Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1873: Refining Void Shards

When Xiaoyue'er sat cross-legged to practice, Ye Tian also began a journey of retreat.


Ye Tian opened his mouth and swallowed three big centipede pills into his mouth.


Suddenly, a powerful force erupted in his body, surging like a volcanic eruption, causing his breath to rise endlessly.


Ye Tian suddenly let out a scream, his body was in abnormal pain, as if he was being stabbed by thousands of swords and bitten by hundreds of millions of ants, and he was heartbroken.

You must know that the Thousand-footed Celestial Centipede is a divine beast of the void, and every inch of flesh and blood contains the law of the void, the fragments of the void, swallowing it in one bite is like swallowing a hedgehog, which can pierce the belly.

The main ingredient of the Celestial Centipede is a thousand-legged centipede. The law of void fragments in the physical body is simply not too much. It is transformed into a medicine and still has an extremely powerful force of destruction, unless it can be refined and forged.


First, there was a bursting bean-like sound from his body, and then the surging medicinal power accompanied by the wisps of void law began to spill out, gathering outside of his body, faintly turning into a void storm.

No matter he was a golden body, he couldn't bear the fragmentation of the void fragments, blood stains on his body surface, and golden blood splashed.

Not far away, Xiao Yue'er, who was sitting cross-legged and cultivating, was startled by the movement, opened his eyes and saw this extremely terrifying scene.

"Master,..." Xiao Yueer yelled.

"It's okay, don't worry about me, just practice yourself. Be calm and don't be disturbed by the outside world." Ye Tian said to her.

Although Xiaoyue'er was very worried, she still closed her eyes because of her trust in her teacher.

"Void Avenue, is it really the fate of my hit?" Ye Tian smiled bitterly, feeling the difficulty of practicing Void Avenue.

Of course, the main reason is that his current realm is too low. If he reaches the Nascent Soul or Transcendent God realm, then he will cultivate the Void Dao, it will definitely be much easier.

"All calamities are fixed numbers, there is nothing to be afraid of. The fragments of the law of void in the Celestial Medicine are far less violent than those in the realm passages. They are simply tailor-made for me to strengthen my physique. I want all of them. Refining, tempering my physical body, and consolidating my Dao foundation, also strengthened the understanding of the Void Dao."

Ye Tian completely opened the meridians of his body, allowing these void law fragments to enter it, circulate all over his body, and merge with every inch of his flesh and blood.

Others feared like the empty fragments of a snake and scorpion, but he was reluctant to do so.

If there are only a few void fragments in the body, it is like a heavy speech. The pain is unbearable and must be removed quickly. If the whole body is covered with void fragments, it is like becoming a hedgehog. It is no longer pain, but A reborn change.

Similarly, the surging medicinal power of the Celestial Centipede is also moisturizing every inch of his flesh and blood.


Ye Tianqiang endured the pain in his body and squeezed the technique abruptly.

In the dantian, a series of hazy runes quickly condensed.

This rune is purely composed of flames, permeated with chaotic energy, and bursts with golden light. There are countless stripes on it. Each stripe is a **** pattern. It is a text created by the ancient **** of flame, and it is born with the imperial fire. Energy.


As soon as this flame rune came out, Ye Tian's golden body was like a hot red soldering iron. It was red and hot, and every pore was spraying thin flames.

First, the void storm that permeated his body surface, as if being tamed, gradually dormant, and the contained void law fragments condensed on his body surface.

On the surface of his body, the crystal scale that can be used as a defense is constantly absorbing the fragments of the law, becoming more solid and concrete, as if it is about to transform into a crystal armor, and the power of protection is definitely also in the end. Climbing.

At the same time, with the help of this flame rune, the fragments of the law of void in his physical body are constantly being tempered and integrated into his body.

The essence of the fragments of the law of the void is also a great rune, like a tangible light, gorgeous and dazzling, but it is a component of the law of heaven and earth.

Under the tempering and forging of the flame runes, the floating law runes continue to converge and interweave in Ye Tian's body. The small individuals connect and grow in the shape of a long chain, which is just to be transformed into a chain of order.


The chain of the gods of order resonates, and it is the laws of the void that resonate, with strong vitality, but also with incomparable power of destruction.

One day, two days, three days,...

When a full half month passed, Ye Tiancai was able to dissolve the fragments of the law of void in his body.

A majestic and majestic crystal battle armor appeared on his body. It was the original crystal scale. Because it absorbed more fragments of the law of the void, it looked more like a battle suit, and its protective power was greatly increased. Ascension, it is difficult for ordinary golden cores to tear it apart.

Under the shining of the sun, the crystal armor was shining brightly, and a multicolored halo rose up, looking crystal clear and beautiful, just like the most exquisite work of art.

Not only does this suit appear on Ye Tian’s body, it can even be taken off and transformed into other shapes, such as a crystal shield, a crystal wall,...

