have seen the big market.

"Let go of me, or you will die without a place to bury you!" The young master of Heifengzhai yelled, and there was no attitude of admitting mistakes at all.

He thought he was the backer of Heifengzhai, and Ye Tian would be a little jealous.

However, as soon as his voice fell, a puff sounded out, and a big living person was directly crushed into a cloud of blood, and then his body and spirits were all burned by flames and vanished into ashes.

The young master of Heifengzhai was beaten to death by Ye Tian like this!

Everyone in the audience is petrochemical!

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