This is a welcome change.

The fragments of the law of the void in his body form a chain of gods of order, which can rush out of the body and merge into the void, clattering, densely packed, like a piece of brilliant lines, this is the tangible body of Tao, which contains Endless vitality, but it can also kill the enemy invisible, extremely terrifying.

You know, at least Yuan Ying is the one who can use the power of the law in battle.

The power of law is another level of power, which can deal a general blow to the power underneath, and cannot cope with it at all. It is like a starship civilization coming to the earth, high-dimensional and low-dimensional can be killed with a wave of hands.

At the same time, Ye Tian's physical body was also changing.

Click, click,..., the joints of his whole body crackled.

Every inch of bone is growing and radiating new vitality.

His skin, wrinkles disappeared, began to become round, shiny, firm, and tough.

A strong breath radiated from his body, it was the awakening of vitality, and the vitality was becoming vigorous.

His body is no longer rickety, and his grandma's gray is also turning jet black, his eyebrows are like swords, and his facial features are like an inverted axe, full of three-dimensionality.

"Teacher, you wake up, you really become younger!"

Suddenly, Xiao Yueer's surprise cry came, and two **** jewel-like eyes looked over without blinking.

In the past half month, Ye Tian has not taken in any drops of water and the grains of rice have not been touched, but Xiao Yue'er has not been able to do it. He has to eat every two days and three days to replenish the body's moisture. Every time she woke up, she could see Ye Tian's changes. Initially, she was shocking, covered in blood, and gradually her body began to transform, becoming younger and younger.

At this moment, Ye Tian seemed to be in another time and space, wearing a crystal scale battle suit, and the chains of the law of void trembling outside his body, emitting infinite light, as if to shatter the mountains and rivers.

Boom boom boom!

The avenue roared, all kinds of lights fluttered, and it was gorgeous, like fireworks in full bloom, dazzlingly beautiful, but also contains peerless murderous intent. Every chain is a big killer, which can cut the soul and hurt the body.

However, even though Ye Tian has become younger, he is only relatively speaking, he has changed from his previous state of being an old man to a middle-aged man, rather than a boy.

His cultivation level also climbed from nerve to innate, although only in the early stage of innate.

As for the three Yuan Dan, they are still in a sealed state, and I am afraid that they will have to wait until the cultivation base is restored to the innate peak before the seal can be opened.

Ye Tian was not surprised, because he had only refined the fragments of the law of the void in the past half month, and the more terrifying fragments of time remained in his body, passing his life. As a result, his cultivation base failed to return to its peak.

Compared with the fragments of the law of void, the law of time is more difficult to control, and even more difficult to remove.

The three pills were all refined, but the time fragments remained unchanged, leaving Ye Tian feeling helpless.

"Little girl, how is your practice?" Ye Tianhuo got up and asked Xiao Yue'er.

"Xiaoyue'er is stupid, only a small amount of internal strength has been cultivated." Xiaoyue'er pouted.

However, when she slapped her palm, an invisible force blasted out, hitting a rock wall five meters away, and even imprinted the hard rock wall with a clear palm handprint up to an inch deep.


Ye Tian was stunned for a while.

Five meters apart, palm prints several centimeters deep were blasted on the stone wall. If there is no strong zhenqi in the body to support it, it would be impossible to do it. To become a martial arts expert in the secular world, ordinary internal energy masters can't do it, at least it must be a master of transformation.

However, it will take at least a few years or even decades of hard work for the masters of the secular world to reach this level.

And Xiao Yue'er only practiced for half a month.

At this rate, it is not difficult for her to cultivate to the **** realm within a year.

However, sometimes it’s not a good thing to practice too fast, because there is less time for understanding and less time for sharpening.

So next, Ye Tian didn't let Xiaoyue'er practice the inner Qi and Mind method blindly, but also let her practice special exercises and martial arts, which can achieve the effect of easy muscles and bones.

"Divine Phoenix Jue" is a comprehensive exercise method, UU reading has a chapter dedicated to easy muscles and bones, which can be used to build foundations.

Divine Phoenix Fist, Great Nirvana Palm, Phoenix Lining for nine days,...

Ye Tian asked Xiao Yue'er to practice from the "Divine Phoenix Fist". This fist was almost endless. The higher the cultivation level, the higher the power level of the fist.

After teaching Xiao Yue'er for a period of time, Ye Tian would retreat again to dissolve the time fragments in his body.

He has already thought of a way. Although he can't guarantee success, he can give it a try.

Ye Tian closed his eyes and sat cross-legged.


As he breathed in and out, the surging spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth was sucked into his body, like a whale swallowing a cow's drink, and a hurricane roared when he opened his mouth and breathed out.

His body bloomed with a dazzling light, and an invisible aura filled the entire valley.

A chaotic energy surged out of his body, forming a chaotic furnace, and he was going to try to use the chaotic furnace to smelt the law of time. _

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